Joining a gym...

Last Halloween, I made the decision to lose weight -- for real this time, not just talking about it like I have so many times before.

When I started, I weighed 243lbs. One year -- and tons of ups & downs later, I'm at 197 and I think it's time to actually join a gym.

For the past year I have used an exercise bike in my living room. I've had a huge fear of joining a gym, and being judged and made fun of for being the fat girl. Even though I'm still extremely overweight, I think I'm finally comfortable enough to join a gym without fear of judgment from others.


  • ngcgurl03
    ngcgurl03 Posts: 207 Member
    go for it where are you located at and what gym are you thinking about
  • aWashCloth
    aWashCloth Posts: 198 Member
    I've been going to a gym since I weight 230 lbs, the best way to get over the fear is to just go and stay focused on what your doing and your journey. 99% of the people who go to the gym are there for the same reason as you. To get healthy and to lose weight or gain muscle. the 1% that are so pig headed that they feel they need to go to the gym to judge others because they have nothing better to do are really sad individuals.. and just think of how much better of a person you are than them, because you are.. And show them how its done in the gym! Work your tush!
  • sbyrwa
    sbyrwa Posts: 2
    Great job! I go to LA Fitness and really enjoy it. I take many of the classes. They are great because they give you modifications if you can't do it the way they want you to. It is the best part of the gym. Someone else is pushing me to do more and work harder. There are mainly women that take the classes at my gym. Maybe a male or two. But the thing is everyone is at a different level, age, weight. That is my suggestion join a gym with classes. When I don't do the classes I try and do a routine but it is not as good as when I'm being pushed by others. Good luck! Also, many places have guest passes. Try them all out in your town then decide!
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    absolutely join that gym. you'll find it an incredibly supportive and motivating place to be. i joined my gym at 300 lbs. i was by far the fattest person there (I'm 230 now and still probably the biggest regular) it's a gym of bodybuilders for the most part. nobody ever made fun of me, nobody ever looked at me funny. All i got was encouragement and high fives from the trainers and the incredibly well built people that work out there. When they talk to me now they tell me they admire my committment and my drive.

    Going to the gym is an awesome part of my day. it starts my day and it ends my day on such a positive note. You can only do so much at home, and while it was a great place to start, i think you are definitely ready for that next step. see if they have a free session with a trainer, and if not, really consider booking a few sessions so he can get you started and set you up on a plan. make sure you incorporate strength training. the more muscles you have, the better your metabolism works, the more calories burn. Congrats on your weight loss!! You did awesome on your own. Time to kick it up a notch and kick some *kitten*!!
  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    I've been going to a gym since I was 405lbs.. but then I'm guessing I don't have the same fear of being judged. At that point, I got comments on the street.. it was actually better in the gym, because at least there it was obvious I was doing something about it!
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    I think the fact that you are on an exercise routine means that it may be worthwhile for you to commit to a membership. Gyms aren't for lean, ripped athletes only. There will be plenty in the same situation as you, and you will be surprised how fast the self-consciousness goes
    Good luck!
  • MrsC3761
    MrsC3761 Posts: 3 Member
    I would hope adults wouldnt look at anyone as "that fat girl", I would like to think they would see someone that is trying to better themselves & get healthy. Im overweight, Im a member of my local YMCA & when I see other overweight people I feel proud for them for making the effort. It is hard to stay motivated & even harder to go out in public but if you can find it within yourself to go out there & do it, GO FOR IT GIRL! You will find its better for your confidence & making gym friends is great for support & motivation. GOOD LUCK!
  • ngcgurl03
    ngcgurl03 Posts: 207 Member
    we are around the same age and weight i just joined a gym and i love it. they dont make fun of you there. u are there to better yourself. Dont care what others think about you. You want to do this for you.
  • biancamirella
    biancamirella Posts: 22 Member
    I had the same fears when I started working out at a gym, I think everyone goes through it at one point :) Then someone told me something that I still repeat to myself this day. He said, " Everyone at the gym is there to do the same thing - to improve themselves. Anyone saying anything negative about other people, is not worth the attention." You're not going to get where you want to get without pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. I'm inspired when I see people of all different fitness levels training together. It may be a little unnerving the first day, but each time you go, you will feel more and more comfortable. Plus, regulars will see your progress and compliment your success along the way. There are going to be bullies anywhere you go, the gym is no exception, but the majority of people there are supportive of anyone working hard to improve themselves.
  • KLLever
    KLLever Posts: 39
    Go for it! It'll offer so many fun ways to add variety to your routine. I can understand feeling awkward or judged, but at some point you just have to move past that fear. You can do it! The first time I ever took a Zumba class at 24 Hour Fitness, I swear to you, when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I looked like Ben Stiller in Along Came Polly. You know? That scene where he busts out his newly learned Salsa moves for her. It wasn't pretty. However, it was FUN and made me feel GREAT. So, my advice is to join a gym and embrace how it makes you feel, not how you look to others.
  • dannylives
    I was hesitant about joining a gym too. I didn't wanna be looked at while I worked out. I felt like I probably made dumb looking faces during a workout. Then I got there and I saw that other people were doing what I was doing at home, except they were doing it in public. I didn't feel so hesitant anymore. Before i walk into the gym I say to myself, "I'm here to lose weight. I'm not here to socialize. I'm here to get a good workout. If other people are here to socialize or be seen or appear like they got it going on, then they can go right ahead and do that. Maybe they do have it going on but you know what, I'm here to lose weight and get a good workout. *kitten* them and their lives it's time to burn some calories." I hadn't been to the gym in about 2 or 3 months, working out at home. A friend was in town and wanted to go, at first I thought, "No, I don't wanna go, those people will see me. I'm not gonna go." But then I thought, "What the *kitten* am I saying? I'm not gonna go just because of THOSE people? They don't even care about me and probably wont even notice me anyway, I'm not gonna stay home because of what I think they might think about me. *kitten* them!" And then I went and had a GREAT workout and went again yesterday. To be honest, most of the people in my gym don't even care that I'm there, I'm just another guy working out in the gym. Just find a gym that you feel okay in. The one I go to doesn't offer contracts, its only 10 bucks a month. There's an initiation fee that I will have to pay again if I stop paying and showing up for a few months. The initiation fee was 60 bucks.
  • dannylives
    I had the same fears when I started working out at a gym, I think everyone goes through it at one point :) Then someone told me something that I still repeat to myself this day. He said, " Everyone at the gym is there to do the same thing - to improve themselves. Anyone saying anything negative about other people, is not worth the attention." You're not going to get where you want to get without pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. I'm inspired when I see people of all different fitness levels training together. It may be a little unnerving the first day, but each time you go, you will feel more and more comfortable. Plus, regulars will see your progress and compliment your success along the way. There are going to be bullies anywhere you go, the gym is no exception, but the majority of people there are supportive of anyone working hard to improve themselves.

    This is good advice.
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    Great job!! I understand how you feel. Some gyms can be more judgemental. I started working out when I was over 300 lbs. I attended kickboxing classes that were not at a gym and everyone was super supportive of me.

    I have been to gyms where some people actually put on make up before working out.

    If possible visit several gyms and ask if you can get a couple of passes to try them out before you commit to one. I currently go to a fitness and therapy center where they do a lot of physical therapy. There are so many people of all shapes and sizes that I don't ever have to feel self-concious. It's wonderful!!
  • dannylives
    I went to high school with this guy. There are for parts to this video he made. Im sending you part 3 and 4 because they're the one's that get him talking about actually signing contracts and such. If you want to skip the mumbo jumbo of part 3, then forward the video to about the 2 minutes mark (2:00)
  • dannylives
    This is part 4. Continued from part 3. Click on the little blue link under the video where it says, "Uploaded by MrBodyDesigner", that is his YouTube page. If you scroll down the side of his youtube page through all his videos, you can find and click on Parts 1 and 2.
  • jill___
    jill___ Posts: 188 Member
    go for it where are you located at and what gym are you thinking about

    I live in Connecticut... the only gyms in my town are 2 YMCA's and one local company -- I'm looking into the local one. The YMCA is a lot pricier because they offer indoor pools, ice skating, and a million other things that I won't utilize.
  • jill___
    jill___ Posts: 188 Member
    Thanks for the support and encouragement everyone!!

    At 26 years old, I really shouldn't have these self conscious fears anymore! At this time last year, I was embarrassed about even being out in public -- grocery stores, restaurants, anywhere. Now, I'm actually feeling pretty confident about myself and my appearance. I've gone from a size 20 to a size 12 in the past year, so I'm feeling pretty good.

    This is the next step that I need to take to lose the rest of the weight I want to lose!
  • IamBrande
    IamBrande Posts: 237
    I actually LOVE going to the gym!! The atmosphere, the Music, the energy in a gym is magnetizing. EVERYONE is there pretty much the same purpose... "most" everyone started with the same goal, to get fit. Everyone is there to push themselves.

    Most of the time...doing it at home, you are alone. Exercise/Life Style changes seem to much more enjoyable when you do it with others!! (MFP) , but you go to the gym, you work out with music, and other people.... and you just get into the groove and you begin to be addicted.

    My gym is now 1hr away since I moved.but I am transferring the membership in 2 weeks, and I am over the moon with excitement!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    I joined LA Fitness as well. I love going to the gym. I ONLY look at the people that are trying to show off, and I say to myself, such dopes. I go to feel better and I love that I burn calories instead of just sitting at home. I hope you find the gym that you enjoy. I'd see if I could get a session or so with a trainer. I see one 6 times a month. I really enjoy it. I wish you all the luck.....
  • WJZR
    WJZR Posts: 98 Member
    There is a low cost "no judgement" gym, only 10$ per month gym near just about everyone. Not plush, no classes, just pop in, work out, and leave. There are signs that say : everyone has to leave any "attitude" or "judgement" at the door. Just adults working out. nice place. Open 9 - 9 most days. I go and have seen lots of heavier ladies and gentlemen there, I am one. we are all fighting the same fight, trying to get into a healthy body. Go for it, just do it, and dont worry about what others think.