Halloween to Christmas *Fitness Group!*

Hello:) I've been here for very long but just now decided to post. I have a long story, but I'll try to keep it short.

I struggled with eating disorders since I was 13 and within the past 2 months I've been very healthy. So, instead of being attached to the scale, I'd like to do a before/after pic challenge:) I'm personally not intrested in losing weight but I know most are, I'd just like to have this group focus on fitness.

If anyone is intrested please friend/message/contact me. I want this to be the prime of my life, who's with me?:)


  • debbielj3
    Hi, I'll do this challenge with you :)
    I started this biggest loser contest at work and I feel obligated to shed some pounds by Dec. 16!! I would love to help you achieve your goals. I am interested in both the picture and weight loss. I need to lose about 20 lbs. and I hope we can help each other! I tried adding you but it wouldn't let me :(
  • healthorhighwater
    healthorhighwater Posts: 39 Member
    I added you:)
  • ryuthestorm
    ill join , gonna try to lose 10 pounds , its been hard cause im already lean but yeah , will i be in the top condition in my life!?
  • jennyph2006
    jennyph2006 Posts: 356 Member
    i will love do this challenge. send you a frien request
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    Ooh! I'd like to get involved in this!!!

    I struggled with an eating disorder (EDNOS) for 10+ years, so I get where you're coming from. It's hard not to be connected to your scale, but I've lived without one now for 6 months and it's made my life a lot better. Now I don't judge myself based on the scale, but how my clothes fit, how certain body parts look, etc.

    I also have a goal - looking good for my aunt's wedding in California at Christmas (so by Dec. 19th).
  • healthorhighwater
    healthorhighwater Posts: 39 Member
    everyone add me, also, should we just do a normal message post? continuously? also, everyone should post atleast once or twice a week
  • healthorhighwater
    healthorhighwater Posts: 39 Member
    and yea I'm going to SouthCalifornia on Christmas and I'd love to look more fit:)
  • jeni_Giedd
    I would like to join this group for now, but then I really want to see another group start that goes from Christmas to Easter! My doctors wonder if I have a throid issue. So I'm on this program and go back to see the doctor on Dec. 28. So far I haven't reweighed myself. I am waiting until a tri-midway point to Dec. 28. I started three weeks ago. I'd like to weigh in on November 2, then December 2. I hope this works!
  • debbielj3
    Woot! Woot! This is gaining popularity! Let's do this people!
  • healthorhighwater
    healthorhighwater Posts: 39 Member
    Haha, yeah I'm psyched! So everyone should take a 'before' picture tomorrow if they interested in seeing their improvements by Christmas:)
  • debbielj3
    That sounds like a good idea. :wink:
  • healthorhighwater
    healthorhighwater Posts: 39 Member
    Tomorrow (Halloween) I'll make a new message board for this group specifically! You have to post on it to be in te group:) So excited to hear from everyone tomorrow! Everyone post a short 'about me' on the new board tomorrow. See y'all then:)
  • healthorhighwater
    healthorhighwater Posts: 39 Member
    any last minute additions?
  • MaggieWatson
    yes! here !! :) i'd like to join too. I guess i'm too focused on my weight and calories. i wanna try to concentrate on my fitness goals!
  • MaggieWatson
    whats the name of the new message board?
  • MaggieWatson
    Hi everyone! :smile:
    i'll take my before-picture tomorrow.
    Where am i supposed to post it ?
  • jennyph2006
    jennyph2006 Posts: 356 Member
    what is the name of the other link?