
Quick Question!

I've been recommended to go on Metformin after finding out I'm insulin resistant, but I told my dietitian I would like to give it three months and started a low carb diet. My weight has started to plateau after losing 9 kilos (20 pounds) and I would live to give it a go.

I've been reading some things on the internet and just wanted to know:
* Do you have to test your blood sugar regularily? My doctor says yes my dietitian says no never
* Can you drink alcohol at all? (I'm not talking binging but a few drinks here and there would be nice)

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Yeah - I try and stay away from the sugars and take met, but I can drink occasionally and don't test my blood sugar except when I go and have regular bloodwork done. IR doesn't show up on daily blood tests like diabetes does - my B/S levels are always perfect, but I have a slightly elevated fasting blood sugar level.....
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    I'd say it's always good to check your blood sugar at least once a day to make sure you're not running way higher (or lower...but this usually isn't a problem with metformin) than it should be. Twice a day is likely ideal. That way you could get in contact with your doc and he/she will be able to intervene well before you'd need to get yourself to an emergency department! With even more frequent testing you could also get a good understanding of how certain foods affect your blood sugar and you could then alter your diet accordingly.

    In terms of drinking, small amounts of alcohol are OK, just make sure to keep yourself well hydrated with water. The risk of too much alcohol increases your risk of lactic acidosis, and metformin also increases your risk of lactic acidosis, and so combining the two obviously increases your risk of lactic acidosis!

    Hope that helps
  • aclark6818
    aclark6818 Posts: 209 Member
    You should probably take your blood sugar at least once a day--this will tell you if what you're doing is working & make sure you don't bottom out (go too low). You can drink alcohol in moderation--check your blood sugar levels & see how your body metabolizes it. I know a little more about diabetes treatments than the insulin resistant. Good Luck & definitely watch your carbs/sugars--you don't want to go from insulin resistant to full blown diabetes.
  • queenbcronen
    queenbcronen Posts: 158 Member
    I was taking but no longer need it. you can drink occasionally and you don't have to test your glucose everyday unless you are worried about high levels. Metformin can also aide in weightloss.
  • JaredBergeron
    JaredBergeron Posts: 379 Member
    metformin can give you gas and make your stomach feel less than peachy. I was on 2000MG a day before I lost the weight. I am also pretty good at drinkin beer and didnt give that up. The biggest fear is around going hypo during sleep on heavy drinking nights... If you dont drink to that level you should be ok... may want to have a slow carb before bed... something like a piece of whole grain bread with almond butter...
  • donne103
    donne103 Posts: 20 Member
    I take it to lower the amount of Insulin that I require. I'm a Type I diabetic and was taking 80-100 units of Insulin per day and now on Met I take about 20-30 (this is also with a healthy diet, but not low carb). The testing question doesn't really apply to me as I test 6-8 times per day most days anyway. However, I do drink on occasion and never worry about it. The main issue isn't a drug interaction but the fact that alcohol lowers your blood sugar so you can have a dangerous low and people would simply think you were drunk. I highly recommend testing often while drinking just to make sure you are staying on track and making sure to combine the drinking with some sort of food.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Your pharmacist is a great resource for all of these questions, and the great news is, they don't even charge for consults!
  • SusanneWhittington
    SusanneWhittington Posts: 339 Member
    I am on Metformin a few years now. With IR you don't have to test your blood sugar at all, the doctor who prescribed you Metformin will look for your IR levels, in the beginning it was every 2 to 3 months for me, now every 4 months. I personally only drink a glass of alcohol at the weekend, when I know I don't have to go anywhere, because you eat or drink something wrong and for me Metformin gives me a nice day on the toilet as punishment. Weight loss was not possible for me before, I could work out, eat right, no weight loss, since I take Metformin and work out and eat right, the lbs are finally dropping. The first year was bad for me, because I just love my carbs and I got 'punished' a lot. I was supposed to take 3 a day, but could not, because I spent like 3 days in the bathroom per week, but with 1 a day I am good and every time I go to the doctor my levels are better.
    hope that helped, but everyone's reaction is different. I can drink milk and I am ok, my coworker drinks milk and she gets cramps from Metformin, diarrhea and gas. It is a learning process how your body reacts to it, that is my guess.
  • bllowry
    bllowry Posts: 239 Member
    I was diagnosed with insulin resistant type 2 diabetes in May and put on metformin and Victoza; I had to test before each meal. I took off 26 pounds in 3 months (with MFP) and my doc took me off the metformin, reduced the Victoza and cut my bp meds in half. I have to test 3-5 times a week so I test every other day. I'm working with a RD to tweak my eating to keep my blood sugars level, but I feel confident when I go back at the end of November I'll be taken off all prescriptions. If you've lost 10% of your overall weight with the weight loss you may not need the drug. I was lucky to have no side effects from the metformin, and I have a few glasses of wine a week, I just work it in to my calories.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I think it depends on if you're diabetic or not. If you are then yes. If not then no. I'm on it for PCOS and never test. Wouldn't know how.
  • MsALMill
    MsALMill Posts: 75 Member
    I have PCOS, insulin resistance and never check my blood sugar. I don't even own a monitor. I have been on metformin 1000 a day for years now and have no complaints with it. My mom is diabetic and on it as well but double the prescription of mine and says it does occasionally bother her stomach.
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
    wow that sounds like a horrible drug. Is there a way you can avoid it?