Quick question about breakfast...

abrantner Posts: 90
edited October 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
Tomorrow I have a first time dr's appointment with a new doctor. Due to extenuating circumstances I have not been to a dr for several years. I am sure the dr (and my husband who works in the same clinic and knows the dr well) will probably want to run a few standard blood tests. Some of them fasting. Because my hubby can draw me tomorrow afternoon, we can get it all done in one appointment. My question is, since my appt is at 1pm and the blood draw not until 2pm ish.. What should I have for breakkfast so I am not and evil cranky b**** unitl I get to eat mid afternoon. I plan on packing an extra lunch for hubby (for me to eat when all is said and done.) My usual breakfast is oatmeal and a banana at about 6am and then a peanut butter sandwich about 9-930 and then lunch about noon. Should I combine my two breakfasts, or get up earlier and have a scrambled egg and cheese omlete? Thanks in advance, Allison


  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Gosh, I'm not a doctor, but if you can't get the draw done first thing in the morning, I'd wait until another day to do it. Waiting to eat until after 1pm would be horrible for me!!! If you know for sure they want a draw, can you get that done first thing before you usually eat?? Can hubby do it the next morning at home??? I hate messing with my schedule.. and I know that fasting means 12 hours before the draw, which is horrible unless it's truly first thing in the morning.

    Good luck!
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    you have to fast for 10 hours at least so the latest you can eat is 4 am. so i would book the blood tests for early the next day so you can eat a normal dinner, and sleep through the fasting.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    i would just fast and just eat a larger lunch/dinner
  • I don't know how it works where you live, but I just went to my doctor for this reason. He gave me a sheet with all the checked-off things he wants tested and I had to make an appointment at a lab for my blood test. I booked it for the morning so that my 12 hour fast was basically overnight.

    Not sure if this helps but I can't see eating anything that morning if he is going to take blood that day.
  • Hubby's the phleb so he can always do it at home the next morning, when we get up or after I drop him off at work... Although he does say 7 hrs is a good minimum fast time.
  • sewedo1
    sewedo1 Posts: 200 Member
    Fasting bloodwork means no food for 12 hours. You may have water or black coffee. Results won't be reliable if you eat.
  • amycarol59
    amycarol59 Posts: 111 Member
    Every time i do it they always say 8 hrs. If you eat before 6am you should be okay. I would eat what I normally eat so that way if something is going to show up it would not be because of the something new I had eaten. Protein is always a good choice. Good Luck at your appt. and blood draw.
  • isherryb
    isherryb Posts: 47 Member
    I always schedule my once a year appt for first thing in the morning, get my lab work done the same time, and by 930-10 a.m. I can eat/drink again.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Whenever I had a fasting blood test, my docs always said to not eat after midnight the night before.
  • You are all awesome.. Thanks for the diff ideas and opinions. :) I ended up having an egg, cheese sandwitch for breakfast.. totally did not get hungry again until well after noon.. all the water I drank could have helped with that too. lol.. And on the fasting issue.. I spoke with the dr and he said I was perfectly okay eating no later than 630am and then having hubby draw me at 230pm ish after the appointment. But I would say... if your dr specifically directs you otherwise.. Def. follow their advice.

  • I got mine done at 6:30 am and it was rough not snacking after dinner around 7pm or 7:30! I couldn't imagine getting it done any other way than when my lab near my apt opens at 6:30am. Any opinions on sugar free throat lozenges?... the lady wasn't happy when I told her I had a few during the 12 hr fasting . But my labs turned out perfect just the same.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    You usually need to fast for 12 hours so unless you plan on walking up at 1:00 am for some oatmeal, I’m afraid it is best if you eat nothing and just drink some water – some doc’s say juice is ok. That's why it's best to make appointments in the am if you have to do blood work.
  • :) My labs were great.. and the dr wasn't at all upset that I ate breakfast that morning, when he suggested the drawing after my appointment. It was about an 8 hr fast.
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