On the topic of the dreaded scales........

Why oh why do I get on the scales? My clothes are looser, my measurements show that I've lost about 24.5" in the last 2 months, 4 days....

I lift weights 5 days a week and include at least 4-5 cardio a week. I keep my calories down to 1600 (not net) a day and I keep my carbs under 70...so why oh why do I get on the scales? One day the scales will say 151, one day they will say 153,:noway: one day they will say 148. So what do I do? Taken an average? :huh:

My weight is 151...my dress size is 6.....

Okay, I get so nuts...I try to calculate poo (just in case I haven't had a bm), the weight of my gym shoes...or anything else that I can think of...:grumble:

Please tell me that someone else has this neurosis? Am I a lone in this?

Any words of advise.....????


  • mncardiojunkie
    mncardiojunkie Posts: 307 Member
    Why oh why do I get on the scales? My clothes are looser, my measurements show that I've lost about 24.5" in the last 2 months, 4 days....

    I lift weights 5 days a week and include at least 4-5 cardio a week. I keep my calories down to 1600 (not net) a day and I keep my carbs under 70...so why oh why do I get on the scales? One day the scales will say 151, one day they will say 153,:noway: one day they will say 148. So what do I do? Taken an average? :huh:

    My weight is 151...my dress size is 6.....

    Okay, I get so nuts...I try to calculate poo (just in case I haven't had a bm), the weight of my gym shoes...or anything else that I can think of...:grumble:

    Please tell me that someone else has this neurosis? Am I a lone in this?

    Any words of advise.....????
  • justdoingit
    justdoingit Posts: 185 Member
    Your weight can fluctuate for different reasons and it can go up and down 3-5lb on any given day depending on many things. What I have done that works for me is that I only weigh myself once per week. On Wednesday mornings, after I have gone to the bathroom and before I eat/drink anything, I weigh myself ahhm...nude....before jumping in the shower. This is what has worked for me. I am also keeping my sodium intake to below 2500 daily, I notice my weight go up after a really salty day. ..

    Hope this helps!:ohwell:
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    i do the same thing! i agree with justdoingit .. weigh yourself without any clothes on, before you eat for the day, on the same day, once a week. that's what i do. if for some reason i can't take my clothes off i usually just subtract 2 lbs for my clothes, definitely take your shoes off though! .. i know it's frustrating getting on the scale because you just want it to be magic and tell you that you've lost a bunch of weight because you are feeling and looking so much better. i would try to base what i think about myself more on my measurements and what i look like in the mirror. i've only lost 4 lbs. but people were telling me how i'm looking good and they can tell i'm losing weight. as long as your looking & feeling good, forget the scale! it's just too disappointing when you're feeling so good about yourself haha!:heart:
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Why oh why do I get on the scales? My clothes are looser, my measurements show that I've lost about 24.5" in the last 2 months, 4 days....

    I lift weights 5 days a week and include at least 4-5 cardio a week. I keep my calories down to 1600 (not net) a day and I keep my carbs under 70...so why oh why do I get on the scales? One day the scales will say 151, one day they will say 153,:noway: one day they will say 148. So what do I do? Taken an average? :huh:

    My weight is 151...my dress size is 6.....

    Okay, I get so nuts...I try to calculate poo (just in case I haven't had a bm), the weight of my gym shoes...or anything else that I can think of...:grumble:

    Please tell me that someone else has this neurosis? Am I a lone in this?

    Any words of advise.....????
    I totally do this! My day is Friday, BUT I wait to eat breakfast or drink water until my bm before I weigh in! Crazy I don't know?
  • plussized
    plussized Posts: 72 Member
    You also have to remember that muscle weighs more than fat. So if you are working out with both cardio and weights like you say, you have definitely gained some muscle.

    As most people have said, ONLY measure yourself in the morning before you eat but after you use the bathroom. Make sure you are as close to naked as possible, and never weigh yourself after you excersize (so if you are a morning workout-er, do it before!).

    Also, remember to drink a lot of water during the day. This helps with appetite, skin and BM's. I would suggest that you weigh yourself every other week (every week is ok too, but if you need to see bigger numbers do every two weeks).
  • mncardiojunkie
    mncardiojunkie Posts: 307 Member
    Oh yeah.....everyone...you're so right.

    I will start paying attention to my sodium...I eat an awful lot of salt. I know this bad habit...Also I am at the gym and I have a big problem getting buck naked in the locker room...yes, it's crazy, that's where people are naked. :embarassed: At this point, I think that I am better forgetting the scales.

    When I was 220...it was a nightmare...on and off the silly things every hour. It made me just as nuts as I am at 151...or so I think it's 151....:grumble:

    And yes...I need to drink more water! more water...more water...float
  • Paeonia
    Paeonia Posts: 161
    I was to the point of weighing myself 2x a day, morning and night...how neurotic is that :laugh:

    But yes, it really is detrimental for your psyche. You've been working hard all day, doing everything right, then what? The scale has gone up .5? Or it's the same...So weighing yourself every day actually is a really discouraging act because you can't see the progress over time. All you're seeing are the day to day fluctuations which aren't encouraging at all.

    I'm breaking the habit and only weighing myself 1x a week. It's actually pretty hard to do once you get addicted to stepping on that scale constantly...but being able to step on the scale one day, seeing the weight, then stepping on it a week later and seeing it go down a large chunk will be so much more indicative of the hard work that I've put it that week.
  • Delaina1
    Delaina1 Posts: 168 Member
    [ and never weigh yourself after you excersize (so if you are a morning workout-er, do it before!).

    Why not after you work out?