is it worth it?

the candy bar that I want to eat right now isn't worth going over my calorie intake. it's not worth what it does to my blood sugar, it's not worth taking a chance on not losing weight, and it's not worth the feeling of defeat that I feel once I give in to the temptation. nope it's just not worth it.
so what is it that u have to weigh the worth of?


  • butterflygrl72
    I weigh the worth of the guilt I will feel over the taste.....I also know that I want to be healthy for my family! I now get some of the lower fat chocolate snacks for those times when I really need to help me through a craving! A little bit won't hurt-everything in proportion!!
  • Marcel7
    Marcel7 Posts: 52 Member
    I agree that a little bit won't hurt. My wife and I go to the French bakery/restaurant once a week as a reward for meeting our fitness goals. And even when we go there, that is our one main meal of the day--we eat salad and yoghurt for our other meals of the day.
  • NashvilleShelley
    I compare the calories to how much exercise I have to do to work it off!! Haven't found any food worth it yet! LOL!!! But if you have the calories left over for it then..... : )
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    7 months into this I find myself not having to ask those questions nearly as often- because those *tough* choices WERE worth it-
    and I'm learning to be content w/ a small mini candy bar- not 1/2 the stinkin' bag ( True Confession)

    The momentary pleasure VS the far greater good...and finding ways to swap out stuff have been worth the sacrifice everytime.

    And- I learned this early on- since I am an emotional eater, I do NOT reward myself w/ food for "being good."
    I am not a pooch. I don't do doggie biscuits.
  • chellie346
    chellie346 Posts: 84 Member
    as long as you can stop yourself but sometimes that's my problem. I indulge too much but I'm learning on this journey. sometimes completely cutting out sweets and breads is not the best thing. if u ever give in it could really set u back
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    the candy bar that I want to eat right now isn't worth going over my calorie intake. it's not worth what it does to my blood sugar, it's not worth taking a chance on not losing weight, and it's not worth the feeling of defeat that I feel once I give in to the temptation. nope it's just not worth it.
    so what is it that u have to weigh the worth of?

    No reason a treat can't work FOR you instead of against you. Just make it a small piece of dark chocolate and savor the flavor. Works for me and even helped break me through a 6-week long plateau. :)
  • sunshine421969
    sunshine421969 Posts: 273 Member
    Here I had 75 calories left and I really wanted something sweet to eat.I searched and found Fat Free cool whip...15 calories per serving.2 TBSP...( I actually ate 2 servings) =30 calories.The sweet tooth was gone..almost to sweet for me..
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    as long as you can stop yourself but sometimes that's my problem. I indulge too much but I'm learning on this journey. sometimes completely cutting out sweets and breads is not the best thing. if u ever give in it could really set u back

    that's what I'm meaning by finding things to swap out. I found low calorie bread, and Peanut Butter and Co. Dk Chocolate Dreams- and Skinny Cow Ice Cream- and Truvia ( can't do Nutrasweet/Splenda)...and ways to make low calorie pizza....

    Freezing chocolate is a good way to help consume it slower...and drinking lots of water BEFORE you go for the sweets-
    and picking lower calories/fat/sugar chocolate-
    If you're going to eat it, do the least am't of damage.
    The more expensive chocolate- like Ghiradelli's- has less fat/sugar per serving than the candy bars at the checkout lanes....
    and WILL satisfy the sweet tooth ( I was skeptical, but I'm a believer now)
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    In my opinion it's all about moderation. Working hard and planning vs being caught off guard by being a willing partaker of deception. Self worth within the perametors of being the child of God is where I stand. :flowerforyou:
  • chellie346
    chellie346 Posts: 84 Member
    that's good! I like the idea!
  • mikewc02
    I definitely get what you are saying. I work in an office where people like to bring in donuts, candy, and all kinds of things on a regular basis. It all looks SO good, and it's often hard to resist. I usually end up asking myself, though, "If I eat this now, will I regret it later?" The answer is usually "yes," and I've gotten much better about turning down these types of things. I'll eat something every once in a while. I decided I don't really think I need to cut these things out altogether... that will just make me want them more. If I do it in moderation, though, and only every once in a while, I've found that it doesn't really set me back. :)
  • chellie346
    chellie346 Posts: 84 Member
    as long as you can stop yourself but sometimes that's my problem. I indulge too much but I'm learning on this journey. sometimes completely cutting out sweets and breads is not the best thing. if u ever give in it could really set u back

    that's what I'm meaning by finding things to swap out. I found low calorie bread, and Peanut Butter and Co. Dk Chocolate Dreams- and Skinny Cow Ice Cream- and Truvia ( can't do Nutrasweet/Splenda)...and ways to make low calorie pizza....

    Freezing chocolate is a good way to help consume it slower...and drinking lots of water BEFORE you go for the sweets-
    and picking lower calories/fat/sugar chocolate-
    If you're going to eat it, do the least am't of damage.
    The more expensive chocolate- like Ghiradelli's- has less fat/sugar per serving than the candy bars at the checkout lanes....
    and WILL satisfy the sweet tooth ( I was skeptical, but I'm a believer now)

    Freezing chocolate, had never thought of that. how do you make your low calorie pizza?
  • chellie346
    chellie346 Posts: 84 Member
    I definitely get what you are saying. I work in an office where people like to bring in donuts, candy, and all kinds of things on a regular basis. It all looks SO good, and it's often hard to resist. I usually end up asking myself, though, "If I eat this now, will I regret it later?" The answer is usually "yes," and I've gotten much better about turning down these types of things. I'll eat something every once in a while. I decided I don't really think I need to cut these things out altogether... that will just make me want them more. If I do it in moderation, though, and only every once in a while, I've found that it doesn't really set me back. :)

    Exactly know what you mean. Sometimes its so hard when everyone else doesn't seem to care and can eat anything. We always have some type of sweets going on, and the homemade are the hardest to turn down. But there is such an amazing feeling when you say no.