Hit a wall

Hil all,

hoping someone can help me....I've been on this weight loss journey for nearly 5 months. I have lost almost 10kg - well done me....want/need to lose another 5kg.

I count carbohydrates generally not calories...I eat 2 serves of carbs of each meal - 3 meals a day... tho I have been looking at how many cals i am eating just recently, & they work out to be around the 1200 a day mark. .

I exercise minimum 40mins a day - 6 days a week. More often than not I don't bother getting my workout gear on unless i burn 200cal on the Polar heart rate monitor. Most days I'll do about 500cals. I do cardio, weights, classes & boot camp.
In this last week i burnt 3500cal in 8 hours of exercise. My minimum cals for burning in a week is 2000.

I have stalled in my weight loss. I don't know what to do.

Three or 4 weeks ago we went on holiday & i ate what i wanted, when i wanted...lets just say Cadbury needed to put on an extra shift with all the choc I ate :) (but i still ran & trainied during that week - burning over 2000cal)
Since this, I have had this trouble. I weighed my lowest in 10 years before this holiday week (73kg) & now I'm stuck at 75kg.

In saying this, my body is/has still changed. My pants are loser, just had to order new work pants, it's just not reflected in the scales wich is disheartening.

Is or has anyone else gone through this???

I hope someone can help.



  • JustEllieK
    JustEllieK Posts: 423 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. While you are losing the weight, you are gaining more muscle and therefore your body notices but your scale can only track what it feels.
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. While you are losing the weight, you are gaining more muscle and therefore your body notices but your scale can only track what it feels.

    no she's not. it's impossible to build that much muscle on a calorie deficit.

    eat more. you're exercising a lot and your body needs more fuel. try upping the calories to 1450.
  • JustEllieK
    JustEllieK Posts: 423 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. While you are losing the weight, you are gaining more muscle and therefore your body notices but your scale can only track what it feels.

    no she's not. it's impossible to build that much muscle on a calorie deficit.

    eat more. you're exercising a lot and your body needs more fuel. try upping the calories to 1450.

    She said:. "My pants are loser, just had to order new work pants." Which means YES she is losing weight.

    She also said: "I exercise minimum 40mins a day - 6 days a week. More often than not I don't bother getting my workout gear on unless i burn 200cal on the Polar heart rate monitor. Most days I'll do about 500cals. I do cardio, weights, classes & boot camp. In this last week i burnt 3500cal in 8 hours of exercise. My minimum cals for burning in a week is 2000." Which also means YES she is gaining muscle because we gain muscle from working out.

    This does not mean she is gaining ALL of her weight back in muscle. It means she is losing weight but also gaining muscle. And like i said, muscle weighs MORE than fat.

    But yes i also agree, sometimes the problem of not seeing results is because people are not eating. You need to eat when losing weight! You should def raise your calorie level up some.
  • cassbam
    Thanks ladies....

    I have built up muscle, but i wouldn't have expected that to blow my weight loss out so far. Yes muscle weighs more than fat, but extra muscle helps burn fat & increase metablolism.

    I'm not keen to eat more cals, i don't think i can, not without increasing my carbs. I can't increase carbs - pre-diabetic.....tho have probably avoided this as already lost 10kg

    I am not hungry between meals. I have a 'cheat day' once a week (on a Sunday).

    Will keep plodding along....