Weekend Slump

During the week, I am a model dieter/exercise addict, always under my calorie goals and exercising 5 days a week. But on the weekends, it's a different story. Saturday-Sunday I find myself eating more and exercising less. I am extremely motivated during the week, but with the sleeping in, couch sitting, movie watching and general weekend laziness, I feel like I am wasting all of the past week's hard work. Is this negatively going to impact my weight loss? Not to mention I feel extremely guilty and angry with myself for not having better self control over my eating.

I'm wondering if anyone else lets loose on the weekends - to a certain point. I've read that fluctuating your calories may increase weight loss. If I keep this up will the pounds add back on or will I maintain? Any feedback is greatly appreciated!


  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    i am not sure... it could impact the week, but depends on how much you're eating over what you need. if it's just a few hundred calories it wouldn't effect things too much but it might if it's like 1000 calories with no exercise.
  • Kmdforsythe
    Kmdforsythe Posts: 30 Member
    Weekends are SOOO hard for me! I so want to lose weight, but I hate being regimented on the weekends and always end up overeating. I need to stop doing it.
  • amkelley
    Im not perfect on the weekends either. I am not sure why because Im a stay at home mom so the scenery is the same. I dont do this every weekend, but at least once a month, if not twice a month. And I always take 1 day off on the weekend every week. Anyway, I usually dont gain from my weekends off. I also usually lose during the week, so I weigh on Thursdays or Fridays after several days of good work/eating. I feel awful every Monday though- like a cheater- and I hate that feeling so I need to kick my butt into gear everyday of the week!
  • Anweena
    Anweena Posts: 45 Member
    I do exactly as you do, my weekends are mine to do what I like (I don't go too crazy, however). An so far, I have lost about 2 lbs a week. So, at least at this point, it is possible for me to loose and still have 2 days to eat what I like. Mental health is important- so don't beat yourself up over it- have some fun and enjoy yourself. What's life without enjoyment?
  • dcfl2012
    Hi! It IS hard...yes -but can you work a brisk walk into saturday/sunday? I do that on the weekends now b/c I feel that I am NOT in the gym-But I am doing something...And I log on the weekend-even though I eat the " different foods"-lol...it helps me feel that I'm staying accountable -no guilt ! (I must add I do have a bigger calorie range b/c of my weight NOW-so this could also be easier said than done...)
    Don't feel guilty! Five days are better than 2! lol....
  • Zazzabel
    Hey, I class myself in the same way - very good usually during the week - except for today - I'm already -37 kcals and it's only lunch time :( I think having the weekend off, as long as it isn't excessive is fine. I tend to eat what I want at the weekend without going too crazy if possible but I do also exercise over the weekend as I have more time. I'm not really sure how the zig zagging cals works so I can't comment but I'm sure it all evens out eventually :)
  • ShelleyD81
    ShelleyD81 Posts: 237 Member
    I started to get serious about changing my eating habits this month, this also happened to be the worst month for socialising and I have overeaten every weekend so far, but I've still lost 14lbs!
    At least you're eating well during the week and exercising, don't beat yourself up too much :)
  • VickiG36
    VickiG36 Posts: 350 Member
    I was searching for a post related to this. I do not watch what I eat on the weekends either or do much exercising. With two kids who are junk food lovers and a husband that doesn't watch what he eats,I fall into the same traps. I ususally do pretty good during the week but being lazy over the weekend usually carries into my Monday. I'm sorry I don't have an answer to your questions, but I wanted you to know you're not alone. I think what will really help me is to check in here during the weekends too. I normally don't but will have to start doing it cause it will help keep me in check.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I totally let loose on most weekends and still have managed to lose weight. I just try to make sure to have two or three days a week where I have at least a couple hundred calories left. I think it all evens out.
  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    I am the same way- I don't log my food as I should on weekends either- I do however get my general 30 min walk in due the fact that my dog would not like me very much if I "let her down" so her begging and jumping and general "when you gonna take me on my walk" dance that she does keeps me motivated to get in a walk. I KNOW how many calories of each item I eat and keep a running talley in my mind but I am sure I go over some or under some since I usually round up or down depending. We sit around usually on Sundays- movie watching, football watching and the general just relax and do nothing day. I want so badly to eat and snack all day- but this weekend I KEPT a bottle of water in front of me at all times. I drank so much yesterday I thought I would float away but it DID help with my constantly wanting to munch. I bought grapes for this reason as well. So when I wanted something to munch on I grabbed some grapes or carrots and that seemed to help to an extent. Now that didn't keep me from grabbing the Veggie straws though either but I kept it to the 38 straws for 130 calories like I was suppose to as well. It seemed to work for me this weekend so I will try it again next weekend. But sometimes it just doesn't and I go over board. When this happens I hit it even harder the following week, making sure I drink extra water and even going on a wee bit longer walk with my dog. I still loose weight and this way I keep my sanity as well.

    Good Luck!
  • kimber_av
    I know it's probably not good but I take the weekends off from working out.
    I workout Monday, wednesday and friday. But I also work Saturdays so i only get 1 day off. I try and enjoy every minute of my weekend I can lol.
    I try and do well foodwise. but usually allow 1 good cheat meal during the weekend.
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    What kind of work outs do you do during the week? After 5 days, I'd say your body needs a break from working out in order to heal/repair itself! You don't want to over train. It's OK to be lazy and sit around after working out all week.

    As for eating, stay within 100-200 of your normal calorie goals and I'd say you're ok.
  • jhnye85
    jhnye85 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks so much for all the feedback! great to know I'm not alone in this. Just an update - I have been strict this week with my exercise and food - and the scale so far has gone down, just 1lb but hey! So maybe a little relaxtion on the weekend won't pack on the pounds. I normally only record my weight on Fridays so I'm pretty excited to see where the scale is at tomorrow am!