weigh in results

cajunlady56 Posts: 151 Member
edited October 4 in Health and Weight Loss
This is my first week on my diet. I have been very good and ate my 1200 calories over/under very litle. This morning I only lost .6.. I really thought the first week would be at least a loss of one pound.

Very sad and discouraged! This is the heavest I have ever been and I know I didn't put in on overnight but at this rate it will take me a year to lose 50 pounds. I thought you lost a lot faster in the beginning. If this is true I am in big trouble.



  • FatGirlSlim899
    FatGirlSlim899 Posts: 37 Member
    Don't worry, this week was my first week and I lost ZILTCH. Then two days later it's like my body caught up, and I lost 2lbs. You might be retaining water etc, so don't give up your hard work will show eventually!
  • Shajsum
    Shajsum Posts: 121 Member
    are you exercising? how much sodium are you eating? how much water are you drinking?
  • mathen2
    mathen2 Posts: 134 Member
    It all depends on your body and your metabolism. If your metabolism is low , although you cut on calories and stick to the daily amount, it burns the same as before you were on the diet. You have to find ways to revive your metabolism. Try walking or some form of exercise. This increases your metabolism and your body starts burning more calories.

    People that usually see a huge difference in weight when they first start a diet are usually losing water weight. So dont be discouraged. Unfortunately, weight loss and a healthy lifestyle isnt an instant fix. Think of it as a marathon where you need to pace yourself and keep doing your best daily.
    Hope that helps! Keep your chin up.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    This is my first week on my diet. I have been very good and ate my 1200 calories over/under very litle. This morning I only lost .6.. I really thought the first week would be at least a loss of one pound.

    Very sad and discouraged! This is the heavest I have ever been and I know I didn't put in on overnight but at this rate it will take me a year to lose 50 pounds. I thought you lost a lot faster in the beginning. If this is true I am in big trouble.


    It took me 4 years to lose 50 lb, but I've kept it off. You didn't gain overnight, so you won't lose overnight. Patience is the key :)
  • jagar07
    jagar07 Posts: 266 Member
    It all depends on your body and your metabolism. If your metabolism is low , although you cut on calories and stick to the daily amount, it burns the same as before you were on the diet. You have to find ways to revive your metabolism. Try walking or some form of exercise. This increases your metabolism and your body starts burning more calories.

    People that usually see a huge difference in weight when they first start a diet are usually losing water weight. So dont be discouraged. Unfortunately, weight loss and a healthy lifestyle isnt an instant fix. Think of it as a marathon where you need to pace yourself and keep doing your best daily.
    Hope that helps! Keep your chin up.

    totally agree! I didn't lose anything at first either, but once I got my metabolism rolling again I started to see some results. It's still slow but remember, its a Marathon not a sprint! If we quit when it doesn't go as fast as we want, we will never lose the weight!
  • cajunlady56
    cajunlady56 Posts: 151 Member
    It all depends on your body and your metabolism. If your metabolism is low , although you cut on calories and stick to the daily amount, it burns the same as before you were on the diet. You have to find ways to revive your metabolism. Try walking or some form of exercise. This increases your metabolism and your body starts burning more calories.

    People that usually see a huge difference in weight when they first start a diet are usually losing water weight. So dont be discouraged. Unfortunately, weight loss and a healthy lifestyle isnt an instant fix. Think of it as a marathon where you need to pace yourself and keep doing your best daily.
    Hope that helps! Keep your chin up.

    totally agree! I didn't lose anything at first either, but once I got my metabolism rolling again I started to see some results. It's still slow but remember, its a Marathon not a sprint! If we quit when it doesn't go as fast as we want, we will never lose the weight!

    how did you get your metabolism rolling again?
  • Sue,
    Don't get discouraged. Even if it takes a year to lose 50 lbs, that's not so bad, it's almost a pound a week. Keep reminding yourself would you like to be 50 lbs lighter in a year or the same weight? Slow and steady wins the race! Try to excercise as much as you can, a half hour walk or whatever you can do. It will help you burn up more calories and boost your metabolism. (And distract you from thinking about food.) Keep at it and don't worry too much about day to day weight loss, just try to make some progress each week. Good luck!
  • cajunlady56
    cajunlady56 Posts: 151 Member
    are you exercising? how much sodium are you eating? how much water are you drinking?

    Sodium was 5% higher for the week than MVP set as my goal. I had some can vegatable but i rinsed them off so don't think I got all the sodium.

    I haven't exercised yet. I will try this week. I am scared because I can barely eat my 1200 calories a day and will have to eat more. I am literally stuffing things in my mouth just to reach the 1200.

    I don't want to eat high caloric food that is not healthy just to reach 1200 that doesn't sound like a healthy thing to do. I don't kinow why I am shocked this is how it always is. Even when I had a PT and worked out every day I usually lost about a pound a week. She had me on 16 grams of fat only
  • cajunlady56
    cajunlady56 Posts: 151 Member
    Don't get discouraged. Even if it takes a year to lose 50 lbs, that's not so bad, it's almost a pound a week. Keep reminding yourself would you like to be 50 lbs lighter in a year or the same weight? Slow and steady wins the race! Try to excercise as much as you can, a half hour walk or whatever you can do. It will help you burn up more calories and boost your metabolism. (And distract you from thinking about food.) Keep at it and don't worry too much about day to day weight loss, just try to make some progress each week. Good luck!

    Thanks but a this rate it will be two years LOL = Thanks so much for the encouragment. I need it!!!!!
  • cajunlady56
    cajunlady56 Posts: 151 Member
    It all depends on your body and your metabolism. If your metabolism is low , although you cut on calories and stick to the daily amount, it burns the same as before you were on the diet. You have to find ways to revive your metabolism. Try walking or some form of exercise. This increases your metabolism and your body starts burning more calories.

    People that usually see a huge difference in weight when they first start a diet are usually losing water weight. So dont be discouraged. Unfortunately, weight loss and a healthy lifestyle isnt an instant fix. Think of it as a marathon where you need to pace yourself and keep doing your best daily.
    Hope that helps! Keep your chin up.

    Thanks. I will try walking
  • gottagethealthy
    gottagethealthy Posts: 43 Member
    Hang in there I am also a slow loser. I am going to try to eat more of my calories earlier in the day. I usually Save them just in case for the end of the day and that really isnt working very well. You really need to eat as close to 1200 as you can. I know its hard to stay motivated when not losing very much. A little loss is better than gaining any day.
  • Hi there...Be thankful it was a loss of .6 It could have been a gain! Just imagine if you lose .6 every week in 52 weeks you would lose 31.2 lbs! That is way better than gaining 31.2 lbs...Don't look at the long haul goal instead set smaller ones. I am going for 5 lbs at a time. I have 4.2 lbs to go til I reach goal. I am also on the Weight Watchers plan. So I get a gold star for every 5lbs I drop. I have a ways to go before I am at a healthy weight. I am in the 100lb club. I get frustrated with .6 losses as well. There are weeks that you will drop much more and then some that you have no loss. Just keep focused on getting health.
  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    This is my first week on my diet. I have been very good and ate my 1200 calories over/under very litle. This morning I only lost .6.. I really thought the first week would be at least a loss of one pound.

    Very sad and discouraged! This is the heavest I have ever been and I know I didn't put in on overnight but at this rate it will take me a year to lose 50 pounds. I thought you lost a lot faster in the beginning. If this is true I am in big trouble.


    I lose on average a half pound a week. Yeah it is slow, yeah it takes a while... but recently I reached a milestone of 35 pounds of loss. It was quite eye-opening. A half pound does not seem like much today. And a half pound will not seem like much next week. Even if that is the cards that life is dealing you, you are improving and you will prevail. I think for most of us, it doesn't come off in hunks, or chunks. It shaves off, little by little. We like to see instant results. It's like growing your hair, it takes a good 6 weeks to see the results.
  • jac_lyn
    jac_lyn Posts: 3 Member
    I find a good way to get your metabolism going, have a tbsp of lemon juice in a cup of hot water, before you eat or drink anything else in the morning, and as the last thing you eat or drink before going to sleep, It really works!
  • cajunlady56
    cajunlady56 Posts: 151 Member
    thanks everyone for the encourging words
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