depression and dieting

Does anyone out there struggle with depression making it hard to stay on track? If so, have you got any advice?


  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Support system. I go up and down, and up and back down, over and over again with how I feel. If I didn't have people around me to keep me focused, and help bring me back into good spirits I don't think I could do it at all.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I suggest you do a web search for "exercise and depression." WebMD and the Mayo clinic have articles that may help you out. Exercise is a great mood booster! Good luck and God bless you!
  • trenley
    trenley Posts: 35 Member
    Hi! Sorry to hear you're struggling with depression. It's really rough. I know some people prefer not to use anti-depressants or any other medication, but if you're not on one, I suggest you try it. Recently, MFP has helped me get through my rough bouts of depression. Over the summer, I was grieving the loss of my best friend and promptly gained 10 pounds from comfort food. When I found MFP, I found that controlling my food and seeing the progress gives me a great sense of control because I feel that I don't have control over my brain chemistry. If you're not big on doing lots of cardio- which I am not- I recommend doing some gentle yoga classes. After an hour of loosening up and breathing, there's nothing better than savasana (final relaxation pose). Good luck and I hope you can get through your depression. One day at a time!
  • dablaksista
    dablaksista Posts: 48 Member
    I know how you feel. I think the key really is to take it one step at a time. For example, when I look at the fact that I have to lose over 100lbs it does make me sad, but breaking it down into 1lb per week is managablw. Plus there are so many people on here who are so motivating and helpful!

    Feel free to add me and take a look at my friends list. There really are some good people on here.
  • MissObstinatiox
    MissObstinatiox Posts: 275 Member
    I had this problem and although as hard as is it to exercise when your suffering with depression really remember that its doing you good as the endorphins help.
    I push myself and after feel a lot better afterwards.
    Also if you have a bad day of eating etc don,t beat yourself up just move on from it :0)
  • KarenShannon
    went up 5 pounds this weekend. I go up when I am happy and when I am sad. Need to stop this pattern. Now to get the 5 off!
  • babbityboo
    babbityboo Posts: 98 Member
    I had this problem and although as hard as is it to exercise when your suffering with depression really remember that its doing you good as the endorphins help.
    I push myself and after feel a lot better afterwards.
    Also if you have a bad day of eating etc don,t beat yourself up just move on from it :0)

    ^^ this!!! :smile:
  • KarenShannon
    I really like the idean of putting a $1 in a jar for every pound you lose. It would really be a motivation device. And after you reach your goal, go shopping for new clothes! I am really going to give it a try. Thanks
  • fatguyweightloss
    Looking at this from a physical perspective and less of a psychological one...also take a good look at what you are eating. When you reduce calories you are also reducing the nutrients your body needs to thrive. You might want to play with your macronutrient ratios (fat/carbs/protein) to see how that makes you feel. I found that reducing my carbohydrate intake for fat and protein made me feel much better. Though results obviously may vary...