
Does anyone know what the lowest calorie biscuit in the UK would be? I'm guessing maybe Rich Tea? Sometimes I just fancy a biscuit and am just as happy with a plain type biscuit so I might as well go for the least amount of calories I can {then maybe I could have 2!}


  • kjslilangel
    Do yall have Bisquick in the UK? The buscuit recipe is low cal and very basic. you can easily add herbs, honey, cinnomin ect to make the buscuit yummier and still very lowcal. Good luck! If all else fails you can find a recipe and make your own and then freeze the dough in little rounds to bake later
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Do yall have Bisquick in the UK? The buscuit recipe is low cal and very basic. you can easily add herbs, honey, cinnomin ect to make the buscuit yummier and still very lowcal. Good luck! If all else fails you can find a recipe and make your own and then freeze the dough in little rounds to bake later
    Different kind of biscuit. In the UK a biscuit is a cookie.
  • JayByrd107
    JayByrd107 Posts: 282 Member
    Sorry kjslilangel, biscuits = cookies. Please try again.
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    To me a biscuit is warm and baked and usually buttermilk.
    American biscuit (left) and one variety of British biscuits (right) - the American biscuit is soft and flaky; these particular British biscuits have a layer of chocolate filling between two hard wafers.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Does anyone know what the lowest calorie biscuit in the UK would be? I'm guessing maybe Rich Tea? Sometimes I just fancy a biscuit and am just as happy with a plain type biscuit so I might as well go for the least amount of calories I can {then maybe I could have 2!}

    You might have to take a bit of time in the biscuit aisle the next time you shop and read a few labels. I would think that a plainer biscuit would have fewer calories, but sometimes they put a LOT of butter in, so this logic is a bit flawed. Read the labels. It's the best way to find out.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Does anyone know what the lowest calorie biscuit in the UK would be? I'm guessing maybe Rich Tea? Sometimes I just fancy a biscuit and am just as happy with a plain type biscuit so I might as well go for the least amount of calories I can {then maybe I could have 2!}

    Rich Tea sounds about right to me.

    Having said that I think Jaffa Cakes are only about 10 calories more I think and soooo much nicer.
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    some links to read/research - the winner for least fat/best tasting is Fox's Officially Low Fat Apple Crumble Cookies

    Based on the second link, Rich Tea is high in saturated fat.
  • jacks60
    jacks60 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you for your replies. I didn't realise the biscuit / cookie difference would be so complicated. I've found rich tea fingers are 22 calories which is pretty low
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Jaffa Cakes and Party Rings are quite low cal- the problem is I can never have one!

    Also Nairns do some really nice dark chocolate oat cookies that are only 45 calories each- love them.
  • DannyA0130
    DannyA0130 Posts: 55 Member
    Cadbury rich tea w/ chocolate OMG what I would do for one. Send to CA please !!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Jaffa cakes are delightful. Rich teas are better than nothing.
  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
    Cadbury rich tea w/ chocolate OMG what I would do for one. Send to CA please !!

    Agreed. My fav biscuit.
  • kjslilangel
    In the case of a biscuit being a cookie in the uk then I suggest lookin at the different recipes and then modify to be low cal and most important low fat low sugar. Be creative. Thats is the key to keeping a good variety of food. Find and modify
  • kjslilangel
    Just out of curiosity....If a biscuit is a cookie in the UK then what is the american version of a biscuit called in the uk? Are they eaten in the UK?
  • SandyBaldwin
    SandyBaldwin Posts: 12 Member
    In Australia we have Arnotts Milk Arrowroot biscuits and they are pretty low. You can easily have two for a snack with a cuppa but they offer no nutritional value whatsoever.
  • skinnyjo76
    Technically not a biscuit, but I like pink n whites. They're only 50 cals :)
  • julespickles
    julespickles Posts: 28 Member
    Just out of curiosity....If a biscuit is a cookie in the UK then what is the american version of a biscuit called in the uk? Are they eaten in the UK?

    looks like a scone to me - can be savoury, plain, or sweet with dried fruit? best eaten with clotted cream and jam as part of a cream tea :) yummy
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Rich Tea Biscuits are 38 cals, my dog likes one for her supper! ..I might try the fingers though if they are lower cals.

    my favourites are the Fox's chocolate viennese fingers, can't remember the cals though..I'll tell you tomorrow when they arrive with my!
  • nicxox
    nicxox Posts: 175 Member
    Just out of curiosity....If a biscuit is a cookie in the UK then what is the american version of a biscuit called in the uk? Are they eaten in the UK?

    No we don't have US biscuits in the UK =( real shame as they are so tasty!
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    I usually buy:
    Custard Creams/orange creams
    Ginger nuts
    raisin shorts

    All cheap in money, less than 50p a packet in Herrons ( and usually eat 2 (average 100/110 cal)

    Ive never seen rich teas with chocolate - will have a look for them.

    I love biscuits so try not to have too many in the