Postpartum Weight Loss - Anyone?

So I am just about 2 weeks past delivery and I'm motivated to start the process of preparing myself to lose my baby weight. I can't do too much for the first 6 weeks as I'm breastfeeding, but I'm going to ease myself into a strict routine (if I jump in, I lose my motivation and fail). Anyone care to join me? Doesn't have to be specific to postpartum weight loss, just anyone who cares to either be motivated or motivator :P


I don't mean that because I'm breastfeeding, I'm not going to exercise or watch what I eat. I've been limiting my calories to 2000/day and I've been walking. I mean I can't dive in with a 1200 calorie restriction and start running 2 miles a day. I've heard a sudden jump in your diet can hurt your milk supply, so I'm easing in to maintain a healthy supply for baby.


  • fastkat
    fastkat Posts: 12
    I am 7 months postpartum. Just want you to know that just bc you are breastfeeding doesn't mean you can't exercise or watch what you eat.

    You can actually type in breastfeeding in your breakfast and it gives you an additional 500 calories a day. I don't do that now (only cause my kiddo is older and it is all working fine) but I did for the first several months.

    Good Luck! COngrats on your new litte person!
  • lorna1002
    lorna1002 Posts: 185 Member
    my youngest baby is nearly 9 months and i breast fed for 4 months. you can start with a healthy diet while you breast feed, you can type it in to get your extra calories.

    Breast feeding will hopefully jump start your weight loss. Good Luck
  • Jenny56dreams
    Jenny56dreams Posts: 147 Member
    This sight is amazing for losing baby weight. You count your calories, exercise lightly and you'll start to see a difference in a few weeks. You'll see. I tried EVERYTHING. Crash diets, cereal diets, lettuce only diet and none of that stuff works. Eat what you like but in moderation and the weight will melt off :) I started my diet in February and by may I had lost almost 30 pounds. Hope this helps.
  • mrsthomasstevens
    mrsthomasstevens Posts: 34 Member

    I also weighted 205 lbs the day before I gave birth from my daughter. About 4 days after being released from the hospital, I began to walk a lot due to my new reason for pushing a baby stroller lol. Anyway, my pre-pregnancy weight was 198, so I was thankful to only gain 7 lbs carrying a 6 1/2 lb baby. I took my baby for a long way everyday, sometimes twice a day, and I was 180 exactly 2 weeks after giving birth. When you breastfeed and use walking as a form of exercise it really helps the weight come off. I didn't do any other form of exercise, just walking twice a day with my newborn in fresh air. Just be careful of what you are eating because the weight can come back pretty fast within the 1st 6 months after giving birth (once I returned to work I reached 198 lbs again...and then back to 205 AGAIN). But walking will definitely give your body the jump-start needed to get back into shape!!!
  • CAlivinMO
    CAlivinMO Posts: 9 Member
    Congrats on the baby. Mine is almost 9 months and I'm still breastfeeding and losing! I've been on a slow but steady losing streak and it's been great. You can lose weight while breastfeeding, just wait until your milk supply is established before you cut calories. Working out will not affect it as long as you stay hydrated. I teach spin and sculpting and have done so since she was born and it has never affected my supply, what did affect it was all the sweating and not rehydrationg so drink up!
  • pMalak
    pMalak Posts: 41
    Don't jump into exercise just yet. It bad for your body from medical point of view, especially if you had natural delivery. You are all "streched up" down there so excessive running and even brisk walking might cause some problems or issues.

    Enjoy the first few weeks with your newborn and then afar 6-8 weeks begin to exercise, when your body has recovered from the hard work it had to do at birth..

    You should lower your calorie intake tho, with common sense. Don't starve but don't binge. Moderation. Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full - i know its harder than it looks. Been there. And remember that breastfeeding is great for calorie burn.

    Anyway. Congrats on new baby and good luck with weight loss.