
What do you guys do on the weekends to stay healthy?

After a crazy weekend, (I really oughta start LOGGING on the weekends) I have to get back on the grind! Season football tickets are hard on my calories.... ANYWAY Im ready but definitely in need of some motivation!


  • KimertRuns13_1
    I usually do my long runs on the weekend which are my high calorie workouts! I still go to the gym and try (but often don't succeed) in eating as healthy as possible. I still log on and input all my food. Weekends are tough.
  • liaalyn
    liaalyn Posts: 112 Member
    I usually do my long runs on the weekend which are my high calorie workouts! I still go to the gym and try (but often don't succeed) in eating as healthy as possible. I still log on and input all my food. Weekends are tough.

    YES they are. Normally, lately, we still work out as normal and eat decent. This weekend was way too busy to even think about working out.... so hard sometimes! Thank goodness for the other 5 days ;)
  • cestaple
    cestaple Posts: 4 Member
    I have such a hard time on the weekends too! I just downloaded the MFP app for my blackberry. I'm hoping that will help! If i can't get to the gym, I try to take my dog for a run or walk.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I really have to improve both my eating and my exercise on the weekends. I don't know why it is so much easier for me to go to the gym at 5am when my alarm goes off than at 7am when I wake up "naturally" (aka finally get out of bed after being yelled at by the cat for 3 hours). Maybe I should start setting my alarm on the weekends? Ugh what a horrible thought!!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Just the opposite for me... weekends are usually easier for me as I have more time to plan meals, more time to get in big workouts, etc.
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    Football season is killing me too! But, I'm trying every weekend to still be mindful...
  • liaalyn
    liaalyn Posts: 112 Member
    For sure... sometimes its really easy, but when I get SUPER busy as I did this weekend... boy oh boy. TOO MUCH BEER & PIZZA! But that was only one day, and I don't do that every weekend so I'm not too hard on myself.
  • ninelives58
    ninelives58 Posts: 160 Member
    Weekends seem to have temptations that weekdays do not. First is the "adult beverages" that are involved in every social gathering (my social gatherings anyway) and the other is that the fridge is always just a few steps away and accessible all day long. I try to take advantage of the extra free time by walking longer, venturing further out than just my immediate neighborhood where I walk weekdays.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I'm in the same boat too! I really need to take charge of my weekend schedule (family and boyfriend keep me really busy). It's time to just so NO I'M GOING TO THE GYM PEOPLE!!! And.....I need to plan meals better...grabbing too much food on the go on the weekends. Monday through Friday I do really well. Saturday and Sunday are a disaster :grumble:
  • liaalyn
    liaalyn Posts: 112 Member
    I'm in the same boat too! I really need to take charge of my weekend schedule (family and boyfriend keep me really busy). It's time to just so NO I'M GOING TO THE GYM PEOPLE!!! And.....I need to plan meals better...grabbing too much food on the go on the weekends. Monday through Friday I do really well. Saturday and Sunday are a disaster :grumble:

    I'm the same way, sometimes... even my will power seems gone on weekends! If we have nothing planned early I can be in the gym at 8am (they open at 8) but this weekend...man. No can do AND I ate pizza! (and beer....) :D
  • superbman
    I have a cheat meal once on the weekend. It's one of those things that I really look forward to and enjoy very much :)