calling vegetarians!

I'd like some vegetarian friends - I only have 1! Add me! :tongue:


  • Bump
  • I now have 3 - yay!
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    I'm vegan - add me!
  • Added you, thanks!
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    If you don't mind a former vegetarian and new vegan, add me.
  • keggen
    keggen Posts: 102 Member
    You can add me too. Although, I'm a slack vegetarian - I eat eggs, dairy, and fish. How does the rest of your family eat? I have a picky 3 year old and a meat-eating husband. I don't mind cooking meat for him but I'm really not good at it. Tonight's one of everyone's favorite stand-by's: pasta with breaded tofu sticks. My daughter strangely loves rice & lentil soup.
  • eliepaige
    eliepaige Posts: 3 Member
    If you don't mind a former vegetarian and new vegan, add me.
  • The rest of my family are carnivorous! My husband eats meat at most meals unless I cook, however he is ultra-supportive as he knows it's something that's always been close to my heart. My children are 7 and 3. The 7 year old has offered to go vegetarian if I PAY him :laugh: and the 3 year old barely eats meat - she loves lentils too!
  • Bump again - any more?!
  • callmejon
    callmejon Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, i've been a vegetarian all my life, and am possibly looking to make the leap into veganism.

    I'll add you all in the hope that you can all provide tip and advice on easy healthy veg food!
  • Eat2Live2Run
    Eat2Live2Run Posts: 137 Member
    Everyone can add me too! I'm looking to re-dedicate myself to vegetarianism. There have been 3 different times in my life when I have been a vegetarian and each time I've gotten away from it after about a year. I'm just getting back on the wagon after a year off and I'm still not sure at this point if I want to go 100% or consider myself a "flexitarian" for very rare occasions. Either way I'd love some veggie friends to compare menus with.
  • janac777
    janac777 Posts: 22 Member
    been a vegetarian for 2 weeks the rest of the family thinks im crazy and i have to keep cookin meat for them. ive done alot of reading and im a ovo vegetarian. i am loving it thinking i can do this for life no problem.
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    I added the OP. People can feel free to add me also - I am a lacto ovo vegetarian and have been for the last 15 years. My eating style is heaps of veges, mindful of carbs, try to get extra protein in where I can, lots of home cooking.
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    been a vegetarian for 2 weeks the rest of the family thinks im crazy and i have to keep cookin meat for them. ive done alot of reading and im a ovo vegetarian. i am loving it thinking i can do this for life no problem.

    I have cooked meat for others before and I wouldn't rule out doing it again, but I find that if you cook good tasting vegetarian food for people even the most hardcore carnivores will barely miss the meat. Maybe cook meat a few nights a week and go full vegetarian for the other nights?
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    I'm a new vegetarian (lacto-ovo vegetarian). I've been vegetarian for maybe a month or less but I never really ate alot of meat before so I don't feel like my eating habbits have changed at all.
    Fell free to add me :)
  • Just one last bump...
  • perezke
    perezke Posts: 45 Member
    Please add me as well. I am a 14 year vegetarian and am new to the site. I need some motivation and support!
  • wreath7
    wreath7 Posts: 104 Member
    me too, hello. i really need to have some motivation for eating better as well.
  • janac777
    janac777 Posts: 22 Member
    so wish i could but that seriously wont work cuz my husband wont eat any veges at all!! no lentils and will barely eat beans!!
  • Ovo-vegetarian here :) No dairy and fish, but I looooooove eggs and could never give them up, hahaha...