I said NO!! to my Mother in Law! N.S.V

My Mother In Law is a big foodie and loves to make anything with lots of fat and sugar The more cheese and butter the better, and when you're talking deserts the richer the better... We rarely have dessert at home but they usually do, even at lunch time.

Yesterday we were invited for lunch after church, She had made home made pizza (with two types of meat and some veg and loads of cheese) as well as Banana Cake with real (18%) whipped cream.
I brought a 200 calorie spinach salad with mango and sprouts and some asian dressing.....I said no thanks to the cake too.
I Reeeeeaaaally could have had a slice of pizza but I actually had the will power. - She generally seems offended if you don't eat what she makes, but I decided, since I don't really like her anyway, why should I appease her request! lol

Then, later I had to make some treats for my daughter's kindergarten class. I made sandwich cookies with licorice legs to look like spiders. I through out the left over icing and the dozen cookies that were left, got iced and sent with my son, to his nursery school. I figured better to pump up the 2 year olds on sugar than to have the left overs in my house! lol - So far today I haven't eaten a SINGLE halloween treat, and plan on keeping it that way.


  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Great NSV's....We have 3 little boys 4.5 and under, so I TOTALLY understand the snacky foods!! :)
  • brianblinn
    brianblinn Posts: 70 Member
    Great job! Stay strong.
  • k9hrd
    k9hrd Posts: 351 Member
    Great job!
  • cirellim
    cirellim Posts: 269
    That's awesome good for you! Great self control keep it up!
  • Sonchie
    Sonchie Posts: 259 Member
    Sounds like your mind's made up! Great job! Mother in law will learn to respect your new lifestyle. Only you can be in control of your health. Stay firm nd people will respect and admire that.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    There will always be people who make too-rich foods. Good for you for planning ahead.
  • Cranstonmom
    Cranstonmom Posts: 1 Member
    This weekend my mother in law made dozen's of cupcakes, a cake and cake balls lol.....most of it is out of the house now thank god. I hate when the baked goods are at home, just sooo tempting.

    Great job in bringing your own healthy food! :)
  • akunce
    akunce Posts: 29
    Good for you! Tell your in law thanks looks delicious but you need to eat healthier for your children! You need to be there for them! Not her! Plus you want to set a good example of healthy eating for your children so they ll understand that fatty buttery foods and ones full of sugar are not the best for them! Bravo and keep it up! If she doesn t understand too bad! Shes an adult let her deal!!!!
  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    I love your nsv, bravo on your willpower
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    Good job!!! I havent had any Halloween goodies in the house at all. And tonight my kids go home to their dad with their halloween goodies so there still wont be any! :)
  • sunflower1973
    sunflower1973 Posts: 1 Member
    Can someone please explain what NSV means? Well done on your weightloss
  • cat3nv
    cat3nv Posts: 389 Member
    Can someone please explain what NSV means? Well done on your weightloss

    Non Scale Victory. It is a a victory that did not mean losing pounds. Like fitting into smaller clothes, a compliment, or refusing food that you would have ate by the pound in the past =]]
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