Beck Diet Solution

I'm wondering how many of you out there have tried the Beck Diet solution, and how well it worked for you. I just got the book and am looking to implement the changes starting next week. It looks like I might be off my "plan" for two weeks to learn the skills they say are necessary.



  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I don't think any diet works unless you plan to do it forever. I educated myself on healthy eating and made my nutritional health my new hobby. That I know I can do forever. Good luck with what ever you do.:drinker:
  • MinnesotaManimal
    MinnesotaManimal Posts: 642 Member
    is this related to Becks Beer????? if so.... Im in
  • I have to agree with dls06....diets are only a temporary fix. I have changed my "lifestyle" by eating right and regular exercise...and couldn't be happier with the way it makes me feel and the slow but steady results I am seeing in my body. I have more energy from eating right and feel like it is worth the "sacrifice" I make when I choose not to eat unhealthy. Good luck with your goals!
  • KellyAnneH
    KellyAnneH Posts: 38 Member
    I bought the book last week and my husband and I are doing it together. I really like the fact that she doesn't give you a diet to follow, but rather tools to help you stick to whatever healthy plan you've decided on. I'm just following the outline given by my MFP App (with the protein and fibre increased a bit and fat lowered a little) since it's pretty much exactly what my dietitian set up for me. It's been working well so far, and I don't feel the need to go on a "diet" at all.

    My challenge isn't knowing what to eat or how much - it's staying motivated and having strategies for times of stress or fatigue, pain or even boredom. I recently had a fall - ripped my thumb open on a stem of our cherry bush (9 stitches, infection, nerve damage - oh joy) and tore some intercostal muscles. It was crazy painful and kept me from my stress relievers - aquafit and knitting - for a month. I gained back 10#, sigh... I've managed to relose 7 of them so far, but it sure was discouraging.

    I'm really hoping the book will help me stay on track - I have lots more I want to lose.
  • ajfrench
    ajfrench Posts: 323 Member
    Thanks everyone for the input. I like the book so far since it's not a "Diet"; moreso, it trains your mind how to eat right/healthy and live this way for life. I'm glad someone else is going through the program with me!