Who's not a big fruit or vegetable eater?

I'm not, haven't been since I was a very young child... don't know why! I do like fruit in things such as smoothies, cakes, and the like. Vegetables are fine... in a pasta/potato salad.. no lettuce/green type salads (can't stand lettuce, haha)... and I love vegetable LOADED stirfries, casseroles and other kinds of meals.... but not on their own, if it's a boring meat, potato and veg type meal. I'll only eat the meat and potatoes, haha. I'm 31 and I sound like a five-year old kid!

But am quite proud of myself at the moment as I've just made a wrap for lunch. Lite tortilla, lite mayo, WW tuna, baby spinach leaves, grated cheese and carrot, rocket leaves, italian parsley with a small drizzle of sweet chilli sauce on top. It's NOT something I've had before, nor thought of before - normally it would just be mayo, tuna and cheese! Verdict? It's actually quite nice! The rocket gives a nice peppery taste, carrot provides a nice crunch. Maybe the next step up could be to put some lettuce in? Dunno.... haha.

I would like to hope that I'm not the only one like this out there.



  • cr00kednz
    *sees views jump up*

    No one wants to admit it? haha
    RNMDFF Posts: 153 Member
    Try mixing veggies in everything you can. You might eventually get used to them :)

    I love fruits and veggies :)
  • AureliaCotta
    AureliaCotta Posts: 99 Member
    I'm not but I'm trying to be.
  • soulpopcorn
    Me too, I actually struggle to put in more fresh raw greens and fruits. I don't like salads much.....which may be why I'm here, lol. I'm not extremely anti veggie and fruit, but compared to a lot of people ---I clearly don't eat enough of it!
    The tuna wrap you made actually sounds quite delicious. You are NOT alone though, that's for sure.
  • cr00kednz
    Try mixing veggies in everything you can. You might eventually get used to them :)

    I love fruits and veggies :)

    Ah, I already do.....!!
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member
    I do not like vegetables. I found out that if you put spinach in a smoothie you can't even taste it! PUt as much as you want in there. It will turn it green, but you can't taste it at all!!
  • ashleighjoy2007
    ashleighjoy2007 Posts: 150 Member
    I only eat fruits and veggies really if they're hidden in other things! Its not really the tastes that get to me. I'm super wierd, and I have this thing with textures. I don't mind the taste of most fruits and veggies but the texture of them is enough to make me vomit. Especially if it's like chunks of fruit in yogurt or something. *sea-sick face*
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I'm worse that you :P

    I can't eat any veggies bar potatoes and processed peas, if they even count.

    Fruit for me is an occasional "treat".

    But, I watch my cals, hit my macros, take my supplements, exercise hard and consistently, and I've never felt better!
    Especially if it's like chunks of fruit in yogurt or something.

    I am SO with you on that one! I can only eat fruit in it's normal form! I like apples, hate apple pie, etc.
  • cr00kednz
    I only eat fruits and veggies really if they're hidden in other things! Its not really the tastes that get to me. I'm super wierd, and I have this thing with textures. I don't mind the taste of most fruits and veggies but the texture of them is enough to make me vomit. Especially if it's like chunks of fruit in yogurt or something. *sea-sick face*

    Yeah it's sort of like that with me too. For example, I'm not a fan of pumpkin or kumara (sweet potato) because of the texture, it makes me gag! Even if somebody showed me two bowls of soup, told me one was curried pumpkin and the other was curried carrot (without indicating which was which)....... I could SO tell you which was the pumpkin. :o)
  • lb7970
    lb7970 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm a big fruit eater but used to struggle to eat enough veggies. I hate iceberg lettuce, if I'm having a salad I use baby spinach. I have made slow improvements over time. I use V-8 juice in my goulash instead of plain tomato juice. Celery with peanut butter. Something I thought weird until I tried it spinach leaves in my scrambled eggs and put on some salsa- yummo. I put a tsp of evoo in a pan cook down the fresh spinach leaves then add the eggbeaters. Also when I first started trying to eat more salads my favorite was spinach leaves, strawberries, mandarin oranges and diced chicken, it was sweet enough with dressing.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    *sees views jump up*

    No one wants to admit it? haha

    I'll admit to viewing your post in the weird little voyeristic way that I also read posts on TOM and bowel issues.

    But I can't for the life of me imagine life without veggies! Personally, I LOVE 'em!
  • BamaGurl47
    i never consumed alot of either (fruits or veggies) .. but ever since i started MFP i have been more concious about exchanging unhealthy cravings for healthy snacks .. so i started eating lots of apples and canned peaches and then i started adding other things like veggies such as baby carrots because they are always in our fridge .. i eat it with spread and also celery isnt bad either if dip is covering it . :) sometimes your body just says " hey .. gimme something healthy if your gonna make me work hard exercising" hahahah
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I have to admit I love vegetables and seriously love salads. I probably eat a salad at least 5 - 6 times a week easily. One thing Ive notice with those who dislike salad is lack of experimenting.. You said you like rocket. (arugula in the US). Have tyou ever tries using that for a salad.

    A salad I make with rocket is
    bit of goat cheese crumbles
    dried cranberries
    roasted pecans
    if you eat meat (I don't) chopped chicken breast is a nice protein for the salad. I also make a dressing with a bit of goat cheese, apple cider vinegar & sesame oil
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    Keep on with the mixing, as it gets them in. I've taken to integrating veggies wherever I can, whether it's tomatoes, asparagus, and spinach mixed into omelettes...or lettuce, tomato, and avocado on a sandwich...or a really tasty mixture of craisins, ground turkey, quinoa, summer squash, and spinach.

    It's good to hit macros but even with a multivitamin you want to get your micros too, and fruits and veggies provide the best mix of vitamins and minerals...many of those micronutrients are critical for the function of the enzymes that boost metabolism, so you'll lose weight more effectively just be integrating those foods as deeply into your diet as possible.

    My wife is a total meat-and-potatoes girl, but we make it work...every veggie doesn't have to be steamed and every fruit doesn't have to be raw. :smile:
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    I dont eat many vegetables because frankly, they're boring. I eat fruits sparingly...roughly 1-2 a week, usually an apple.

    When I do eat vegetables, it's usually always a sweet potato (usually daily, sometimes I skip it)....or cabbage. Sometimes I'll eat a salad.

    I prefer it this way, I feel better this way. My body is happier this way. :)
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    i am a big veggie eater, but not so much fruit. Its not that i do not like fruit really the opposite , but i am very picky, and its really hard to find decent fruit these days.
  • kerriavr
    kerriavr Posts: 20 Member
    I'm not either. The only fruit I really like is apples. I can handle cherry preserves too, but don't care for fresh cherries. As far as veggies, I like a few as long as they are raw. I eat A LOT of salads with cukes, green peppers, carrots, and romaine lettuce.
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    i do love my fruit and veg in the summer months but i do struggle in the winter months.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    I love fruit and will eat my 5 a day easily in just fruits, often more.

    But I'll admit to finding vegetables hard. I love carrots, like cucumber, celery, broccoli, magetout, babycorn and cauliflower but dislike pretty much all other vegetables.