Looking for Friends...

Hi my name is Dove,

I am an overweight, underemployed, single mum in outback Australia, I am struggling to find the confidence to make new friends, and maybe a partner because of my weight. I feel sluggish most days and desperately need to change my life.

I am looking for friends who I can share ideas, have a whinge to, and who can kick me up the bum when I slack off. If this sounds like you please add me.

I am sick of being the "fat chick" in the group :(



  • ktfitzgerald
    ktfitzgerald Posts: 369 Member
    Welcome Dove! So glad you came here! There's so much supportive and helpful people here. I'm sure you are going to love it and you are going to reach your goals! Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • courtyjane
    Hi Dove,

    Sounds like you have come to the right place for some motivation the people on here are fantastic!

    Seems there are a few things that are making you feel craoppy lately so I think the best way to make yourself feel better is to start with one thing at a time... Once you have the confidence with one thing then you can move onto the next :)

    where abouts in outback Australia are you?
  • halonutshell
    halonutshell Posts: 2 Member
  • is4031
    is4031 Posts: 71
    Welcome to the site, it is a great help! Feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • brice02
    brice02 Posts: 64 Member
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Welcome fellow Aussie, I will send you a friend request. The key to success is to stick to it, and if you do have a bad day just dont give up, just start again. I have lost 20kgs in 12 months. I know a lot lose a lot more but what can i say I'm a slow loser and i have had lots of bad days, but hey, I'm 20kg down. You can do this and you will feel amazing for it.
  • DannyX66
    Hi Dove,
    Add me as a friend and I will try my best to keep us both motivated. I am determined this time to get my "Smile" back.

    My Wife and kids are my inspiration,
    They deserve the fun, self confident me,
    Not the fat, self loathing me!
