Tired and Weak

Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
Since doing the 1200 calorie a day plan with MFP I'm finding myself very, very tired and weak by 3pm and I usually eat those 1200 by lunch then have to work my butt off so that I can eat dinner. By night time I am so tired and weak which is dangerous because I have a 6 week old baby I have to get up to feed every 2 hours and a 2 year old that doesn't sleep in when the baby does of a morning!

Anybody have any idea of foods that will fill me up a lot more with less calories so I don't have to exercise a lot everyday? I know exercise is good for me but when I know that I HAVE to burn a certain amount no matter how tired and sore I am just so that I can eat it's depressing.


  • JennW130
    JennW130 Posts: 460 Member
    try upping your calories to 1500. it may take a little longer to lose the weight, but you need to be healthy for yourself and baby. takes a lot of extra energy to take care of babies. Good Luck to you!
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Maybe you just need to eat more. 1200 is really hard, and some people just can't do it. Up your calories to your BMR, and see if that helps. There's no shame in eating a little bit more, in fact, your body will thank you! You may even find that you lose weight faster.

    Good luck!
  • MikeDailyIntake
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    Wow. I would say you have set your caloric deficit too low for your current weight and circumstances. I understand. you are wanting to lose.

    Viewing your profile I would speculate you would still be at a respectably deficit around 1600 calories a day and for more sane for it.

    What did you select for your loss per week?
  • Blackthorne99
    Blackthorne99 Posts: 250 Member
    Quick glance at your diary and you are eating WAY too many carbs and not near enough protein. Cut the rice & cereal out and go for protein sources instead. Protein provides longer lasting fuel and your energy won't plummet in the afternoon.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    You have to eat more. 1200 calories won't keep anyone fueled for long.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    For starters, if you are breast feeding I would urge you to contact your physician before pursuing a 1200 calorie intake.
  • Megan2Project
    Megan2Project Posts: 351 Member
    If you're breastfeeding you may need up to 500cal extra per day.
  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member
    Are you breastfeeding? If so you should be eating extra... something like an extra 500 cals I believe - someone will correct me if I'm wrong! :)
  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    What kinds of food would have more protein? And I usually have rice when I crave salty foods as rice tastes salty to me, rice HAS to be better than pizza or chips! I set my weight loss to 1kg a week.
  • Addicted2carbs
    Maybe you just need to eat more. 1200 is really hard, and some people just can't do it. Up your calories to your BMR, and see if that helps. There's no shame in eating a little bit more, in fact, your body will thank you! You may even find that you lose weight faster.

    Good luck!

  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    And no not breastfeeding, my kids don't latch on :(
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    You have a 2 yr old and a new baby. Your body is probably still recovering, your sleep is disrupted, and no doubt you are busy. Also, are you breastfeeding? I'm guessing you need to eat more. Be kind to yourself. :flowerforyou:

    Edit: I see you don't breastfeed. I still think you may need to be eating more. Check with your doctor for advice. This is not the time to wear yourself completely out. {{HUGS}}
  • PureAndHealthy
    Eat some hard-boiled eggs with salt! :)
  • manjingirl
    manjingirl Posts: 188 Member
    Since doing the 1200 calorie a day plan with MFP I'm finding myself very, very tired and weak by 3pm and I usually eat those 1200 by lunch then have to work my butt off so that I can eat dinner. By night time I am so tired and weak which is dangerous because I have a 6 week old baby I have to get up to feed every 2 hours and a 2 year old that doesn't sleep in when the baby does of a morning!

    Gee, I think you're tired because you're sleep deprived and feeding a new baby. I understand the desire to lose lots of weight fast after having a baby (I've had 4), but you need to be kind to your body as well. I wonder if 1200 might not be too low? Have you discussed it with your doctor or the health nurse? Exercise wise, a short walk around the block or at the park is probably enough while your sleep is so disturbed.

    Food wise, try popcorn, fruit and have a low calorie drink (like water, I'm not fan of diet drinks) when you feel hungry just in case thirst is an issue too. Also you could try eating half of what you've prepared and then have a break of 10-15 minutes before you eat the second half, you may find you do feel full in that time.

    And please try to stop looking in the mirror for awhile - instead look at your 2 beautiful children and be proud of yourself for that. And remember to take care of yourself.
  • trac3
    trac3 Posts: 134 Member
    Definitely up your calories ~ 1500 or 1600 if you need it! If I'm not exercising, I aim for 1500, but will be happy if I stay under 1800 lol. If you are breast feeding, add another 500 cals to that number! Glancing at your diary, I'd also suggest upping your protein and dairy ~ keep carbs, for sure, but try to get in the complex ones (brown rice, whole grain breads/cereals, yams/sweet potatoes etc). The protein will keep your blood sugar more level and bring up your energy levels.....:smile: I'm finding that greek yogurt or nonfat cottage cheese with some fruit is an excellent late afternoon boost for me!
  • twildmann
    I also have a young baby at home. Since I am breastfeeding I know I need to eat between 300 and 500 more calories. I added an "cardio. exercise" labeled breastfeeding and have it set up that every 30 minutes breastfeeding burns 50 calories. (based on 400 calories need to be added over 8 feedings a day). Every time I nurse I enter that as an exercise. That will at least up the calories you are allowed to eat.
    I also believe that high protein and high fiber foods make you feel fuller longer. You may want to research what all they include. Good luck to you...and just remember, it took 9 months to gain the weight, give yourself at least that much time to lose it. =)
  • Ifly4free
    Ifly4free Posts: 203 Member
    You can check out my diary. I eat approx. 1200 a day. It's really not too hard for me.I found a couple of new foods that are really low in calories. I like shirataki noodles. Mix them with some spaghetti sauce and some Parmesan cheese. You can have a huge bowl of spaghetti for under 150-200 calories. Also I have fallen in love with spaghetti squash. I usually eat it as a side, a little spray butter and. Little brown sugar..yum. A turkey burger minus the bun is another item I eat quite a bit.
    Lots of options out there. You have to be creative!

  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Yup... eat more :D

    Protein is a good idea. Are you a meat-eater? If so, lean chicken, turkey, eggs, milk, cheese... uh... lean beef, pork... that sorta thing. Cheese sticks are great! One cheese stick is only 60 calories (if you get the 2% mozzarella kind).

    If you're a no-meats gal... uh... almonds, beans, tofu... you get the idea. They might not be low-fat, but you shouldn't be afraid of fat.

    Whole grains are also a good idea. They're more sustaining than refined grains. So trade your white rice for brown rice, your white flour for wheat flour, and so on. (No, I'm not saying the other things are bad... just that whole grains are going to be more 'filling').

    And then 'volumize' with veggies. As in, eat veggies with every meal. When I'm being 'good" I try for one cup per meal.

    Those are things that have helped me. But I totally agree with everyone here. Bump your calories up to 1500 or something.
  • alyaouellet
    alyaouellet Posts: 21 Member
    1200 is too low. You need energy to look after your 2 babies.
    Changing your goals to 1400-1500 calories would give you this extra boost that you need I am sure.
    When your little one sleeps a bit better, maybe you can change your strategy again. :wink: