Primal Blueprint...

I am reading this right now and finding it interesting. I already pretty much already eat the way he suggests in the book, but here is my question, for those of you that follow the plan, do you also follow his exercise recommendations? I can't quite wrap my head around what he suggests. Right now I am in my last month of a Turbo Fire/ChaLean Extreme hybrid and not sure what to do next, but not sure I am on board with the whole lower intensity thing. *lol* Thoughts?


  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    I've been Primal since end of July. The only exercise I do is walking and playing. If you count lifting my 35 pound toddler and the laundry basket then I do lifting. The walking I do is not for exercise -- just for fun. I've seen really good results so far.

    I was on Atkins prior to Primal but I like Primal better. I eat around 50 grams of carbs a day.
  • slyvers
    I've been primal since mid-august, so not too long. Before that I was at the gym 5-7 days a week and so zero weight loss. Starting with primal, I switched to walking, with lifting at the gym 1-2 days a week. I also throw in some yoga (irregularly because of my schedule) and pick-up volleyball once a week (again as schedule permits). I have lost 21 lbs in the last 10 weeks this way.

    I want the weight loss, but what I have found even better is the lack of stress around working out, and the huge increase of energy.
  • TheGlen
    TheGlen Posts: 242 Member
    My family and I have been moving towards the Primal Blueprint diet for the last 8 weeks, but not the suggested fitness plan yet. I'm hoping to start on the fitness plan this week to see how it goes (we've been really happy with the results from the diet alone up to now).
  • lys617
    lys617 Posts: 51 Member
    I have been eating and working out this way since March 2011 and have lost over 40 pounds. The weight loss is amazing but the difference I feel in my body is unquestionably better. I am stronger, leaner and have more energy than I have ever had in my life. I think i you truly start to follow his diet, the exercise will come too because basically you have a lot more energy, stamina, etc. and its not work anymore... its fun! =)
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    I consider myself primal, I agree with the movement he prescribes. I have always hated to run and most other cardio activities but I love lifting weights and long walks. It seems my body just wants to move that way (whether the theory behind it is correct or not) so I finally gave myself permission to not worry about doing straight cardio exercises and doing what I like and feel best doing. And the way I take it, that's what is most important. His point is that you can be fit and healthy without having to log multiple miles and hours...unless that's what you like to do. If you enjoy what you are doing but it's not exactly in the blueprint plan, keep doing it! Being healthy shouldn't be a misery. Fun is part of the PB too.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    What kinds of foods do you eat on this diet? is it just like eating clean, no carb? .. does anyone have a link to the exercises it suggests and examples of few days food?

  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    What kinds of foods do you eat on this diet? is it just like eating clean, no carb? .. does anyone have a link to the exercises it suggests and examples of few days food?


    It is pretty much clean eating, getting appropriate kinds and amounts of exercise, play, sleep, etc. It is NOT no carb, it recommends a scale of carb intake based on your health and weight loss goals, less for more health issues to turn around or weight to lose, more for an already healthy weight and functioning metabolism.
  • rebeccastringer
    rebeccastringer Posts: 9 Member
    Hi guys Im considering making the transition to primal and would love to be able to have some primal friends on MFP to chat/discuss it with :)

    If you are interested please feel free to add me :)
  • Cydnie197
    Is there some special way to join a group??? Or do you just reply to random posts as you see fit?
  • tawnabanana
    tawnabanana Posts: 36 Member
    My husband and I went Primal about a month and a half ago. It has definitely gotten easier. I found that initally I couldn't do even my regular exercise because I was so tired from the "carb flu", but once that was out of the way, I can exercise like normal. I've noticed that I don't have to work as hard to get the same results and I don't feel so guilty when I can't get that extra time in that I thought I always needed before. I think you work out to what's comfortable and works the best for you and your lifestyle. It's working for us! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. I'm always looking for others that buy into this new way of thinking!
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Is there some special way to join a group??? Or do you just reply to random posts as you see fit?

    Generally, if you want to join a group, just post a comment or "bump", it will be added to your "My Topics". Support groups and general question groups are fine. Closed groups can be trickier, usually a challenge group is for a certain group of friends or at the very least it should only be joined if you are asking to participate in the closed group or challenge, not just to ask a few questions and move on.
    This is a paleo/ primal challenge group, newcomers committed to joining the challenge are welcome.
    This is the general paleo/ primal support thread, if you have general questions, aren't sure about committing completely or aren't ready to accept a challenge, then join here.