Halloween Grrrrs...........

millerll Posts: 873 Member
For the most part, I love Halloween. It's a hoot to see the little ones in their adorable costumes. :smile: However, some things just make me question the parents out there.

Parents, please don't let your daughter dress provocatively and then go out and knock on total strangers' doors at night and ask for candy. One girl, who looked about 11 or 12, showed up in a very short mini-dress and over-the-knee high-heeled boots. I wouldn't even wear that! If your kid's young enough to still be trick-or-treating, then she's too young to wear that. :noway:

Parents, please monitor your kid's weight. I'm soooo tired of seeing these little fat kids begging for candy. And I feel guilty giving it to them, when I really feel like handing them an apple. Since you obviously won't. :angry:

Kids, no, you can't have more than one piece of candy. I only have so much, so everybody gets one piece. Don't be a greedy hog. And see the above.

Kids (and parents), would it kill you to wear a costume? It really chaps my *kitten* when teenagers show up at my door in shorts and a t-shirt with a pillowcase and an attitude and ask for candy. Really? Don't you have a video game you should be playing? Or surfing porn on the internet, you little deliquent! Of course, if you say anything to them, they come back at three in the morning and spray-paint your house. Littlle sh!ts.........:grumble:

OK., now that I'm all spun up, bring on Christmas! :devil:

Edited to add: I know that some kids (a very small minority) may have a medical condition that pre-disposes them to weight gain, so don't throw me under the bus. We all know the ones I'm talking about here. Also, the wee little ones always reach into the bowl and grab a handful, cause that's what toddlers do. I'm not talking about them, either.


  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Haha! We just closed up shop at our house and my husband and I were discussing the same grrrrrrrrrs that you have.

    Particularly the greedy hogs without costumes.

    As far as I'm concerned, Halloween is for the little ones... and they sure were cute tonight :)
  • Oooooooh, tell me about it. I saw this short, overweight 40+ year old single mother, trick or treating with her 2 kids, one about 6 dressed as a surgeon and the other, about 15 dressed in lingerie style "nurse" costume with a slit up her middle/inside thighes with sky high white high heels. I COULD SEE HER BRIGHT RED PANTIES! It PISSED me off!
  • You couldn't have said it better!!!!!!
  • Tisha247
    Tisha247 Posts: 849 Member
    I don't like what you said about over weight children, that's a bit rough! Arn't fat children allowed to enjoy halloween?
  • jmatthews75
    jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
    Well, not to say I approve, but at least the undressed were out there getting some exercise... Forgive me for trying to find something good in it, now with that said, I do agree.
    What pissed me off was the kids that just came up and held the bag open, didn't say thank you or even Trick or Treat...
    So I just stared at them like they had legs coming out of their noses... They gave the look of confusion, I said, you don't say it, I don't give it. Then the Parents gave me the same look... Amazing how many people out there that are scared of their kids, Trying to be their friends and not their parents. GROW UP FOLKS... YOUR KIDS ARE RUDE, and its your fault, not theirs....
    Enough said...
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I don't like what you said about over weight children, that's a bit rough! Arn't fat children allowed to enjoy halloween?

    Yah, you're right, they should be able to have fun, too. Agree 100%. I was really thinking that they just made me sad, and I could just smack their parents. Good point.
  • Tisha247
    Tisha247 Posts: 849 Member
    I don't like what you said about over weight children, that's a bit rough! Arn't fat children allowed to enjoy halloween?

    Yah, you're right, they should be able to have fun, too. Agree 100%. I was really thinking that they just made me sad, and I could just smack their parents. Good point.

    Children are being fed and guided by their parents, they are truly the innocent party. You know what grrr's me about halloween? The fact that now in Australia it's starting to be recognised. I didn't trick or treat when I was child but now there's pressure on Australian families to buy into this commercial american rot!
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    i like when you post a note saying ran out of candy and u still get them ringing the door at midnight when my little ones are asleep nice huh
  • I don't like what you said about over weight children, that's a bit rough! Arn't fat children allowed to enjoy halloween?

    Yah, you're right, they should be able to have fun, too. Agree 100%. I was really thinking that they just made me sad, and I could just smack their parents. Good point.

    Children are being fed and guided by their parents, they are truly the innocent party. You know what grrr's me about halloween? The fact that now in Australia it's starting to be recognised. I didn't trick or treat when I was child but now there's pressure on Australian families to buy into this commercial american rot!

    Boo-hoo, want a cookie now?
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    agree about teens and comeing uncostumed and with smart *kitten* atitudes like they desurve candy ..get a job lol and buy your own .
    or buy a costume and get some creativity and maybe people will be nice and give you some.

    as much as it saddens me about little overweight kids its halloween and everyone desurves some candy , the parents just need to learn how to control the amount they get per day and force excersize into there routines

    im also tired of fireworks going off at 1-5am every day
  • Tisha247
    Tisha247 Posts: 849 Member
    I don't like what you said about over weight children, that's a bit rough! Arn't fat children allowed to enjoy halloween?

    Yah, you're right, they should be able to have fun, too. Agree 100%. I was really thinking that they just made me sad, and I could just smack their parents. Good point.

    Children are being fed and guided by their parents, they are truly the innocent party. You know what grrr's me about halloween? The fact that now in Australia it's starting to be recognised. I didn't trick or treat when I was child but now there's pressure on Australian families to buy into this commercial american rot!

    Boo-hoo, want a cookie now?

    We call them biscuits!