hey guys :)

hey everyone,

my names Kat, i joined this website back in August and for a while managed to stick to a diet.... then got really unwell and had to stop, just under 4 weeks ago i restarted my diet and have so far LOST 21.6lbs!!!!!

I am looking for friends to keep me motivated all the way, and if people are amazed at my weight loss you are more than welcome to add me and share tips on dieting and exercise etc.


  • Well done, that's a fantastic amount of loss, I am already in awe!
  • thank you :)

    it certainly hasnt been easy - ive been gym everyday - maybe twice a day on occasions and i've started swimming with the triathletes so that has been a massive help!!
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    It sound like your having a lot of fun at the gym and swimming. Nothing like some good exercise. I bet you feel and look great.
  • i'm certainly getting there. i used to be stick thin but because of a hip problem im born with i had to stop all exercise and piled on the weight - i couldnt even look in mirrors until a week ago now im starting to love my body again finally :)
  • cj1234cj23
    cj1234cj23 Posts: 113 Member
    I'd be dancing in some new shoes with a 22 pound weight loss! You go girl!