A new beginning

Hey everyone

A new member here. Just starting to try and lose weight again. A few years ago i weighed around 330 pounds but got myself down to around 265. Since then ive had a pretty stagnant weight only fluctuating the odd few pound both up and down. Ive just got back from 4 months in america and now however im determined to try and lose another 60 lbs or so. Thought idd pop on here and say hi as i think much of my problems before have been lack of support and understanding! Hope to hear some other peoples stories and have fun trying to lose weight.



  • KatieCuth
    KatieCuth Posts: 569 Member
    Good luck on your journey... its a great support network and information on here.
  • letmedrown
    Thanks, i hope so!
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    welcome Andy! you can do this. never give up on yourself, the one thing i tell people when they ask about "what got me started" or "what made it work" is that I never gave up.... even after a bad moment, day, week, or hell... MONTH.... i didn't give up on me. i got right back on it the best i could. :-) you will do GREAT! reach out.... lots of great peeps here.