Feel like crying



  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    It's difficult to give advice with so little informaiton. averaging 2 pounds per week is amazing, btw. So mfp gives you 1380. are you exercisiing? are you eating back those exercise calories? are you getting to 1380 per day? are you being honest with what you're eating and logging everything so that you can see it (as parents we sometimes grab a morsel here or there without thinking about it as we're snacking the kiddos)? how are you tracking your calories burned? there are a ton of exercises you can do without a gym including running, home videos, on demand fitness shows, fitness training on the internet, saving up your pennies and purchasing some good home workout equipment (especially weights since you can cardio anywhere but weight training is difficult without weights and really important for women around our age for not just strenght in general but also to help fight osteoporosis (sp), I'd start with either a bar and rack or full kettle bell set).

    Edit: when i was fuller figured I double up on the sports bras. Running does take time and can make you feel down a first when you can only make it short distances, but if you stick with it you'll start surprising yourself in very little time. Couch to 5K program is a great place to start.
  • moylie
    moylie Posts: 195
    Sounds like your body is getting used to your routine. Time to shake it up!!! The Couch to 5K program is excellent for beginner runners. Maybe your goal is too aggressive. Try scaling it back to 1 lb. per week or even .5 lb. per week loss. Calorie cycling is also a great way to kick-start your metabolism. You get a profile at freedieting.com. Basically you switch up your calorie amounts all week long, but still average the same amount. I've done this a few times to help the scale move. But, also take your measurements, because that is the best way to see a difference. Hang in there! We all have stumbling blocks, but YOU CAN DO IT! Keep up the good work!!!!!
  • damecaite42
    damecaite42 Posts: 24 Member
    I know the feeling. After I started the most recent part of my weight loss journey (I joined First Place 4 Health in January, 2010, long before I was pointed to MFP) I lost a little more than 20 pounds, and stayed within the same five pound range for an entire year. Sometime in August of this year, I made some dietary changes (going cold turkey on the sugary snacks at work, and limiting my dairy consumption by switching out regular milk for unsweetend almond milk) and intensified my exercise program (I had been on limited exercise after recovering from hip surgery.) That was what my body needed, and I've had small losses almost every week since then. You need to figure out what your body needs. It may not be reducing sugar or dairy, or changing your exercise program, but you likely need to change something about what you're eating and/or how you are exercising. Maybe you need a higher proportion of protein, or more healthy fats. Or more whole grains and fewer refined carbs. More strength training and less cardio, or interval training instead of cardio. I don't know what your current diet or exercise habits are like, but I wish you the best! It's so frustrating to get stuck, but keep trying things, and you will break through that plateau!

  • kimaviles76
    kimaviles76 Posts: 28 Member
    I truly appreciate everyone's comments ...I guess I feel a little better. (wiping away tears) I will try to be a little stricter and keep you all posted :/
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    First of all, no such thing as "only" when you're talking about losing an average of 1-2 pounds per week!! Sure most of it came off quickly at the beginning but that's probably because you were making big changes and your body had no choice but to react. Now that things have become more normal, it's going to take a bit more time. Remember, you're not on biggest loser with trainers and certain foods available to you, this is up to you and it's going to be hard work. Think about the long term though, it's not just about losing the weight, it's about getting healthy and creating new great eating habits (and getting over the old bad eating habits).

    If you can't afford to go to the gym, go to google and search for "at home workouts". There is a ton of stuff you can do. It's great that you tried running too! Invest in a good bra (or two, some ladies layer for extra support) to keep those girls in place and do another google for "couch to 5k" to find a great running training program. Also, remember to take it slow and steady. Don't try to run at 6mph the first day...there's nothing wrong with a nice slow jog until you build up more strength, speed and endurance.

    As far as your calories go, that sounds like a pretty good number to me. It might be more the quality of the food than the quantity though so make sure you're keeping your sodium levels in a healthy range, getting plenty of fresh fruits and veggies and lean proteins and of course drinking your water too.
    Oh and make sure you're eating back at least half of your exercise calories too.

    Best of luck!
  • aallen8599
    Don't be embarrassed about how little you can run. Trust me when I say running (or jogging even) takes time to build up. There are times I do really well and jog on a regular basis and then I slack off for a week and then try to get back out there and do what I did the last time and almost die! lol Just take one day at a time. If today you can only run to 'this' mailbox then tomorrow try to run to the next one. I promise you if you do that you will eventually amaze yourself at what you can do. Also, I've heard to mix it up a bit. Try jogging and walking, especially at first. It keeps your metabolism active. walk for 3 minutes, jog for 1 or two, and repeat. Hope that helps! I have had trouble losing weight too but mine is mainly consistency. I do well for a week and expect results immediately and when I don't see them I fall back into old habits. Just give yourself more time and mix your workouts up a bit. Also, maybe put your daily calories at 1200 but then eat any exercise calories you burn....just a thought.
  • MyCoachNYLA
    MyCoachNYLA Posts: 158 Member
    Hello. I began MFP about 3 months ago and have lost only 22 lbs. Most of I lost within 11 weeks. i haven't gained yet haven't lost. I feel really fat all over again staying at the same weight. All though I am proud to be down 2-3 clothing sizes...my scale is pissing me off! LOL. I wanna get rid of it, but can not. I am ALWAYS weighing myself, and I'm going crazy.Everyone says I look great...but I'm a 35 year old mother of 4...5'6" and a CW of 190.( started at 212) I feel fat again :O( I don't have the finances to head to the gym...I'm eating well, but should I cut back more than what MFP is allowing me? (1380 cal.) PLEASE send me some ideas or suggestions!!!!

    It's mostly in the food. I would suggest you up your caloric intake (1380 is not sustaining your base requirement which is at around 1600 cals.) If I had you as a client, I would suggest an intake of 1800 (min. day) with a ratio split of 40/30/30 (P/C/F) - that is if you are expending calorically at least 3 days a week of training for a min. of 30 min. a day.

    It is most likely your body is stalling due to the caloric deficit and it is wanting to hold on to the fat to survive the deficit which could also mean that if you stay there long enough, it will begin to take from your lean mass which could induce driving your metabolism down which then induces more fat storage.

    The old school of thought to eat less and train more is false. Based on physiology and not my opinion, all the body wants to due is survive, so under cutting your calories can be a huge set up. Also, when you lose weight - it is imperitive to know what it is you are losing, fat or lean mass.

    Anyway I can help you in more detail, please don't hesitate to message me. I would be more than happy to pass on what I have and also know, I speak from experience not only as a trainer but as a woman who used to weight almost 170 pounds.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and situation.

  • kellyyjean
    kellyyjean Posts: 499 Member
    Don't cry :happy:
    You have done a great job. Bravo!!! Keep doing what you are doing. Everyone hits a plateau at some point. Just keep logging. Walking is great exercise and running. I'm not a runner, I keep trying it but end up going back to other things. Exercise video tapes are good as well.
    You can do this, look what you have accomplished so far.:flowerforyou:
  • WannaBeSlimJim2
    WannaBeSlimJim2 Posts: 39 Member
    I'll bring the tissue. I am in the same vote. I will be 36 this weekend, my husband had a heart attack in July at 34, he is doing amazing and looks even better, and went cold turkey with all the things he shouldn't eat or drink, and hasn't looked back. I went to the other extreme. I had lost 17 pounds and was at 200, and couldn't get under it..and then when he had his heart attack, it all went to hell. I ate all that I shouldn't and now I can't get back on track and gained 6 back.

    I too can't afford a gym, I'm a stay at home Mom with two kids under the age of three, and yet can't get the time, if not the energy, to push myself to go out for walk even...which is how I did it the first time.

    I hope we can be friends to help push each other threw this...make us more accountable for one another when we have to report in and show what we have done in our day.

    You'd be surprised how much walking can do. I did 30 minutes at a good stride and boom, 17 pounds. Eating for sure, plays a big part, but that little exercise went much farther then I thought it would. Water is a filler too, if you can make yourself drink lots of that, and the peeing all the time; it does get better.

    When my husband starts his "rehab" they will be going threw some food options, of proteins, good fats, etc, so I hopefully will get my hands on some of that and can pass that on too.

    Celery sticks and a LITTLE bit of peanut butter is a good healthy snack, just a few. Hard boiled egg. Pre prep so it can be done in portion sizes and quick to grab when those hunger/gravings start.

    Not sure am I helpful, or a burden?

    If nothing else, I wish you all the best with this journey, it isn't easy, but when you do have successes, it feels awesome and hopefully reaches a point, it becomes natural and not so difficult to maintain. We can't beat ourselves up...the Biggest Losers, have been known to gain all their weight back, and look at the things they had access to...!?

    We can do this.

    Good luck.

  • kimaviles76
    kimaviles76 Posts: 28 Member
    I have NEVER measured myself....shame on me again
  • regthelittleone
    I' m in the same situation as you ( so I can relate). I feel like cryng too! Right now I'm trying to zig zagging my calories. freedieting .com has a great calulator. ( enter your info and it will give you maintain cals, weight loss cals & extreme loss cals) . I wrote my cals for each day on the fridge, and I enter them in MFP on a daily basis ( customize your goals). You could try that, it's supposed to trick your body and speed up your metabolism. I started with the weight loss cals and lost 2lbs!!!! ( I think I was eating to few cals before & my body was just trying to maintain ). I hope this helps a little and good luck :)
  • elizamc
    elizamc Posts: 285 Member
    I tried running last week and was embarrassed at how little distance I could run...and my boobs are "run friendly". :)

    Firstly I agree with the others you have done amazingly well, just fab! I've been on MFP since February and have lost 9lbs (up down, up down) but have noticed a big change in how I look - my body shape has changed.

    I encourage you to try to not weigh too often and also to find a good bra and get out there running! it is the running that I credit with my changed shape, so much so that the scales are (slightly) less important.

    Check out C25k running programme, many vouch for its success. I didn't follow it though because it was too much for me.... I could barely manage to run from one lamp-post to the other in Feb, now I'm running 5k+ and going to start working up to a 10k. I decided to run because I read that it was the best thing to get rid of belly fat. I encourage to try again and persist persist! I run like a tortoise but determination gets me there. I'm sure it will you too.... :-)

    A big bonus too is reducing stress....but that's another story!

    Good luck and keep going! Friend me if you like :-)
  • chuluotababe
    I know you probably don't want to hear this again... but 22 lbs is amazing! It's been over 4 months and I have only lost 19. Don't be so hard on yourself. Losing weight the right way is a long, arduous journey because you aren't just shedding pounds, you're changing your entire outlook on health and food. Just remember that you risk gaining it back as fast as you are losing it. Stay the course. Good luck!
  • swtcynthia4863
    I had the same problem when I was at that weight (we started at around the same weight and we are the same height) I was feeling super discouraged and as though the weight was never going to come off. All I can say is keep your head up and keep going. Eventually the scale will start moving again. I've found that incorporating 30/60's (30 seconds of sprinting, 60 seconds of walking) into my workout routine really helped me get off my plateau. Good Luck and 22lbs is fantastic!! Go to the grocery store and pick up two 10lb bags of potatoes and celebrate what you have accomplished so far!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    What everyone said... 22 pounds in three months is incredible! And now you're that much closer to your goal, so losing 2 pounds a week might not be doable anymore. Aim for 1.5 or 1 pound a week. A lot of us, myself included, lost more aiming to lose 1 pound than we did aiming to lose 2 pounds. You have to find that sweet spot where you feel energized enough that you know you're doing the right things for your body, no matter what the scale says from week to week. You will get there. :smile:
  • chuluotababe
    One more thing... I can't see your food diary but I'm curious if you are eating a lot of processed foods (Lean Cuisines, 100 calorie snack packs, etc.) They are a super convenient way to stay in your caloric range but for me they didn't work. Last year I tried to do WW but gained and lost the same 2-3 pounds every week no matter what I did. I was eating within my points, running 3 times a week and nothing was changing... not even the way my clothes fit. This go around I've cut out as much processed foods as I my schedule will allow, adopted the South Beach Diet lifestyle and the results are very encouraging. I can't afford orgranic fruits/veggies or hormone free meats but I try to do the best I can. As a side benefit I feel "clean." This is very hard to explain until you go through it yourself but there is something to be said for all the laboratory garbage in our foods these days. Again, good luck! This is more than about weight - it's about your health and well being.
  • MThurs
    MThurs Posts: 42 Member
    Our YMCA has ways to "help" people who can't afford a membership - you could try that.

    Also, there are SO many ways to exercise at home for free - youtube has a TON of videos.

    I personally get circuits from www.BodyRock.tv - free and challenging.

    Keep the course - eye on the prize (healthier you not a # on a scale).
  • sixpacking
    sixpacking Posts: 148 Member
    22 lbs in 3 months is absolutely incredible. You are doing fine. You are not a superhero, you are human! Weight loss is very challenging, that is why the industry of it its gazillions because it finds the most vulnerable people who want to lose weight quickly and most get discouraged because they can't stick it out long enough. Weigh loss is hard, but the good news is that it comes easier sooner than it took you to gain it, you just need patience, perseverance and commitment.

    When you're overweight its fairly easy to lose 10-15 within 10-14 days you can lose even more and that is great, that is just your body responding to the shock of everything that is going on. But after this, not everyone is encouraged to continue since it slows down. Most think cutting calorie too low its the way, but that just leads to crashes and you eventually quick because the body nor you can't take starving or feeling hungry (remember you are human).

    To not feel hungry and maximize your weight loss, you need to do cardio and resistance. High Impact workouts burn the most fat and lowers weight quicker, by that I mean, when you do resistance your HR should be elevated, it shouldn't be relaxed.

    You don't need to have money or belong to a gym to achieve weight loss and toning., that can be easily done at home. These are so many exercises you can do using your own bodyweight, they're called bodyweight exercises and if you keep good form and push your self to the max, you will achieve max. I get to go to the gym maybe 4 times (A MONTH) and I have achieved my success working out at home. YOUTUBE is a great source of ideas that can teach you so many exercises, you wouldn't feel the need of a gym. BY having just a resistance band or a 10lbs dumbbell, you can do tons.

    Don't quit, be patient and remember that you did not gain that weight in 3 months, so give it time to get rid of it. Eat foods that are satisfying, yet filling. Don't deprive yourself, otherwise you're going to be unhappy and eventually quit. What makes this journey worthwhile is enjoyment, make you you enjoy the ride, don't make it a job.

  • MThurs
    MThurs Posts: 42 Member
    Found this just after I read and posted on your link - hope it helps.

  • erinrose07
    If you have a planet fitness it's only $10 a month! You can't beat it!! Exercise is going to be the only key in addition to your dieting hun :( Also, try getting a b--complex vitamin with b6 and b12 in it. B vitamins help to metabolize food into energy