"Life's New Journey" November Challenge



  • luvs_choc8
    luvs_choc8 Posts: 788 Member
    Happy Tuesday Everyone,

    It is grat to see the huge group we have this month. I still need a few people to enter their weights onto the October and November spread sheets. If you need me to do it for you then just send me a quick message and I will.

    Tuesday Mini Challenge:

    Food - today lets keep our carbohydrates below the set level and make sure that we are eating the good carbohydrates. This would mean fruits, veggies, whole wheat breads & pastas and not the refined sugar like candies, pop, white bread & pasta etc.

    Cardio - lets add some stairs into our day. In fact lets do double steps just for a challenge. If you don't have stairs then do a brisk 30 minute walk or jumping jacks instead.

    Strength - lets do 10 sets of 10 arm raises today. If you do not have dumbbell weights be creative and find things around the house (examples soup cans, books, milk jugs) just make sure you are not going too heavy to start. I have attached the link to show you how to do them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-3JnFrFUOw&feature=relmfu

    Quote of the Day - "If you have a dream, go for it. No one is stopping you, except yourself!" One of the biggest keys to your own success is to be honest with yourself. The only person you are hurting with your dishonesty is you. So if you had 3 chocolate bars last night make sure you add it to your calories (LOL)

    Water - make sure we drink at least 8 10 oz glasses of water throughout the day.

    Hope you have a super day.

    Keep smiling :smile: :wink: :smile:

  • jbreilly
    jbreilly Posts: 53 Member
    Results from Monday's mini challenge:

    Calories - Stayed under but not by much and I did give into some sweets
    Cardio - Ran 30 minutes at 10min/mile pace
    Strength - 100 sit-ups (35 crunches; 35 reverse crunches and 30 bicycles)
  • audirain
    audirain Posts: 7 Member
    is it possible to still get involved in this one?
  • Lippis
    Lippis Posts: 21
    I'm ready to go - didnt see Mondays Challenge till today but I came pretty close to doing all of that at Bootcamp. And I was under my calories (even with the 2 candy bars I couldnt resist after I had finished logging for the day) I'll do some extra crunches for good measure today (if I can stomach them after Pilates tonight - Pun intended :wink: )

    I really need to work on my water - think I am going to make that a mini self goal for november!!

    Question: is there any way to "tag" this thread somehow so I dont have to go looking for it every morning?? - Never Mind I found the "My Topics" tab - :happy:
  • kathas0trophal
    kathas0trophal Posts: 118 Member
    you can find it at my topics. It stands right under the Headline odf the forum. I hope you get , I am no native speaker.
  • mamapaints
    mamapaints Posts: 206 Member
    Hey Donna, for the stairs challenge today, how long shall we shoot for? I've got a nice set of stairs waiting for me. :) Also, I'm not sure if I missed it, but when are we weighing in?
  • luvs_choc8
    luvs_choc8 Posts: 788 Member
    Hey Donna, for the stairs challenge today, how long shall we shoot for? I've got a nice set of stairs waiting for me. :) Also, I'm not sure if I missed it, but when are we weighing in?

    I would try to shoot for 15-20 minutes. We enter our weight on the spread sheet every Monday morning. Did you get the spread sheet?
  • mamapaints
    mamapaints Posts: 206 Member
    Hey Donna, for the stairs challenge today, how long shall we shoot for? I've got a nice set of stairs waiting for me. :) Also, I'm not sure if I missed it, but when are we weighing in?

    I would try to shoot for 15-20 minutes. We enter our weight on the spread sheet every Monday morning. Did you get the spread sheet?

    YEs I did, thanks! And I entered my starting weight the other day... do we have to do anything special to "save" it, or does it save automatically?
  • mamapaints
    mamapaints Posts: 206 Member
    Never mind, looks like it does save automatically!
  • allie0630
    allie0630 Posts: 139 Member
    LOVE these mini challenges...thank you!!!!
  • Jess05071981
    Jess05071981 Posts: 44 Member
    Doing pretty good today. Working late so exercise might be a challenge but my apartment is 2 story so I guess I can do stairs when I get home!
  • livelygirl91104
    I would love to join. Thanks!
  • MamawSue
    Please Chalange ME!! Give me any and all information........Thanks........MamawSue
  • sigsone
    sigsone Posts: 311 Member
    Monday's mini Challenge

    Under on Food - Check
    Cardio -yes
    strength: 50 crunches, 50 reverse crunches, 25 side crunches left and right sides (50 total)
  • kdm97
    kdm97 Posts: 111
  • Mskraizy
    Mskraizy Posts: 138 Member
    Sorry I didn't get ANY exercise in. Trying to finish a project for school that ended up takin all day. Hopefully tomorrow I can get back on track. At least I didn't neccessarily overeat....I may actually be waaay under on my calories today. Such an off day.:grumble:
  • allie0630
    allie0630 Posts: 139 Member
    Day one of November challenge:

    Food: under on calories, carbs and fat :happy: ; a little over on protein (is that ok?)
    (This was my first goal since I think I have been under estimating in my numbers.)
    Exercise: circuit training this morning but no big cardio :frown:
    Will try to do my sit-ups tonight.
    Have a great night everyone!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Results for Tuesday Mini Challenge:

    Food - I was Under Carbs and no candy/sweets but I did have pasta & garlic bread for dinner.

    Cardio - Im started my 2nd Round of Couch to 5K today. So, I did 20 mins of Jogging/Walking Intervals and 100 Jumping Jacks (2 sets of 50)

    Strength - Did 5 sets of 10 Front Arm Raises & 5 sets of 10 Lateral Raises

    Water - Had 96oz of Water
  • tkay72
    tkay72 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi I would like tho join this challenge what do I need tho. Do?
  • MelissaSel
    MelissaSel Posts: 86 Member
    My schedule is so screwy, it's hard for me to get in and check the daily challenges. Especially on the days I work... I work 12-13 hours with a 2 hour commute, so no time for much else. But I am going to continue to weigh in on Mondays and be part of the November challenge!!! And if I catch a few daily ones in the process I'll consider it a bonus! lol