Need some support. Please :)

I was on here for a while and did well, lost 30 lbs. But, I've fallen off the wagon for about 2 months. I have luckily maintained my weight only gaining 2 lbs back. But I'm wanting to start at it again strong and need all the support I can get. I have a wedding that I am in, in April and I want to look great for it. I'm hoping to lose about 45 lbs by then. It's a very do-able goal. It's a little over 1.5 lbs lost per week. Feel free to add me!


  • I Have a college reunion to go to in July and need to drop 36 pounds so i am right there with ya! what is your plan of attack? what worked before? the sloooooooowness is the only part that bugs me =(
  • cls09
    cls09 Posts: 38
    I too would like to know what worked for you before. I am so used to daily planned meals with other diet programs but am not able to located a plan on this site, besides goals. Best of luck to you!
  • jillybaby86
    jillybaby86 Posts: 66 Member
    I have a wedding in June that I am in, I would love to lose at least 50 pounds by then!!!!!
  • monilor
    monilor Posts: 6 Member
    Yep...I've been on and off here quite a few times but have never asked for support. This time I'm asking. I have 40 pounds to lose and I want to lose it safely and quickly. For some reason, I have been having such a struggle with it. I really want this. I don't want to lose weight but I want to remove it forever. (I seem to always find it again when I lose it LOL).
  • Hi there, i am back tracking as well :) started something new a nintey day challange...with a new Protein Product Body By Vi..its Gold! Came back to my fitness to keep track now of all my new movement, I am able to do being down 18.2 Whoo Hoo :wink: to see, i did well without it. Happy about that, and the fact that I am exited to incorportate all the new things im able to do. So guess Momma im saying welcome back, this tool is a great one to show us what we really are capable of. You can do it, working from the inside out am I. Wishing you a great day..
  • Hey all!

    My goal is to lose 10 pounds by Thanksgiving, and 15 pounds by New Years Eve... I as well need motivation!

    So far I lost about 17 pounds in 1.5 months with the help of this site (specifically the phone app) and my excercise program. To be honest, I really wasn't as consistent as I should have been (there were lots of birthday parties the last 2 months, lol), but it was still effective!

    For working out:
    I am doing the Couch to 5K Running Plan from Cool I usually DREAD running but this program is actually not too crazy and really does work. Best part - It's FREE. For anyone with an iPod, there's a free podcast on iTunes as well. This program is 3 days a week and for 9 weeks - totally recommend.

    I also did Debbie Simmer's Slim in 6. It's similar to the p90x workouts, from the same website, but not as insane. It's a 6 week that has cardio and resistance training. While this costs money I felt it was worth it. If you don't want to spend the money, some resistance training or some squat sequences can make up for it.

    ...How about we all try to lose 3 pounds by next Tuesday?! Small goals make big achievements :)

  • isnt going to come off quickly...just make up your mind that it is going to be steady but not necessarily quick...I am always close to discouraged when the scale refuses to budge, but then have to remind myself that it really didnt jump on me overnight, so it isnt going to get off me overnight either!
  • jodimcd
    jodimcd Posts: 14 Member
    It looks like there is alot of support available on this site! I just found this the other day and LOVE the app! Anyway, i have had a great few days so far and already feel better. It's amazing how quickly you can "feel" a difference, isn't it? I put a jacket on last night and could already feel that I didnt feel as much like a marshmallow in it...just a little more room!
    i would love to have some friends on this site that i can really learn from and mostly feel accountable to!