Hello family/100lbs FOR JAMAICA

Hello, just read that yiou're suppose to post here to say hello. Hello everybody...My goal is to lose 100lbs by my annual Summer Cruise.... My wife and I lost it but if you've been on a cruisem, then you know how EASY it is to gain... So starting today, NOV 1st...#OPERATIONSHIRTSOFF is in full effect.... I will post pictures as well as my weight. We cruise July 8-14, 2012 so i have 9 months to do it. I want to lose 30 lbs by NYE and 70lbs by July. I have to look my best by Jamaica. Not to show off, but i hate when you see pictures "on Your Vacation" and you tell people not to post that, untag me lol...i want to FINALLY say, tag it all... I have a great support team so it can be done, I WILL BE DONE... If you want to join us as we Sail to Jamaica, Key West, Cayman Islands, let me know. Talk to yall soon....Stay motivated!


  • chynn
    chynn Posts: 27 Member
    you can do it!!!
    good luck!!!
  • adk88
    adk88 Posts: 143 Member
    Good luck! You definitely have the right attitude for it!!
  • campbellcjdm
    Good luck !:happy:
  • reeldancer
    reeldancer Posts: 156 Member
    You CAN do it!

    i took a cruise a year ago ... although I did it backwards and didn't drop the weight until after the cruise. My husband and I were just looking at the pictures to see how far we have come.

    Good luck to you :)
  • revnica
    I'm cheering for you. good luck sweety!!!!:smile:
  • TSTagain
    TSTagain Posts: 84 Member
    Good luck with Operation take you shirt off (you should start a group/challenge with that name) -

    I am from Jamaica, hoping to go home sometime next year; love being on the beach, love the atmosphere, love being home. The last time I was home everyone congratulated me on how fat I was (trust me, they meant it as a complement..it means life is good and i am prosperous). My goal is drop a few before going back; I dont plan to go around shirt-less but a two-piece would be nice.