I have a confession to make.



  • You eloquently stated what so many of us have been through. Thanks for that. I am a secret eater for sure, so I can relate to the feelings of self-loathing and shame. But today's a new day - (that's all we have, today) - so for me: I'm gong to have three low cal meals and two healthy snacks and JUST SAY NO to the Halloween candy. :0)
  • goelvira
    goelvira Posts: 54 Member
    You are definitely NOT alone!! I really commend you for posting this and being honest with yourself and everyone! I don't think that I would be so brave in the same circumstance but wow, that was really great of you! It sure was an eye opener for me and it truly helps to motivate me even more now that I've read your post. I have issues myself being alone in the house and having access to the kitchen at all times, but so far I've been pretty good. I thank God that my husband is around to even be a mental reminder to myself that I can't and wont go to the fridge and snack on things when I just finished my dinner not even an hour ago!! lol Thank you so much for sharing part of your life, I know its difficult but with everyone's help, you can make the change and stay strong!! We're all here for you!!
  • You're awesome, even if you did fall off the wagon for a bit. You are strong and you know you can do this, and I know it too. Look how far you have come!!! You were absolutely my inspiration to take control of my eating and exercising and be a healthier person. Don't let this bump in the road prevent you from staying on course and continuing your amazing efforts.

    It's so hard to change a lifetime of bad habits and become a brand new person who really values themselves and their health. You have done that, and I know you will continue to do that. You'll do it cause you're worth it, and if you need someone to remind you how great you are, well, let me remind you: YOU'RE AMAZING!!!!

    Kudos to your for having the strength to share and be accountable. Now, let's do this, my friend! XOXOXO
  • phatnfitHeidi
    phatnfitHeidi Posts: 3 Member
    Let me add another "THANK YOU!" to your list of comments. :-) I feel like I have been doing the same thing and you've motivated me! Thank goodness we didn't go trick or treating---last year I was outta control. You are doing great girl! Thanks again for posting this.
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