Hey P90Xers

rickster43 Posts: 6
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
New to this forum and just wanted to say hi and see if anyone is currently doing P90X? I am in week 2, day 3 and it is hurting me bad. I probably should have started with an easier programs but I need to get it done. I have 50 lbs to lose and I am hoping to see my abs after about 20 years. Give me a shout if you have any P90x tips or if you are in the program as well.


  • New to this forum and just wanted to say hi and see if anyone is currently doing P90X? I am in week 2, day 3 and it is hurting me bad. I probably should have started with an easier programs but I need to get it done. I have 50 lbs to lose and I am hoping to see my abs after about 20 years. Give me a shout if you have any P90x tips or if you are in the program as well.
  • jaglover04
    jaglover04 Posts: 82 Member
    I've heard so many good things about those DVDs!! I've been looking for a set to try just don't want to spend the amount of $$ i keep finding them priced at lol!! Go you that is awesome!!
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    Welcome. There are a couple of great threads on here. Here's a link to one


    I'm on week 6 day 3. It's a great program. Just make sure you follow the eating plan as closely as you possible can. I keep hearing how that makes all the difference in the world.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Day 87, round 1 here...great program. Results are off the charts !!
  • Philde04
    Philde04 Posts: 160
    Hi!! I am on week 2, day 4l!!!! I hate it, but I love it!!!! Good luck to you!!!
  • chandhole
    chandhole Posts: 45
    Too structured for me! But I do mix the P90X workouts into my personal routine. Seems to be working so far. I basically use this site and healthy food choices as my supporting diet plan.

    I did Ab RipperX the other day and my hip flexers... well lets just say it's the first time I ever felt them! PAIN! I've been doing ab routines for a while now but this session really ripped me. Guess that's why they call it Ab Ripper! :noway:
  • I am on day 24 and have had great results. I stay slightly under the calories that they suggest so some of the workouts are a kinda tough to muscle through at times.... BUT.....

    17 pounds in 24 days..... and I am even seeing a bit (just a bit) of definition in the abs....

    I am sold on the program!
  • Thanks for the support. My diet needs serious work. I have not gotten it right yet but I am working on it. I fall down on my carb intake and my protein intake is still way too high. I have been extremely sore and I lack the flexibility for the yoga. I guess it will come with time. Thanks again
  • thanks for the support. 10lbs weight loss already is awesome. I need to get my diet in gear. I am fooling myself thinking the workouts are enough. Any tips?
  • ering
    ering Posts: 183 Member
    :love: I love P90X I'm only on my second day, but it is great!

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Luck! I am in round 2 almost ready for recovery week after block 2. I have had great results! Much more muscle mass and tremendous overall fitness. Just push play!
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Luck! I am in round 2 almost ready for recovery week after block 2. I have had great results! Much more muscle mass and tremendous overall fitness. Just push play!

    jeffrey...is the 60+ lbs that you've dropped all from P90X?

    I weigh in on Saturday and I'm projecting a 42-45 lb weight loss and 20% reduction in bodyfat (from 34-14%) for my first round. I've dropped nine notches on my belt loop and have gone from a 48 to a 36 jean.
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Luck! I am in round 2 almost ready for recovery week after block 2. I have had great results! Much more muscle mass and tremendous overall fitness. Just push play!

    jeffrey...is the 60+ lbs that you've dropped all from P90X?

    I weigh in on Saturday and I'm projecting a 42-45 lb weight loss and 20% reduction in bodyfat (from 34-14%) for my first round. I've dropped nine notches on my belt loop and have gone from a 48 to a 36 jean.

    BR- Not all of the weight loss has been from P90X, probably about 15-20 pounds of it. When I started with it in December I had a body fat percentage of 17.5% I am now at 12.5%. I am 55 years old and I am thrilled and more than happy with the results. When I started to reclaim my body, I was at 272 pounds and had a 42" waist. I just bought new jeans this weekend 32x32. I would like to get to 190 pounds and a bf% of 8-9. I think it is doable. I am going to complete this second round then do a month of just cardio and abx then go to the P90X Plus for 2 rounds of it. My wife is a Dietician so I do not use their diet program. I eat a controlled amount of carbs and go a little heavy on the proteins. I do not use any supplements. I try to keep my calories at about 1800 per day. I eat a lot of fruit, and I believe in good calcium from skim milk. I also only eat whole grain breads when I eat them, which is not often.

    Let me know what you think of my program. You think my goals are realistic? Keep in mind, I am pretty well fit, but I am not young! LOL

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432

    I hit send too quick. You are really doing great! I am very happy for you. I know the struggle! Hang in there and if there is anything I can answer for you just let me know.

  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Fifty-five? You rock !! That is awesome !!! Keep up the good work.

    I just purchased the P90X Plus and Fountain of Youth yoga. I'm still looking over the Plus dvd's.

    I plan on doing a round of Plus and then my own P90X "Mass" rountine that I will be putting together to use with my Smith Machine, barbells, leg press, leverage squat, etc that I have in my garage.
  • aimstein
    aimstein Posts: 94
    Hey Everyone!

    I'm currently on my first round of P90X and I love it! I'm trying to lose my last little bit of baby weight. I'm on my 5th week, 2nd day. I have definately slimmed down and gained muscle. However, I feel like I need to lose some more weight in order to defined instead of.... bulky/chunky. I'm sticking to the nutrition plan, but I have trouble keeping my carbs up and go a little heavy on the protiens sometimes. I just added more cardio to my routine??? Any other ideas? Thanks!
  • aimstein
    aimstein Posts: 94
    BTW....I forgot to mention I lost 8lbs. my first week of P90X and haven't lost anymore since.
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member

    I plan on doing a round of Plus and then my own P90X "Mass" rountine that I will be putting together to use with my Smith Machine, barbells, leg press, leverage squat, etc that I have in my garage.

    I'm about to pass out just thinking of that! I'm just excited to finish it once. I'm not sure what I'll do after round 1. I kind of miss some of the group classes at the gym.

    The other thing is... I"m not that creative! Give me a workout to follow or tell me what to do and I'm fine. I can't wait to hear how it goes. You'll be posting those pictures before you know it.
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    I'm currently on my first round of P90X and I love it! I'm trying to lose my last little bit of baby weight. I'm on my 5th week, 2nd day. I have definately slimmed down and gained muscle. However, I feel like I need to lose some more weight in order to defined instead of.... bulky/chunky. I'm sticking to the nutrition plan, but I have trouble keeping my carbs up and go a little heavy on the protiens sometimes. I just added more cardio to my routine??? Any other ideas? Thanks!

    I'm at about 1 week ahead of you. I've lost 5 lb of the 12 I want to lose and can tell there's a change in my body. I did the same thing and lost 4 right away, stalled, now in week 6 I've dropped another lb. I figured out I wasn't eating enough cals. Once I went back up to 1800, I started losing again.
  • aimstein
    aimstein Posts: 94
    I wondered if that might be my problem. I'll try to eat more....I can't believe I just said that! LOL


    Anyone else got any advice?? I need all I the advice I can get.....
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