First day!!!

MissYackerman Posts: 4 Member
edited October 4 in Introduce Yourself
Hello! This is my first day on this site...and well I suppose my first day of the rest of my life. I am not quite sure how to get around this site, and obviously will have to figure it out fast, to be able to use as much as it has to offer. I am already loving it. Everyone seems to truly care about everyone else. I went looking for a support group and I think I have found a support nation! Haha...I am starting out at 240, and am looking to getting down to about 160 as a final goal. My husband just competed in the Mid-Atlantic Tough Mudder, and did sooo wonderfully. This past year he has really taken his weight and health by the horns and is kicking butt! I have spent the last year feeling sorry for myself, well not I want to take my life back! I want to be a Tough Mudder too!! lol. So wish me luck and anyone who needs a friend let me know!!!


  • I'm thinking of Tough Mudder in May! Feel free to add me, you're gonna love it here :)
  • Hiya! This is my first day too. I had my son almost 6 months ago. I gained 56 pounds but would like to lose all of that plus an additional 15-20 pounds. I am in the AF Resrves and have a PT test in December so I really need to kick things up a notch. I have a co-worker that just completed the Tough Mudder and he has shown me some good exercises that can be done anywhere, which is what I need! My husband is deployed and I know he will come home in good shape, and I want him to be suprised when he sees the healthier, better me. I have counted calories before but from what I found on this site, this might be the way to go and I'm excited! :happy: I just can't let the holidays get in the way...
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    You will figure it all out... I use the community boards, home page, and exercise and food diaries most. Any questions please ask! The support that you get from others working toward the same goals on MFP is AMAZING! You'll do great! Add me as a friend if you like and we can support each other! Good for you for getting started!
  • PrincessMorticia
    PrincessMorticia Posts: 96 Member
    Welcome :)
    I've been on the site a week and have similar goals (239 now, want to get to 170)
  • CeliaJoy
    CeliaJoy Posts: 16 Member
    Today is my second day and I know we all can do it! Congratulations on taking the first step.
  • MissYackerman
    MissYackerman Posts: 4 Member
    VTGIRL77: It was seriously awesome! Just being there was so much fun. My husband said it was 100x harder than he thought, so my only advise it make sure your ready for more than you think it has to offer!

    KAEWEST81: Make sure to thank your husband for my family and I! My brother just got back 6 weeks ago and will actually be here for a visit at the end of November, I can't wait! Congrats on the baby, and the weight loss so far, truly awesome!

    AmberBoobar: Thanks you thank you thank you! I am already feeling the love!

    valeriejames88 and CeliaJoy; Thank you both soo much!!!
  • A friend of mine did it last year and said it was brutal, but sh.e loved every minute of it. As soon as she could she registered for the next one. We were talking about it and she said everything I currently do is in the Tough Mudder training program, so I would be fine. I go back and forth with
  • nicolemariedwyer
    nicolemariedwyer Posts: 46 Member
    Hi! I think we could support each other, I have a similar goal! I am starting at 220 and trying to get to 170! We should keep each other on pace!! I'll add you as a friend!

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