

  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    If you've had trouble losing with diet and exercise, have you consulted a doctor to rule out things such as PCOS and/or thyroid issues? I've heard that people with PCOS get better results on low carb diets, for whatever reason. Just throwing this out there because HCG is a really bad idea. Do the research for yourself, you'll see(and don't take marketing information as fact).
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    "Nothing in this world that's worth having comes easy" - Dr. Robert Kelso

  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    *shoots self in head* Just don't do it! Bad news bears
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Good for you. However, I'm not you. I'm also not suggesting that HCG is the "end all be all". It's more of a last resort type thing.

    Just to clarify, I was asking about HCG experience, so I could make an informed decision - not the opinion of people who haven't had any experience with it.

    Why is it required that I 'try it' before commenting?

    Exactly.. apparently you can only research HCG only by trying it and not reading studies on it or anything silly like a medical journal...
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I'm not going to comment about HCG one way or another because I don't have the personal experience of using it to give an informed decision. As you indicated, you were looking for helpful input so that you can make an informed decision. You indicated that you have tried "diet and exercise" before, but that it was unsuccessful. you did not indicate why it was unsuccessful.

    I have been on this journey before. I have gained weight, lost weight, re-gained weight, and am now losing weight again. From my experience and from reading about this, it is my belief that the mental part of the healthy lifestyle journey is more difficult than the physical part of the journey. I believe that having and maintaining a good mindset is important no matter how you intend to pursue the journey. As folks have said in this thread who have experience with HCG, it takes a commitment...not only to do the HCG cycle, but to do what is necessary after the cycle. The same is true for those of us who have chosen to pursue the journey via healthier eating and exercise. It takes will power and it takes an understanding of what to do when will power (as it inevitably will) wanes from time to time.

    For this, I recommend that you review my will power blog below and consider taking the time to do the activity in it.

    No matter how you choose to pursue your healthy lifestyle journey, I truly wish you the best success possible.
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
    You should try Alli instead. Much funnier, er um, better results.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    "Nothing in this world that's worth having comes easy" - Dr. Robert Kelso


    okay i am not advocating this diet, but in what universe would sticking to a 500 cal diet be consider coming easy???????
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    If you didn't have the willpower to follow a simple eat less exercise more "routine", what makes you think you will be able to stick to the HCG?
  • SaddyPants
    SaddyPants Posts: 152 Member
    If you didn't have the willpower to follow a simple eat less exercise more "routine", what makes you think you will be able to stick to the HCG?

    This was going to be my question as well. It seems so much easier to just eat a bit less and move a bit more.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    If you didn't have the willpower to follow a simple eat less exercise more "routine", what makes you think you will be able to stick to the HCG?

    From what I understand of HCG, folks who follow it lose roughly 1 pound per day while on the cycle. I believe that watching the scale move every day provides the potential of added motivation that you don't get with "slow and steady wins the race". the better question might be...if you don't have will power to do the slow and steady method now, are you going to have it after the HCG cycle (i.e., when you're not losing a pound a day any longer)...or exactly what is your exit plan following the HCG cycle? As I stated above, regardless of the method used for the journey, I strongly recommend the activity in my will power blog.
  • slbeutler
    I don't know much about it, but the idea of putting pregnant women's pee into my body either by drops in my mouth or shots is enough to turn me off from it. Also, I think that if I went on a 500 calorie a day diet, I would probably lose weight as well, but it would probably be from starving myself all day, not from some drops.

    I agree with most people on here, successful weight loss comes from making healthy lifestyle choices and there is no magic bullet, pill, drops or shots that will get you there. You have to fix what is wrong in the first place and doing something that drastic will inevitably lead to gaining it all back plus more.

    Weight loss is determined by calories in and calories out. If you are diligently tracking your intake and exercising and still not getting results, I would evaluate what you are actually eating and just write every little thing down, measure it out, count etc. Many times, we think we are eating a certain number of calories, but it is not actually accurate. If you are being accurate, then seek a doctor's advice. I have a thyroid disorder, so weight loss is difficult for me, but with different diet experiments I am losing, with no magic pills.

    Good luck!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    If you didn't have the willpower to follow a simple eat less exercise more "routine", what makes you think you will be able to stick to the HCG?

    This was going to be my question as well. It seems so much easier to just eat a bit less and move a bit more.

    actually, I personally believe that for some folks, following a strictly regimented plan is easier than having to make decisions every day about what to eat, how to eat, etc. I say this without commenting on the safety of HCG or its potential side effects as identified by others familiar with the product. I'm simply saying that for some folks, very strict guidelines IS an easier plan. shoot, I did a 4 week all natural cleanse earlier this year. it was simple (eat only veggies for 2 weeks, add chicken with veggies for last 2 weeks, drink only water), very low calories (but in a way that did not leave me feeling hungry because I could eat as many veggies as I wanted), and easy to follow once I wrapped my mind around doing it. I lost weight doing the cleanse...also cleaned out my system of toxins....and I have lost more since then because I understood the exit plan was eat healthy and portion control, which is how I have proceeded since mid May. It took will power to do the cleanse. it took will power to do eat healthy and exercise. it will take continued will power to continue with eat healthy and exercise.
  • _LDM_
    _LDM_ Posts: 81
    Good Lord. Too many things to respond to. My point was, I wasn't asking for opinions - I was asking for experiences (good or bad). But, clearly people are SUPER opinionated on this topic.

    It isn't always about will power (not saying I'm overloaded with it). I guess at this point I'm to share my medical history. I do have PCOS. I have heard that people with PCOS can benefit from HCG. (also a reason I was wanting to hear from people who have tried it). Also, I have degenerative disc disease - unfortunately, it's acting up. In addition, like most fat folk, I have pretty significant knee problems. So "moving" a little more it somewhat difficult at this point. Yes, I know that people in my position (and worse) can and have done it. I really wanted to use HCG as a starting point. Drop some of this weight that is obviously assisting my back/hip/knee pain, and get back to the gym along with a healthy and balanced diet.

    AGAIN, I'm not saying that this is the way people should lose weight - it was a consideration. And since this is a weight loss website (except for those trying to gain - I hate you) I thought I'd ask!

    P.S. How dare you use my favorite quote against me (I love Scrubs) ;-)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    If you didn't have the willpower to follow a simple eat less exercise more "routine", what makes you think you will be able to stick to the HCG?

    From what I understand of HCG, folks who follow it lose roughly 1 pound per day while on the cycle. I believe that watching the scale move every day provides the potential of added motivation that you don't get with "slow and steady wins the race". the better question might be...if you don't have will power to do the slow and steady method now, are you going to have it after the HCG cycle (i.e., when you're not losing a pound a day any longer)...or exactly what is your exit plan following the HCG cycle? As I stated above, regardless of the method used for the journey, I strongly recommend the activity in my will power blog.

    The thing there, is a good portion of that weight lost is water weight, as a serious calorie restriction leads to much lower glycogen stores, which leads to much less water stored with the glycogen. So really, it's more of a placebo effect that isn't sustainable anyway. It's the same reason someone who intermittently fasts weighs lower on fasting days, as they go through all of their glycogen stores and lose the water, and then weigh slightly more when they go back to their normal eating regimen, and the body refills it's glycogen stores. Not to mention eating so little leads to less food in your stomach, because yes, the food you eat has weight and counts as part of your body weight. :laugh:
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    If you didn't have the willpower to follow a simple eat less exercise more "routine", what makes you think you will be able to stick to the HCG?

    From what I understand of HCG, folks who follow it lose roughly 1 pound per day while on the cycle. I believe that watching the scale move every day provides the potential of added motivation that you don't get with "slow and steady wins the race". the better question might be...if you don't have will power to do the slow and steady method now, are you going to have it after the HCG cycle (i.e., when you're not losing a pound a day any longer)...or exactly what is your exit plan following the HCG cycle? As I stated above, regardless of the method used for the journey, I strongly recommend the activity in my will power blog.

    The thing there, is a good portion of that weight lost is water weight, as a serious calorie restriction leads to much lower glycogen stores, which leads to much less water stored with the glycogen. So really, it's more of a placebo effect that isn't sustainable anyway. It's the same reason someone who intermittently fasts weighs lower on fasting days, as they go through all of their glycogen stores and lose the water, and then weigh slightly more when they go back to their normal eating regimen, and the body refills it's glycogen stores. Not to mention eating so little leads to less food in your stomach, because yes, the food you eat has weight and counts as part of your body weight. :laugh:

    hmmmm....in April, I ate only veggies for 2 weeks. I wasn't counting calories at that time, but I suspect it was a serious calorie restriction (maybe 500 calories some days; maybe 800 calories other days...who knows...veggies just don't have a lot of calories). I lost 14 or 16 pounds during those 2 weeks. I didn't gain any of them back...ever. Instead, I have lost another 20 something pounds doing healthy eating, portion control and exercise afterwards. in fairness, I will say that I didn't get back to losing weight immediately after the cleanse. I somewhat plateaued a bit, but expected that. I was happy that I didn't gain any of the weight back and eventually began to lose again at the slow and steady method.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I tried it after losing 80 lbs on my own through good ol' fashioned exercise and diet the weight loss came to a halt, I got frustrated and people around me had lost lots of weight with HCG. I did it for 10 days, lost 13 lbs, was very hungry, felt horrible, tired as hell and as soon as I started having chest pains (I'm 35 with not heart problems) I quit that same day, chest pains went away and haven't come back, the weight came back tho despite clean eating and exercise. I'm now back to losing the good old slow and steady, healthy way. As for the people around me that lost, they lost hair and looked sickly all the time, have also gained most of their weight back. Good luck to you on whatever you decide.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Good Lord. Too many things to respond to. My point was, I wasn't asking for opinions - I was asking for experiences (good or bad). But, clearly people are SUPER opinionated on this topic.

    It isn't always about will power (not saying I'm overloaded with it). I guess at this point I'm to share my medical history. I do have PCOS. I have heard that people with PCOS can benefit from HCG. (also a reason I was wanting to hear from people who have tried it). Also, I have degenerative disc disease - unfortunately, it's acting up. In addition, like most fat folk, I have pretty significant knee problems. So "moving" a little more it somewhat difficult at this point. Yes, I know that people in my position (and worse) can and have done it. I really wanted to use HCG as a starting point. Drop some of this weight that is obviously assisting my back/hip/knee pain, and get back to the gym along with a healthy and balanced diet.

    AGAIN, I'm not saying that this is the way people should lose weight - it was a consideration. And since this is a weight loss website (except for those trying to gain - I hate you) I thought I'd ask!

    P.S. How dare you use my favorite quote against me (I love Scrubs) ;-)
    You seem to be relatively grounded and aren't so thin-skinned as to freak out because the Internetz aren't agreeing with you. I respect that. You should know that MFP - as a site, not just the forum - doesn't support unhealthy/fad diets. HCG isn't very popular as a safe diet here. In fact, it gets ridiculed sometimes.

    Maybe HCG is for you. I don't know. But the way you have reacted so far makes me hope that you will try HCG, come to realize that there really aren't any ways around the simple math of "eat less and/or move more" and start losing weight more traditionally. I know you state you have tried and have medical issues, and HCG is a last resort. Still, I'm stubborn. And you seem likable. And it's my fantasy. And my fantasy ends with you ditching HCG after a few months, working with a nutritionist and/or trainer, seeing a doctor, regularly logging on MFP, and a year from now replying to HCG threads with "I tried it, and it worked OK, but here's what really helped me..."

    And scene. Cut background music.

    Seriously, good luck with whatever you do.
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    Not eating is stupid.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Good for you. However, I'm not you. I'm also not suggesting that HCG is the "end all be all". It's more of a last resort type thing.

    Just to clarify, I was asking about HCG experience, so I could make an informed decision - not the opinion of people who haven't had any experience with it.

    Why do you need a last resort? I don't even work out yet. Just restricting calories is enough to lose weight. (Working out is for fitness/hotness.) I restrict mine to 1200. Try that instead of the ridiculous 500 and skip the useless drops. They very literally do NOTHING for weight loss. So save your $$.

    Hope this helps. :) Good luck.