The Horrible Cook's Guide to Healthy Eating

I can buy cook books, watch cooking shows, even try to gain a few tips from my gran but I am a HORRIBLE cook (I burned two bags of popcorn just the other day). I found it really difficult to try and eat well without having all my meals come in frozen boxes...or boxes in general. I'm a 20 something that has had many psudeo-mothers, a college cafeteria, and a chef roommate to cook for me so naturally I've lived the high life of food (which also brought me here!).

Today I went to the grocery store and instead of stuffing my cart full of Lean Cuisine (I only got four, I promise) I went straight to the raw foods and bought THE HELL out some greenery. I was super excited, and not to mention hungry, by the time I got home and then I realized that I have no idea what to do.

So after seeing exactly SEVEN advertisements for pizza, I decided to try and make one. I didn't burn anything and since I couldn't make dough if someone handed me a tube of it, I browned up a whole wheat tortilla. Bless my future ulcer, I threw in freshly sliced jalepenos too. It was the best 319 calories of pizza I've ever eaten...

Maybe there's some hope for me yet :D

1 Buena Vida Torilla
1 Roma tomato, sliced thin
1 jalepeno pepper, sliced thin (optional)
1/3 c. G.V. Shredded Pizza Cheese
1/8 c. Treasure Cove Feta Cheese
8 Pepperoni Slices
1 tsp. Italian Seasoning

Warm tortilla over medium heat in a skillet sprayed with non-stick cooking spray for about four minutes. The tortilla will start to brown up, making the base of the pizza. Flip the tortilla to cook the other side (duh, we want our junk CRISPY). Arrange tomatoes and jalenpenos (into a smiley face, perferably), then alternate cheeses and pepperoni, topping with seasoning. During this assembly time, it's completely vital that you sing Italian songs and say "Bellisimo" after putting anything on it pizza (this really brings out the flavor :D).Continue to cook over medium heat until cheese melts. Alternatively, you can pop into the microwave after browning the tortilla for 60 secs or throw that sucker into the oven (I think that'll work too).



  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    hm..tried to get the pic to post correctly for ya, but my computer is throwing a hissy fit on me! LOL sounds like a very yummy recipe! I love jalepenos!
  • Nikki881
    Nikki881 Posts: 203
    This sounds fantastic! Thanks!
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    OMG this sounds delicious and now I need to try it!

    And your post gave me a good laugh, thanks :)

    I, on the other hand, am a pretty decent cook, but I LOVE love LOVE to bake. It's horrible :( I get the itch where I feel like I need to bake.. and I'm pretty sure my coworkers are sick of me fattening them up lol
  • reba971
    Sounds yummy! I am gonna try it. I make english muffin pizzas also, with lite muffins and they are great too! I am also a horrible cook, and I know your pain. I have ruined so many meals I cannot count them! I keep trying though cause I am learning that it is possible! Tonight I made some baked chicken nuggets that were AWESOME! Better than fast food nuggets in my opinion! I was SO proud! Let me know if you want the recipe, was super easy!
    Good job on the healthy pizza and don't give up there are things out there that we can actually make! :)
  • ohraspberries13
    that looks awesome :D
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    It was super yummy! I nommed until I couldn't nom anymore! I think my favorite part was that it's sauce free, super crispy, and that it's filling without making me feel like i just ruined my entire diet :D
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I sometimes use frozen whole wheat bread dough for pizza. You just thaw it, roll it out to fit your pan, prick it and and put a light coat of olive oil, then bake for 10 minutes. After that you just put any toppings and bake for another 10 minutes.

    It's also pretty fun to just roll the dough out, fill with some deli meats or veggies and cheese, then roll it up and bake. Stromboli! :)
  • goodmonster
    This made me smile =)
    I'm a pretty decent cook but it took a little while to get me started.

    The biggest tip I'd hand out to you is make sure you use all that greenery! It has a fabulous (aka 'effin terrible) habit of getting wilty and gross quickly! This is from a terrible personal discovery- gooey lettuce mess all over the bottom of my crisper drawer. Sad panda.
    If you don't want to eat salad for DAYS I would suggest starting to add greenery to whatever you are eating- the other day I discovered sauteed spinach & tomatoes in my grilled cheese was FABULOUS.
    If you can brown a tortilla, you can sautee spinach! For a big handful of spinach I use a T of EVOO, and random spices. I'm a big fan of dill or flaked red pepper. Heat up that spinach in the pan with the EVOO and whatever spices you find handy; when it all looks wilty it's done. Put it on a plate, make your grilled cheese with one serving of a cheese of your choice- put half of the serving on the bread, add your cut up tomatoes, stick on your sauteed greenery, then the rest of the cheese. Viola! Fancy grilled cheese of health.
  • whisperingdragon
    How cool is that??

    Good job!
  • NorthridgeKC
    NorthridgeKC Posts: 4 Member
    This looks soooooo good. Might have to try this for lunch tomorrow!
  • ebahde
    ebahde Posts: 89 Member
    I will definitely be trying this! Thanks for sharing!!
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    You guys give me the warm-n-fuzzies! I wonder how many calories that burns.... :laugh:
  • NorthridgeKC
    NorthridgeKC Posts: 4 Member
    Made this for lunch today! Used lean capicollo instead of pepperoni but the rest was all the same....delish!!!
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    Made this for lunch today! Used lean capicollo instead of pepperoni but the rest was all the same....delish!!!

    Oh dang! That sounds good too! :D
  • DEGiltz
    DEGiltz Posts: 297 Member
    Congratulations on being adventurous!! Good for you and don't give up the healthy cooking.:smile:
  • 2_young_2B_old
    2_young_2B_old Posts: 90 Member
    That sounds delicious, and now I'm hungry! ;-)