i just need to believe in myself!

I joined my fitness pal a few months ago, but didnt stick with it. yesterday was my first actual day of getting serious and keeping an accurate log. when i graduated high school in 2010 i weighed 155 lbs, but i was living a very active lifestyle... playing basketball, soccer and softball and being on summer soccer and softball leagues. i started dating my boyfriend and went to college and bam! my weight shot up to 230 because i let my active lifestyle go down the drain. I am now in nursing school and hoping to get back in shape. i HATE running and excersising, always have, so this is going to be a long difficult road. I want to be back to my high school weight, so these 75 lbs are going to be quite the struggle. so far i have been walking/running for half an hr a since yesterday and have went from 230 to 228.4. i know deep down i can do it, but i have a long road a head of me! even though i have only went from a size 12 to a size 14/15 and dont look like i weigh this much, i still hate seeing the number on the scale. so to me and everyone else out there trying to lose this stubborn weight, I KNOW WE CAN DO THIS! MOTIVATION AND WILL POWER WILL SLOWLY HELP US GET INTO THE BODIES WE HAVE ALWAYS WANTED! good luck everyone!!!


  • Waynes_World
    You can do anything you set your mind on ! I wish you the best of luck with your journey ;}
  • wallacam194
    thank you so much!
  • lalala06
    lalala06 Posts: 153
    don't think of it as 75lbs devide it up into mini goals you will be there beforre you know it.. don't give up consistancy is the key :) good luck
  • sinistertitan
    sinistertitan Posts: 603 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You're in the right place. Lots of great support and exceptional tools to help you along the way.

    Best wished to you on your journey! You can do it!
  • wallacam194
    thats a good idea! im shooting for a pound a week at this point. nothing too large because i dont want to disapoint myself.
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    You hate exercising and always have but you played basketball, soccer and softball? That doesn't quite compute, methinks... can you get back onto some teams to play the games you enjoy? I suggest trying to find exercise you don't mind rather than doing running if you hate it. (I hate it too, not gunna run for no-one! I do yoga, Zumba, exercycle and walk)

    Also, I'd suggest focussing on small goals and celebrating your success as you go.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    awesome! Feel free to add me if you like. There is also a great thread today on motivation sayings/quotes in the forums. y ou could try searching for it.

    good luck!
  • krisbychiken
    krisbychiken Posts: 72 Member
    I need to lose about the same amount of weight myself! I think we can definitely do it though, I just need to be patient about it haha
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I can understand liking sports but hating exercising. You can incorporate sports related movements into your exersize routine. ie. swimming for cardio. Shooting baskets for cardio etc..

    Or you can tailor your workouts TOWARDS helping you get into shape for those sports. If that's one goal you have (to play these sports again)
  • wallacam194
    sports weren't just about running. you didnt think about the running. it was the adrenaline rush and the competition. its nothing like track! :) i did zumba for 2 months and saw absolutely no results, and it was getting costly. but good luck to you and thank you for the support! :)