Depression/post-partum depression

I had post-partum depression after my twins were born six years ago. It got bad, really bad. It's under control now with medication, but I am finding it so, so hard to get motivated and get moving. As far as weight-loss goes, I lost baby weight, but put it all back on and then some. I am very sedentary and stay tired all the time. I've had all my levels checked, i.e. thryroid, etc., with all tests coming back normal. I blame it on the depression. I tend to look at the bad, not the good. But it is hard to fnd the good when you take the notion to start walking, for example, and your knees and back give out. It makes you not want to do anything. I even get tired folding clothes! I was just wondering if this was true for anyone else


  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    Depression is the very reason I work out and eat healthy. I have to. And it helps so much. But soon as I slack, I'm in trouble, so I keep going. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like.
    I had post-partum depression after my twins were born six years ago. It got bad, really bad. It's under control now with medication, but I am finding it so, so hard to get motivated and get moving. As far as weight-loss goes, I lost baby weight, but put it all back on and then some. I am very sedentary and stay tired all the time. I've had all my levels checked, i.e. thryroid, etc., with all tests coming back normal. I blame it on the depression. I tend to look at the bad, not the good. But it is hard to fnd the good when you take the notion to start walking, for example, and your knees and back give out. It makes you not want to do anything. I even get tired folding clothes! I was just wondering if this was true for anyone else
  • paladeac
    paladeac Posts: 81 Member
    Have you worked with a therapist with regard to your depression? There's a lot that can be done in addition to medication. They can help you change the negative thought patterns that keep holding you back.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    When I was overweight I got tired folding clothes too. Now that I've lost all of the weight, I have no problems. As for the PPD, I use the exercise to combat that.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    My post-partum was terrible. I've struggled with depression since I was 12 though - but it didn't get to the point where it completely debilitated me until after I had my son 9 years ago. My advice for you is to ask about getting on a different medicine - I was on Prozac, Paxil, and then Prozac again with Depakote, none of them took care of my depression symptoms. Depakote was only added to stop my night terrors, and that actually did work. Paxil worked briefly, but it made me feel more like a zombie than a normal person. I literally could not feel mad, sad, or any emotion other than just "fine", and the withdrawal from Paxil was hell.

    I was put on Wellbutrin almost a year ago and just recently switched to Wellbutrin XL because it was just easier for me to take 1 pill every morning instead of 2 a day. Anyway, that has been working wonderfully for me ever since. I never thought I'd honestly ever get any relief from the depression. I think it is possible though, if you can find a knowledgeable psychiatrist. It can be a long and difficult process though - I really feel like I just got lucky. My doctor only prescribed me the Wellbutrin to help me quit smoking, and instead it ended up working to treat the depression. It is true though that if you work out regularly, it can help boost your mood and give you tons of energy! Just try it one step at time every day to do a little bit of exercise, even if it's just enough to get your heart racing and some sweat going. I really think it could help you. :) Good luck and hang in there!
  • hot_momma0692
    Have you worked with a therapist with regard to your depression? There's a lot that can be done in addition to medication. They can help you change the negative thought patterns that keep holding you back.
  • hot_momma0692
    yes. I am not currently seeing anyone now. I just take my meds. My depression is under control but I still have alot of anxiety and no energy and motivation, whatsoever!
  • javajunkee
    I have been struggling with some depression. My baby girl is 6 months old and I know my worst days are when I'm not eating well or getting any activity. I get tired doing anything on those days, which is not helpful since I have 3 kids.

    I want to see a counselor, but hubby is not really supportive of me going to counseling.

    I don't know what to tell you hot_momma, except for PLEASE do not think for a second you are alone in going through what you are now.
  • hot_momma0692
    My post-partum was terrible. I've struggled with depression since I was 12 though - but it didn't get to the point where it completely debilitated me until after I had my son 9 years ago. My advice for you is to ask about getting on a different medicine - I was on Prozac, Paxil, and then Prozac again with Depakote, none of them took care of my depression symptoms. Depakote was only added to stop my night terrors, and that actually did work. Paxil worked briefly, but it made me feel more like a zombie than a normal person. I literally could not feel mad, sad, or any emotion other than just "fine", and the withdrawal from Paxil was hell.

    I was put on Wellbutrin almost a year ago and just recently switched to Wellbutrin XL because it was just easier for me to take 1 pill every morning instead of 2 a day. Anyway, that has been working wonderfully for me ever since. I never thought I'd honestly ever get any relief from the depression. I think it is possible though, if you can find a knowledgeable psychiatrist. It can be a long and difficult process though - I really feel like I just got lucky. My doctor only prescribed me the Wellbutrin to help me quit smoking, and instead it ended up working to treat the depression. It is true though that if you work out regularly, it can help boost your mood and give you tons of energy! Just try it one step at time every day to do a little bit of exercise, even if it's just enough to get your heart racing and some sweat going. I really think it could help you. :) Good luck and hang in there!

    My meds are working fine for the sadness that comes along with depression. However, I have alot of anxiety. I am on Effexor and I have no idea if it causes weight gain (probably) but I sure have put on a lot of weight. Like I said, I get very tired very easily. Oh about Paxil, I hate that you went through it but with that being said, I'm glad I'm not the only one who knows about that! It was awful and the doctors should warn you about it first! I've lost faith in the psyciatric field. I don't see one anymore, or a therapist. I am SO thankful that depression is being talked about and is out there more than it used to be.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    My meds are working fine for the sadness that comes along with depression. However, I have alot of anxiety. I am on Effexor and I have no idea if it causes weight gain (probably) but I sure have put on a lot of weight. Like I said, I get very tired very easily. Oh about Paxil, I hate that you went through it but with that being said, I'm glad I'm not the only one who knows about that! It was awful and the doctors should warn you about it first! I've lost faith in the psyciatric field. I don't see one anymore, or a therapist. I am SO thankful that depression is being talked about and is out there more than it used to be.

    I understand losing faith in psychiatry - it's only to be expected with how much BS and hype there is out there. I am so glad that the medicine you're on is helping you with the sadness. I do think that the lethargy (tired all the time) and anxiety is part of depression too though. All that crap went away for me when I got put on Wellbutrin - but, I know symptoms are different for everyone. I also had chronic pain ALL the time, and I honestly never thought it was part of the depression. But that also went away with the medicine. Did the depression only start for you after you had your twins? If that's the case, I would think it would cease after a certain amount of time. I wish I could help you more! I'm here if you ever want to just talk it out though, or vent! It almost always helps just to have someone to vent to. :)

  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I was on meds for 12 yrs, at first they were like a life saver, then they nearly ruined my life. Now I have been off for 5 years. Staying away from sugar and caffeine, (not always easy) has helped a lot with anxiety, and taking flax seed oil capsules have been huge for my anxiety (Which got a lot worse in the last two years, I believe from hormonal changes). Also I had to go gluten free this year, it's amazing how depressed I get, and how much irritability and anxiety I get if I do have gluten, sugar has similar affect. I often wonder if I knew what I know now about food, if maybe I wouldn't have had to go through what I went through. Even five years later, I still have side effects (don't know if they are permanent) from medication.

    I say this as information, not to put down medications, and not to replace doctors advice and treatment. I feel we are very fortunate to have meds for things like this, when my mom, and her mom and so on had nothing. And certainly meds serve an important purpose. I think when it comes to treatment, there is almost never one magical piece, counseling, meds, healthy diets, workouts, support, and spirituality can all play a part in being and feeling healthy and functional.
  • laurenrenee1025
    I am going through that right now. I just weaned myself off of lexapro because I really didn't think it was helping. I've had depression during various times of my life since purberty. My daughter is 10 months, and I have actually GAINED 40 pounds since she was born. I am so out of shape I was only able to handle 15 min of turbo jam without wheezing. But 15 min is 15 min, and tomorrow it could be 16 and so on. I remember what it was like to be in a shape, be happy, and be healthy. That itself is motivation. Now while its only a 6/10 that i feel motivation wise I hope that if I gradually increase my times and better eating I will naturally lift my mood, which will increase my motivation!! I find if i wait til the end of the day to do anything I won't. Start small, think big, you can do it!