Epic fail today...

So I tried to start Couch 2 5k today.... Week 1, day 1... on a treadmill in the gym. I made it through 15 minutes... 5 minutes walking and 4 cycles of walking/running and I had to stop, I just couldn't do it! :( My heart rate was around 160-165 and I was basically panting. So I had to back off. I ended up walking for an hour, got about 3.6 miles in. I guess I'll try again next week. :( It's just depressing, I was talking to my boyfriend, told him I couldn't make the first day and his reply was "The first three weeks are easy." Thanks, dear. That made me feel even worse. I've never tried running before, and don't really know how... do you try to keep all your weight on the ball of your foot, or use your whole foot like walking? I'm at a loss here, and so discouraged. :(


  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    It takes time! We all have bad days! There are days I can run 30 min non stop and other days where I can barely do 2! Ignore the negativity, pick yourself up, and try again tomorrow. :)
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Don't give up! Running is hard, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    Just do what you can, and be proud of what you can do. Good for you for trying and making it as long as you did!

    Give it another go, and just stick with it.

    You CAN do it.
  • Maybe slow down to a slight jog during the running parts and build up from there?
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    That is not a fail. You got out there you worked your *kitten* off! The only fail is if you had not tried.

    I started with shorter run intervals to higher walk intervals. It really helped :)
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    Ohhhh.... no no no no no!!! This was NOT a fail at ALL!!!

    C25K is a great program, but here's the deal: everybody starts at different levels. You take as long as you need, MONTHS if necessary, to get to where you are comfortable.

    You know what? You started it. And that is an EFF of a lot more than most people will ever do.

    When I first started running it was 20 seconds here and there. And I just ran my first full marathon a couple of weeks ago (that was me selflessly bragging on your thread, sorry!).

    Don't give up -- if you want it, you will get it. Keep on going!!!
  • You can do it! Don't give up.... also, look at it this way, you went more than a 5k walking and really, every little thing counts. The important part is that you tried and that you not give up. Be proud of yourself!
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    Why would you call this an epic fail? You did it for 15 minutes! Keep it up and before you know it you'll run 5k. First time I ran I thought I would puke. Now I run a 10 minute mile. The only epic fail is if you quit trying! Keep up the great effort!!
  • Don't be discouraged! The first times are hard! Start slow and work your way there! If you start hard you will feel like an epic fail again and its not worth the stress or the depression!! HANG IN THERE!! You CAN do it! GOOD LUCK!!!
  • chef970
    chef970 Posts: 196 Member
    DON'T EVER GIVE UP!!!!! You are better than that. Yes its hard in the beginning, but it !!!does get easier as time and progress goes on... <3
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    Keep at it. What you did today is better than nothing and you didnt give up. Keep working at it.
  • RyaneC
    RyaneC Posts: 14
    Maybe slow down to a slight jog during the running parts and build up from there?

    Tha's all I'm doing, about 4.3-4.4mph. I'm a lightweight heavyweight, lol! I can't hang! The walking segments were about 3.4mph, running about 1mph faster. Hard to get the treadmill to transition.
  • RyaneC
    RyaneC Posts: 14
    Thanks everyone, I guess I just thought W1D1 would be easy since it's geared at "beginners". It really made me feel like a loser. I just started back in the gym after about a 4yr hiatus - life dealt me a fairly rough hand in that time but I finally decided I needed to to something, anything, to better myself. My weight was/is really getting out of hand, IMO.
  • You CAN do it. Really, truly you can. My suggestion: Don't do it on a treadmill! Because then you are likely bumping up your speed on the jogging parts to too high and that makes it unsustainable. Go outside, or do it on a track. That way your body will move naturally. And jogging is jogging! No matter what speed. So if you need to jog at a pace that feels like you could be walking faster, no big deal. Its more important to get your body into the motion and breathing than about the speed. Treadmills are artificial for speed, and it pits your mind against your body. Get off that treadmill, congratulate your self on your first day, and do it again tomorrow. If it takes you a week to be able to do the first day, then so be it. Keep working until you can do the first day, then move onto the next. Oh, and screw the boyfriend....
  • Sassi50
    Sassi50 Posts: 67 Member
    You did not fail....a fail would have been never trying!!!! It takes time...if you have to do more walking than running, so be it. You are not on the couch and trying something new, that is wonderful. Take your time and repeat any and all weeks until you are comfortable. You need to take it slow and steady in order to learn to run properly so that you can avoid an injury!!!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I'm not much of a runner, but when I am in my best shape and work up to it, I can manage to run for 5-8 minutes straight and then walk and continue with these run/walk intervals without feeling like I am dying. My brother, on the other hand is a marathon runner and now an ironman. He apparently got 98.5% of the running jeans and I got the 1.5% crap leftover.

    Don't feel bad, running is very hard work and some people just aren't cut out for it. I wish I could run, I would love to run.....runners make it look so easy and fun. I've come to terms though with the fact that I will likely never run a marathon, or even a half. I did a 10K a few years ago and while I enjoyed it, I was in utter pain for the rest of the day. Ive finally accepted the fact that I shouldn't do what makes me feel sick and in pain simply because others can do it easily. I still try to run when I can or when I am feeling up to it, but I don't force myself and get down on myself when I don't do well.

    Walking is great exercise by the way, with the right pace I can get my heartrate up unto the 130's, and it's gentle on joints. Try C25K again....don't worry if you have to repeat each week three times before moving on, that's ok. Just get back on the horse and try again, at your own pace. Good luck!
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    The first time I tried running on the treadmill I lasted less than 5 minutes - it felt like my heart and lungs were going to explode. I'm happy to share that I've progressed a great deal, but running is still not easy for me. I think that's what I like best about it though.

    Don't quit!
  • liveinthemix
    liveinthemix Posts: 360 Member
    Anything but an "Epic Fail" because you did the most important thing.. you tried.. and hell.. 3+ miles?? uh..sounds like a win to me.. just take your time and you'll get there!!!
  • You didn't fail. I started out running for 30 seconds and then walking for a minute to recover the previous 30 secs......i can now run 10km non stop. everyday you are getting stronger. remember....pain is weakness leaving the body.....DONT GIVE UP!
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    Even if you were at wk 2 day 2 and did the same thing....NOT A FAIL! Be proud of doing anything at all. I agree with everyone else here!!
    BE PROUD YOU DID YOUR 15 MINUTES!!! Good for you!!
    Be proud you walked over 3 miles!!! Amazing work!!
  • rhodes2b
    rhodes2b Posts: 304 Member
    It gets better in time... no worries. I found it was all about effort.