
Hello everyone, I am new to this site. I found it through a fellow youtuber. I make vlogs on youtube and thought I'd join this site. So far I like the concept of it!So far since starting my diet on oct 5th, I have lost about 7lbs. Not much, but it's something. I am hoping that coming to this website I can meet lots of other people that have had success losing weight the natural way. I was thinking of going the weight loss surgery way, but of course I don't want to put myself at risk for dying under the knife so I am doing it the natural way. Well feel free to join me on youtube or add me on here.


  • mary020378
    what about weight watchers which this is similar to it. but the meetings and seeing others in person also helps i started weight watchers a week and half ago and been on here for a little over a year. now im just putting my weight in here once a week cuz i dont always get on here everyday. but making it my goal to get on here or try to everyday to see how others are doing and to find advice and to write down with what im struggling with. good luck.
  • misslandee
    Thanks for your reply, my boyfriend and I are trying to do a program together, and since we are on a budget, we can't really afford weight watchers for both of us, But we did get the materials off ebay so hopefully that works out for us. I kid of feel like with weight watchers they were allowing me too many points for the day. But of course I could be wrong. I have been counting calories and that has been working out for me.