Clothing issues

So, I have not been able to fit into my normal size clothes since I had my second child in February 2007. I look in my closet and it depresses me, when I have to go somewhere and I try on clothes to go, my clothes don't fit me in the abdominal area. I kept fooling myself and saying I must have shrunk these shirts and sweaters but it is sadly just my belly flab.
My question in...should I keep the clothes and hope and wish to one day wear them again or should I get rid of EVERYTHING and use that as a motivator to lose 36 lbs?
I never look put together anymore when I go to an event. Chubby does not have to + frumpy. Does it???


  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Here's what I did: I took all my clothes that I KNEW I should be able to fit into and put them in a drawer. Then I went to Goodwill and spent about $30 on a new temporary wardrobe. Funny thing was, I got some really nice stuff for that $30!
  • Hollirot
    Hollirot Posts: 92 Member
    I kept all my clothes as a means of motivation. I guess if your clothes are old, out of style, etc... Then there's really no need to keep 'em around. But the clothes I have were expensive & super cute, so I made it my goal to get back into my amazing wardrobe. I'm so close too!

    Good luck!
  • monoxidechick
    I say keep most of the clothes, at least the ones that you would like to see yourself wearing again, put put them away. Then go shopping for at least a few amazing outfits in the size that you are right now. You have to look good and be happy now, it doesnt work to live only for the future. You are in the right place and if you keep with this site you will see changes and improvements and then you can check on those clothes in a month or two and see if anything new fits, and then it is like you went shopping without spending money. Good luck!!!
  • p0stdramatic
    Big difference between chubby and frumpy. As far as advice, I'm not really sure what to tell you. I held on to my "skinny" clothes for years. Back in the Spring I finally threw them all out in a fit of depression because I was "going to be fat forever." Well, lately I've kicked myself every day because now I could use them. I don't know if throwing them away had anything to do with finally becoming motivated or not. A LOT of things did. But I damn sure never got motivated until after they were gone.
  • paper_doll_
    Can't hurt to keep them as motivators... however I found the prospect of a savings account that grew and I shrunk and that would be unleashed on the retail community once I hit my goal was better!

    No, chubby does not have to = frumpy. Get yourself some key pieces, tailored black pants, black skirt, well fitting jeans, a couple of nice tops, some nice tees, a basic black dress and a couple of jackets, then you can mix and match easily.

    Edit: to balance out the black, go for bright accessories, or get your tops in colours and big bold prints.
  • slimkitty
    I had kept some of my clothes in a box put away. Every once in a while I took them out and tried some on, just to use as a guideline to see how I was loosing weight. At a certaiin point I was able to wear them again.
    I'd say - hold on to them. You don't have to wear them right now and look frumpy. But eventually you will get to a point when you'll be able to wear them again. Of course at that point you can go on a shopping spree and buy a new wardrobe if finances allow.

    Good luck!!!
  • KittyMul
    KittyMul Posts: 74 Member
    Big difference between chubby and frumpy. As far as advice, I'm not really sure what to tell you. I held on to my "skinny" clothes for years. Back in the Spring I finally threw them all out in a fit of depression because I was "going to be fat forever." Well, lately I've kicked myself every day because now I could use them. I don't know if throwing them away had anything to do with finally becoming motivated or not. A LOT of things did. But I damn sure never got motivated until after they were gone.

    Ugh, I did this too! I got so depressed one afternoon, thought 'I'm going to be fat forever, I might as well accept it' and put all my gorgeous skinny clothes in the charity bin at the end of my street. Well, all those clothes would be too big for me now, but I sure could have used them along the way! Keep them, definitely.

    Chubby does not have to mean frumpy. I'm still 37lb over weight and I look stylish every day! Maybe go to an op-shop or check out the sales and find some dresses or flowy shirts that flatter your tummy area. I firmly believe that you need to feel good about yourself at every stage of weight loss. Constantly wearing ill fitting clothes doesn't make you feel good about yourself (as I'm discovering now that my wardrobe is bare!). Before you know it, you'll be back in those awesome skinny clothes and so glad you didn't throw them away!

    Good luck :)
  • azzacca
    azzacca Posts: 126 Member
    I agree with everyone else. Hold onto the ones that will mean the most if you can fit into them after some weight loss. Then, when you under-grow them, you can feel super donating them. And thrift stores are a great place to find clothes to fill out your wardrobe until you are at your goal weight.

    I had 3 pairs of size 16 jeans that I couldn't wear this time last year. 2 months ago, I tried on one pair and was able to wear them comfortably. However, I decided this particular pair was no longer the style I wanted to wear (tapered legs are not flattering on me) and put them in the donations bag. Last month I tried on the the other two (except for their color, they were the same). I had originally thought they weren't too short, but just so tight on the legs despite the spandex that they crept up. Turns out, now that they're loose on me, they're still too short. Last Saturday I gave them to a friend who had slimmed down their size and they were the perfect length for her.

    I also had a pair of dress pants that I thought were tight. Turns out they were just poorly cut. They fit my waist fine, but were way too baggy everywhere else. More donations.

    Time to hit the thrift store again, I'm not losing pounds, but still shedding %body fat, and am starting to find my size 14 "skinny" pants are getting loose.