Looking for some buddies!

I welcome any invites! Don't be shy I don't bite :)


  • Hi my name is Lucy also new to this program. I too am looking for buddies and support. Hope we can help each other.
  • Hey! I'm Janie...just signed on to this program tonite! I would love to connect and get some support. Ready and willing to support and be supported!
  • hi its lucy just to let you I havent forgotten you. Most of my family ER is about finised I'm still plugging in my calories. For sure by Monday I will have you on my diary. Hope your doing well.
  • Hi i'm revnica, i've been here for a couple months but really started to take this seriously about 3 weeks ago!!! I'm here for support if you need it. You are very welcome to add me!!!! I wish you well on your journey:smile: