Need some friends for motivation to reach my goal weight :)

Hello Everyone! I am so glad to be here and to be writing my first post.. I have recently made a commitment to the gym! My problem isn't eating healthy, it is going to the gym and getting enough exercise. I seem to always fall off track every time I start going to the gym. I started once again yesterday and am determined to go atleast 4 times/week and hoping to lose approximately 15-20 lbs by the end of this year!
Any suggestions/help would be much appreciated :)


  • msbrock40
    Hi, I am starting off new too. I started gym 3 weeks ago and so far I'v only been 5 times. Im determinded to contiune I just been very busy. Keep pushing forward cause I am going to. My trainer has been very helping she always sending me emails and text to keep me focus. I realize its going to take time some I figure by next year I should have reached my goal. Just remember it will be slow and results will come if we stick to it. Eat right and stay focus.
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    Welcome! If you want to lose 15-20 lbs, you're going to need more than the gym. The only way will be to create a calorie deficit. That means you'll need to be religious about logging your calories each and every day in MFP. I myself have never belonged to a gym. Ever. I have a set of free weights at home and do cardio (run) 2-3 days a week. I do, however, try to eat clean and never take a day off.

    I'll give you an example. My sister-in-law does not belong to a gym but walks 3-4 days a week and logs her calories every day on MFP. She has lost 12 lbs in 2 months. Meanwhile, a friend of mine has had a personal trainer for 2 years and hasn't lost a pound. Why? One is creating a calorie deficit consistently and the other is not. Exercise is important, yes, but a calorie deficit is even better.
  • Circa1964
    Circa1964 Posts: 225 Member
    Kevin3344 said it best. It took me a long time (around a year) to lose my 20 pounds. Of course, I wasn't watching my diet as closely as I should have but it worked for me. Just don't set too vigorous of a plan that you will feel like a failure and quit. You didn't gain it overnight, and it doesn't come off that way. Just don't quit!
  • msbrock40
    Ok it has been a month now since I have join and I feel great. I have stuck with my exercise routine but I still have only lost 4 pounds in a month. I glad that I am not gaining but I want to loose about 8 pounds in one month. Can some one tell me what else I need to do.
  • manjingirl
    manjingirl Posts: 188 Member
    Ok it has been a month now since I have join and I feel great. I have stuck with my exercise routine but I still have only lost 4 pounds in a month. I glad that I am not gaining but I want to loose about 8 pounds in one month. Can some one tell me what else I need to do.
    4 lbs in a month is fantastic! well done. At that rate you'll be down another 8 lb by new year. And it's more likely to stay off because you're doing it slowly.
  • msbrock40
    Okay thanks for the advise... I want to keep it off for sure