Need support

I was doing real well a few months ago but have had some setbacks and seem unable to keep on track. I have started and stopped several times in the last month. If anyone would like to friend me and give me some support that would be great I am not sure how to motivate myself right now.:brokenheart:


  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    welcome! feel free to add me if you like..
  • MîîśÊmÿłõü
    MîîśÊmÿłõü Posts: 285 Member
    Added you! =)
  • mrsdauer
    mrsdauer Posts: 102
    sorry to hear you are having some having my own here :( i was doing super well exercising daily to jillian 30 day shred, then i hurt my ankle and was put in a walking boot..waiting on an mri to figure out what i gaining back what ive uncle got diagnosed with a quick -killing cancer....its almost too much and chocolate seems to be the only thing keeping me from losing my mind!
    i know that taking care of ourself is all in our head....what we want to accomplish CAN and WILL be don eif we truly put our "all" into it... excuses are eady to come by and they seem to take over our goal...
    im here to help and encourage and support much as i can. maybe we can be good for each other :)
    chin up, things will get better :)
  • DebiO22
    DebiO22 Posts: 5 Member
    Happy to add you as a friend! Don't know if I've done so correctly if not feel free to add me from your side. My motivating factor right now is my health. I am 54 and running out of time to get this turned around. Not going to give up though. One of the other tools besides this site that is really helping me get grounded and going in the right direction is a book titled "A Course In Weight Loss 21 Spiritual Lessons For Surrendering Your Weight Forever" by Marianne Williamson. Anyway take what you like and leave the rest. Hope to hear from you.
    Debi O.
    HJOHNSON33 Posts: 11 Member
    Welcome to mfp. You will do great!!