Anyone have a good protein bar they'd recommend??



  • big_dog8
    big_dog8 Posts: 43 Member
    can you share the recipe? i'd love to make some to save $$ :-)
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    Luna Bars:
    Lemon Zest and Chocolate Dipped Coconut are my faves.
  • NuttyBrewnette
    NuttyBrewnette Posts: 417 Member
    I like Lara, Clif and Kind bars.:smile:
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    Thanks everyone - for all the suggestions. I've been noticing that I never reach my MFP goal for protein. I currently like to snack on chewy granola bars to help increase my fiber intake, but I don't like the extra bloating they sometimes cause. So I thought I'd alternate with protein bars. I need a satisfying afternoon snack so I don't overdo it at dinner time.
  • Nosila0815
    Nosila0815 Posts: 143 Member
    I am addicted to two Balance Gold Bars - S'more and Mint Chocolate Crunch. I have only been able to find the bars at Trader Joe's though so although they are good they are hard to find and they are normally sold out.
  • healthy4self
    I gave up artificial sweeteners, but when I did eat them I liked Pure Protein bars. Now I eat Perfect Foods bars, Lara bars, or Good n' Natural Bars.
  • EA1604
    EA1604 Posts: 61 Member
    Make your own with a protien powder. Mix oatmeal (that will help with fiber), natural low fat peanut butter, water, protein powder. I forget the exact proportions but use your judgement, mixture should be moist, press it all down in a wax covered pan and freeze. The peanut butter makes it higher in fat and sugar but these keep me full. Someone else had posted this in MFP so I do not take credit (or fault).
  • big_dog8
    big_dog8 Posts: 43 Member
    what protein powders do you like?
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    I **LOVE** Quest bars. NO chemicals or processed crap in them that I can't pronounce. Low carb as well. They are a little on the pricey side, but you can't put a price on health! (: (plus if you warm them in the microwave, they taste like a VERY naughty treat ;)

    These are awesome!! And no sugar alcohols!!
  • big_dog8
    big_dog8 Posts: 43 Member
    Diet Direct has a variety pack of Wonderslim protein bars that are great! low in sugar and high in protein. some of the protein bars i've seen in the stores have tons of sugar and very low protein (1-2g!) not sure why they are called protein bars!