Cheat Days

What do you consider to be a 'cheat day?'


  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    sunday. :D
    lol usually ill snack a bit more on chips/candy/whatever, and we have one meal out where i dont worry about ordering the healthiest thing on the menu. sometimes i exercise, sometimes i dont.
  • I consider it a cheat day if I didn't work out and I splurge for a meal. I just find it hard to want to eat bad food all day after all the work I put in. I guess it all depends on what your goals are...
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    i guess not meeting your goals but as long as u can balance it in, everyday could be a cheat day ;)
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I don't do cheat days, because I don't deprive myself of foods I love! Want a piece of cake? Awesome! I'll fit it into my calories. There's no way to cheat if there are no rules :D
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member
    Having a treat that falls within your caloric goals.
  • I don't do cheat days, because I don't deprive myself of foods I love! Want a piece of cake? Awesome! I'll fit it into my calories. There's no way to cheat if there are no rules :D

    ^^ I like this :)
  • jweidner33
    jweidner33 Posts: 83 Member
    I don't do cheat days, because I don't deprive myself of foods I love! Want a piece of cake? Awesome! I'll fit it into my calories. There's no way to cheat if there are no rules :D

    I agree! I think cheat\binge days are counter productive. All they do is continue bad habits. If you cannot break away from the binge mentality you are doomed for failure. Just my opinion. If you want something have it! But either fit it into your calories or hit the gym extra hard to work it off. :) Ok I am done sticking my nose and opinion where it probably isn't wanted. :)
  • cuatesmom
    cuatesmom Posts: 173 Member
    going over goal but staying under total cals needed to maintain current weight.
  • I most certainly don't have cheat days but I do enjoy a sneaky less-than-nutritionally-optimal meal once a week. I log it and make sure I compensate on other days.

    This week it's going to be pineapple fritters and chips! :D
  • kanonxbou47
    kanonxbou47 Posts: 265 Member
    Halloween was a cheat day...

    I usually don't have "cheat days," because the whole idea...but on Saturdays, I have pizza and ice cream with my brother, but am still under calories.
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    my last cheat day led to a cheat week so i'm not doing cheat days anymore. I've decided that occasionally i can have something and i'll fit it into my calories. strangely enough, when i tell myself i can have it, i dont want it anymore. but once i start on the crap (meaning chocolate) i can't stop. I'll have 4 family size chocolate bars in one day, desperately cramming it into my mouth and not even tasting it. I don't want to feel like that anymore. So now i 'am a bit more pragmatic. want it? have it, but a reasonable size (such as a cadbury thin bar) and fit it into my calories. it makes me feel calmer.
  • mrsvatitagain
    mrsvatitagain Posts: 275 Member
    I don't do cheat days, because I don't deprive myself of foods I love! Want a piece of cake? Awesome! I'll fit it into my calories. There's no way to cheat if there are no rules :D

    Love this! I dont have cheat days either, because I eat what I want and I dont define foods as bad or good. But if i want a higher calorie food I have it!
  • natika33
    natika33 Posts: 154 Member
    To me, a cheat day is a day where I don't pay attention to the right balance of exercise and calories. It also probably means I didn't record that day into MFP. Usually it's because I'm off my usual schedule because of some special event. Cheat days are very rare for me.

    For example, last Friday and Saturday were cheat days for me because I threw a huge Halloween party Saturday night and spent all Friday and Saturday cooking for it. I felt I had to try all the recipes to make sure they tasted appropriate for my guests. Although I never ate more than a tablespoon full of anything, it still added up by the end of the day. I also couldn't remember everything I ate so I couldn't record it even if I wanted to. I had no time for my usual jog as I barely made the deadline of my party as it was!
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    I eat about the same every day. But I only work out 5 days per week. So on the rest days I often go WAY over on Net Calories. I don't see it as cheat days. The 5 days I do work out... I am usually under on calories. It balances out.
    I eat what I want, and exercise to burn the fuel.
    I will say that I tend to have a bigger appetite on rest days.
  • Thank you for all your help! (:
    I have never had a cheat day, and don't plan on having one for a while (if I do end up having one.) I think I would have an anxiety attack if I went over my calories. Lol. I have 1,200 calories that I can have, and usually have at least 800 by the end of the day. I usually don't eat a whole lot if I'm going out to dinner that night with my friends either.
  • GettinMyLifeBck
    GettinMyLifeBck Posts: 201 Member
    I don't like the term cheat day!! If it doesn't fit into my calorie count I don't indulge!! If I want something extra I work out, also If I want some pizza I eat it.