

  • bigchid88
    I have been wondering the same thing! No new thread but we got to keep working towards our goal. Maybe there will be some posts tomorrow since its our weigh in day =/
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Hmm... I hope so. Wonder how Reese is doing with her internet issue.
  • ta198488
    ta198488 Posts: 20 Member
    Week 6, I weigh 159 lbs. so I lost one pound this week. Have a nice week. I think this link is done. I be talking to myself.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Hey ta, Me and BigChid are still here. Is anyone else still in? I can put together a chart if you want to send me your weight. Has anyone heard from Reese at all? We can take turns posting exercise rountines for the week also that way we get a variety of workouts. If we still have a group here and no one objects I will step up and take lead until Reese gets back. I personally need all the motivation I can get. Is anyone still in?

    I lost .4lbs this week. Almost half a pound... not great but I'll take it. As long as the scale keeps moving down I am happy.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    So I just clicked on Reese's name to send her an e-mail and her account has been deactivated. What's everyones thoughts, should we say goodbye or do you want to continue? I can't offer T-shirts or Magazine Subscriptions but I can offer support and motivation. Let me know.
  • bigchid88
    sorry its midterms week. I lost 0.4 pounds this week. Not great but not bad given how i ate this past weekend. I would like the few of us that are still on to keep going for support and motivation. We dont need a tshirt or prize just the fact that some one is there to support motivate and keep me accountable is all i need.
  • ta198488
    ta198488 Posts: 20 Member
    Same here if you want to set up a chart. I will get you the information. I enjoy checking in on everyone, so if you are willing to keep it going I will be happy to continue with this group. Thanks for all your efforts they are really appreiciated.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Looks like it might just be the 3 of us but if anyone else is here please speak up. I will make us a chart but I need to know if you guys want to start over with Monday's weight being our starting weights or if you want to pick a new weigh-in date. Since Reese missed a couple of weeks we don't have an updated chart to continue from. What's your thoughts ladies?
  • bigchid88
    If we start over would our goal be till the end of the year or still till dec 5?
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Whichever is fine with me. I guess i do have our starting weights so I do know how much we all have lost since the beginning. We could just finish this one and start a whole new challenge after the 5th and get more people involved. Thoughts?
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Goal Weight 135lbs
    Starting Weight 152.8lbs
    Week 6 153lbs

    Goal Weight 155lbs
    Starting Weight 166lbs
    Week 6 159lbs

    Goal Weight 210lbs
    Starting Weight 227lbs
    Week 6 218.8lbs

    Alright ladies.... Here is where we stand as of right now.

    ta, you have lost 7lbs since the challenge started. This week you left the 160's in the dust! You only have 4lbs till you reach your goal weight... You've got this girl!:flowerforyou:

    BigChid, you have lost 8.2lbs in the last 6 weeks... 1.2 more lbs and you will have lost a bag of potatoes!!! Let's see if you can get there by next weigh-in, I'm sure you can:bigsmile: You have 8.8lbs until you reach your goal.

    April (me), Not doing so hot but at least I'm maintaining. I started this challenge at 152.8 and weighed in for week 6 at 153lbs. Weight loss is a serious roller coaster but it's time for me to buckle up and get ready for that huge plummet I've been eagerly awaiting! I have 18lbs till my goal.
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    Hey Everyone...

    Sorry I have been MIA...Possible Mono and severe strep over here...Plus Twins have been extremely sick too...Hubby has been home taking care of all of us all week.
    Trust me when I say this...I MISS MY WORKOUTS AND EATING MINDFULLY...Ramen noodles and popssicle overdose over here :(
    Hopefully I will be back on Monday...But I am here to support...from Far away!

    E xo
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Awe Twin, that is so sweet that your husband is taking care of you guys! I'm sorry you've been sick though. Good to hear from ya!
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    Yep...2 cheers for Big Daddy ;)

    I woke up feeling much better than I have in a while but feel so "pudgy and bloated"...Maybe it is all the anti-biotics and the lack of exercise...Am going to try to hop on my elliptical later today, if not at least go for a long walk with the boys.

    I am definately still in, what do people think about pushing our goal to Dec 31st?

    That would be give us 8 weeks :)
    Happy Sunday!
    E xo
  • bigchid88
    This week so not so good. halloween midterms and birthday weekend. Oh well! Tomorrow's weigh may not be good but I will not let it ruin all the hard work i have put in to this.
  • bigchid88
    Let's see where we are at DEC 5 but continue through the 31st and then start a new challenge for the new year =]
  • bigchid88
    I gained this week...which i knew would happen. Im now at 220.2. Just means I'm gonna work extra hard this week!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Twins... Glad to hear your still in! Don't forget to post your weight or e-mail it to me or whatever so we can keep track of your journey:wink: I don't mind extending the challenge, I've got a LONG way to go to my goal so I'm down for whatever!

    BigChid... No worries lady, that gain is well deserved. It won't take long for you to get it back down again I'm sure:flowerforyou:

    TA... Are you still here?

    I will post my weight in a bit. It's not looking pretty right now.

    As for weekly exercise, will post some things for this week then maybe we can take turns posting so that we get a variety of workouts... How does that sound?

    Monday: 50 squats and 20 lunges each leg
    Tuesday: Run/walk 1-2 miles
    Wednesday: 40 push-ups and 60 sit-ups
    Thursday: 10-20 minutes stretching/yoga
    Friday: 40 Burpees
    Saturday: Run/walk 3-4 miles
    Sunday: Rest
  • ta198488
    ta198488 Posts: 20 Member
    Yes, I am still here. I didn't lose any weight this week. I have been eating too well & not adding up the calories like I should. I did go for a mile walk yesterday though. I still weigh 159 lbs.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Goal Weight 135lbs
    Starting Weight 152.8lbs
    Week 6 153lbs
    Week 7 156lbs

    Goal Weight 155lbs
    Starting Weight 166lbs
    Week 6 159lbs
    Week 7 159lbs

    Goal Weight 210lbs
    Starting Weight 227lbs
    Week 6 218.8lbs
    Week 7 220.2lbs

    Goal Weight 150-170lbs
    Starting Weight 210lbs
    Week 7 183lbs

    Eventually I will figure out the whole spreadsheet thing but until then this is what we've got. Hope you guys don't mind:wink:

    Twin is back! You have lost 27lbs since the beginning of this challenge... way to go girl! Glad you are still hanging in there with us.

    BigChid and I were victims of the Halloween holiday:devil: No worries though, it's just added motivation for next week!

    TA pulled off a maintain. Maintaining your weight in this journey is still very respectable. You are obviously doing something right just don't give up:flowerforyou:

    So, looks like we all could use a little extra motivation. Anyone have a mini goal to set for next week?

    I think I know what caused my massive gain this week... well a combo of things but I'm pretty sure I can get my weight back down to at least 153 by Monday if I am a little more careful on the weekend. I need to remember to drink lots of water (64ish oz) and not eat past 8pm. I'm really good about both of these things during the week but come the weekend I fall apart:grumble: So that's my goal for the week.... No food past 8pm and 64oz water (at least) everyday.