This is my last hope

I'm new to this website, but im not new to dieting and trying to lose weight. I have spent tons of money on trying to lose weight. I always put time into the process but never effort. I just recently turned 22 and have decided its time to stop bs-ing my way through this weight loss process. I have been on here for 3 days now and have really been trying my hardest to add all the foods i eat to my diary. I have already lost 3 pounds. I really need support from you all becuase i cant turn to my family or friends for support, im just to embarassed. I would love to lose 130 pounds by my next birthday but i dont know if its possible, i just want to get healthy and look as good as i feel.


  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    You've come to the right place...happy to be your friend and watch with you what you eat. The best thing is to log EVERYTHING!!! Never cheat even if you go honest and before you know it you'll be loosing heaps!!
    All the best
  • bdmom3
    bdmom3 Posts: 21
    I'll be your friend:)
  • Aereon
    Aereon Posts: 27 Member
    I would love to lose 130 pounds by my next birthday but i dont know if its possible

    Of course its possible! You can do anything you put your mind to. Don't give up, even when it gets're capable of great things =)
  • elbandito
    Just friended up. Let's do this. :D
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    Three pounds already? Well, you've officially broken the seal, congratulations! Now, watch that unwanted weight POUR off!

    Don't be embarrassed about asking for help... just start by asking the right people. If you family isn't on that list now, maybe they will be soon. Imagine the first time your Mom/Dad/Sister/Brother turns to you & says something like... "hey... Are those new pants? They're kind of big on you, didn't the salesgirl tell you?"... (actual-real-life-comment-from-my-stepmom)... felt pretty good to say... "Nope. I wore these pants at Easter. Don't you remember?" & watch her eyes pop a little. It was a GOOD feeling. And a GOOD face too... the "Wait.... Did-I-just-say-something-rude-and-do-I-now-have-to-apologize-before-she-tells-her-father-and-I-get-in-trouble... let-me-analyze-what-I-said-for-a-second-did-I-call-her-fat-no-I-don't-think-I-did... Quick-say-something-else-before-she-notices-your-brain-freeze" face. At least... that's what her expression looked like anyway... lol.

    She said I looked good... & I said... "Can I make a fat-free-onion-gravy with dinner tonight?" & she let me... this woman HATES me by the way. Baby steps... Baby steps...
  • Dinah22
    Dinah22 Posts: 69 Member
    Welcome - you've found the right place!
  • fightingforfiftyfive
    So lovely to see so many helpful and lovely people on here offering help.

    Feel free to add me too :)

    By the way you CAN lose 130 pounds, if you don't think you can do it you won't.

    My favourite saying is...The only limits in life are the ones we impose on ourselves. Who says you can't reach your goal? You are in control and can do anything you like if you want it bad enough :)