
I have just joined after seeing a friend of mine on facebook post from this site with updates for weeks on end, i decided tonight to stop putting it off and just do it! so here i am. =)


  • heather1945
    heather1945 Posts: 117 Member
    Welcome - you've made a decision that you will never regret....I've been a member now for 37 weeks and have shed 19kgs.....it is a marvellous feeling - almost like a butterly emerging from a crysallis....lol....good luck...:-}
  • ShanaJo87
    ShanaJo87 Posts: 76 Member
    Welcome... I found out the same way as well. I have become addicted as much as i am with Facebook.
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    Way to go! Glad you found this place.. this place is so much better than Facebook. I logged in here and never close this window, but facebook? I only logged in there like maybe once a day for a few seconds.
  • Welcome to the team!!!!
  • vanessa574
    vanessa574 Posts: 3 Member
    Well i am back, and joining again - i have been really slack over the xmas/new years period. Went to the doctor today for a weigh on and i have put on 2 kgs!!! i was soooo close to being at my goal weight and now im 2 kgs more away from it. Not very happy! So have decided that stuff it i CAN do it and i WILL do. It is 6 (ish) weeks until my birthday and i want to be at 87kg for it. Im pretty sure i can do it, but fingers crossed!!!
  • Yep you can do it if you set your mind to it!!! I'm finding MFP really helpful so far... all the best! :D
  • angw7
    angw7 Posts: 69
    Welcome back :) Feel free to add me x