10 down by Christmas - Team 2 WK1 - (CLOSED)



  • fortysixpounds
    fortysixpounds Posts: 419 Member
    Hi Team 2

    Just droppin in to say hi and I hope you're all well, phew halloween is over aye? :laugh: I for one am so relieved!!!! Good luck this week and feel free to email if you need anything :flowerforyou:

  • Hello team members! Just wanted to say hello to you all and hope you're doing well. I see a few of you were without power, and at least one of you has gotten power back, which is awesome. It's hard to stay focused on anything when stuff like that happens. I'm sure exercise would be the LAST thing on my mind, so if you're trying, you're already doing better than I would be in that situation.

    I don't get a lot of free weekends to just relax, and this past weekend was one of them, so I did pretty much nothing all weekend and did not get my extra 15 minutes of walking in each day. However I did make up for it. I walked an extra 15 minutes on the track monday when I was at the gym, and I made extra time to go walk an hour at the gym yesterday. So I'm all caught up. Other than today's extra 15 minutes of course.

    Good luck to you all on the last few days of week one! I'm excited for weigh in on friday and to find out our new challenge for week two!

    Halloween is not over for me yet. Saturday I have a halloween party to go to. I've been in a major fitness challenge and lost more than 25 pounds in the last 8 weeks or so, so this weekend, I will be enjoying my party and not worrying too much about what I eat, but not going overboard! Luckily weigh in, is before the party! LOL!

    Have a good day everyone! And I apologize for the long post. I get chatty often, especially when I'm bored.
  • zaz936
    zaz936 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Wednesday, mid-week point. How is everyone? I have been doing my walking, but not sure where to log it. in the excell sheet or just in my exercises?

    Anyone needs cheering up these days or is everyone crusing like a pro? For me, November is low energy month, but so far so good.

    Water is back, youppi!
  • stritte14
    stritte14 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi All! Half way through the week...how are you all doing? I am doing alright. Not super good, not too bad, just kinda in the middle. I have been able to get in the exercise that was our challenge to us, but definetly had a few days that involved too much Halloween candy. I guess we will see what the end result is come weigh in day on Friday.

    Take care everyone
  • zaz936
    zaz936 Posts: 68 Member
    Hang in there everyone, tomorrow is weight in day! Let's see team 2 beat the others!!
  • Good luck on weigh in tomorrow everyone! Go team 2! Let's show them how it's done!
  • deevo
    deevo Posts: 276 Member
    I normally weigh in on Tuesdays for myself and one other group I keep up with. Should I enter that weight or should I reweigh myself on Friday and see how that goes? I am thinking Friday....I mean lets not kid ourselves I on the scale every day just about ha... Just wanted to see if anyone else had an opinion or was in the same situation. Thanks Heather
  • goalie35
    goalie35 Posts: 181 Member
    I normally weigh in on Tuesdays for myself and one other group I keep up with. Should I enter that weight or should I reweigh myself on Friday and see how that goes? I am thinking Friday....I mean lets not kid ourselves I on the scale every day just about ha... Just wanted to see if anyone else had an opinion or was in the same situation. Thanks Heather

    If weighing everyday why not enter it. If you'r weighing just once a week and it's on a different day, use that. I try not to weigh to much since it can fluctuate so much from day to day.
  • I normally weigh in on Tuesdays for myself and one other group I keep up with. Should I enter that weight or should I reweigh myself on Friday and see how that goes? I am thinking Friday....I mean lets not kid ourselves I on the scale every day just about ha... Just wanted to see if anyone else had an opinion or was in the same situation. Thanks Heather

    I weigh in monday mornings, thursday morning & evening (for a fitness challenge at the gym I'm with), and then friday mornings. I like frequent weigh ins. It's all whatever your preference is.
  • zaz936
    zaz936 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Ready for the week-ahead?

    It will be a tough one for one, as it is one outside my regular routine at work. I'm staying at home with my daugher today, Wednesday is a business trip and Friday is remembrance day. Moreover, on Friday, I have a wine and cheese party; and on Saturday it's the food and wine festival. I guess I will have to rack up the gym hours to stay on track. Wish me luck!