Help I can't eat my calories!



  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    maybe she can auction 'em off?

    I'm rather with you, Dave-- 1200 isn't a lot-- but, in my world, on my super tight budget, veggies aren't allowed. If I could eat a salad for lunch and dinner, for example, perhaps I'd have a bit more trouble reaching 1200? I don't know-- I'm trying to imagine. :wink:

    However, I'm rather trying to envision my body as a furnace, and trying to keep the fire burning at an even temperature throughout the day-- so I will often have a small snack even when not really "hungry" just to keep things fired up-- if I wait til I'm really hungry to eat, it's too tempting to overeat.
  • amyslaunwhite80
    amyslaunwhite80 Posts: 6 Member
    Yeah If you were eating a lot of veggies it would be harder to get to the 1200 cal. Veggies have really low calories (which is good!) But it is hard to keep it to 1200 if your not able to have the veggies. So for those who are eating a lot of salad and haveing trouble getting 1200 adding low fat cheese or almond slivers to your salad is really yummy and helps to add the extra calories and protein that you need.

    Thinking of your body as a furnace is a great way to think of it. That is exactally what you are supposed to do - eat snacks so that you don't end up starving. It's hard not to come home and eat junk when your really hungry because your starved and you want something quick which is usually junk or processed food.
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    Eat a steak! it works for me
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    These are a few things I did to increase my calories before my appetite started to want more:

    - add peanut butter to snacks
    - add some low-fat buttery spread to steamed veggies (or cheese if you like that type of thing)
    - make a salad dressing with sesame oil
    - have bananas for fruit
    - add some avocado or sprinkle pine nuts to top off salads
    - drink a cup of milk with meals
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    This kind of post always cracks me up because when you do the math to find out how many calories you have to eat to maintain your current weight I think most people are shocked when they find out how much they have been shoveling in to get where they are :wink:

    That said, beginner's usually have this issue because the tendency is to start eating more fruits and veggies and avoid fats and what may be considered unhealthy. Truth is you need more calorie dense foods because you DO need the FUEL. There is a reason why 1200 is a rock bottom calorie amount and that is because your body NEEDS calories just to function, you know keep your brain, heart, lungs, kidneys etc etc working.

    Try eating nuts, nut butters with fruit, cheese isn't evil, add a little chicken to a salad, or some beans, avocados are good, eggs, ground turkey goes a long way, Nonfat or lowfat milk, yogurt, etc. You have to rethink your food system now.

    Just think, if you have an apple it is roughly 70 calories but you add a tbsp of peanut butter and you are at 160-180 (depending on size of apple and brand of pb) and you have a nice balance of fiber, carbs, fats and protein. Simple things go a long way.

    good luck, you will get used to it and keep in mind if you don't find a way to eat at least your 1200 calories a day you run the risk of your body going into starvation mode and before you know it you will be eating everything in sight. :blushing: :drinker:
  • Vanessa1969
    Vanessa1969 Posts: 144 Member
    There must be lots of tips out there for low quantity, high calorie, good for you foods because those are the types of things that some athletes, bodybuilders, etc., need.
    Do a google search, I am sure that there will be something that is good for you that will boost your intake daily.
  • Delaina1
    Delaina1 Posts: 168 Member
    I also have the problem of not always eating all of my for example. I can NEVER eat all of my exercise calories. I don't really try to force it when I'm not hungry. Today I've had breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack and I still have 728 calories left! is 7:00 in the evening and I hate eating late! way will I get those calories in!

    good luck!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    I also have the problem of not always eating all of my for example. I can NEVER eat all of my exercise calories. I don't really try to force it when I'm not hungry. Today I've had breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack and I still have 728 calories left! is 7:00 in the evening and I hate eating late! way will I get those calories in!

    good luck!

    You need to eat those calories.
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    I am finding that if I eat every two hours, my stomach starts grumbling just before two hours is up. When I was not eating healthfully and just gorging myself at night on one huge meal, I was not hungry at all during the day. Now that I'v been doing MFP, I'm actually finding myself hungry again, which is a good thing.
    Keep cheese and peanut butter and tuna fish and grilled chicken fand greek yogurt ront and center in the fridge and eat. I think you'll find that the more you build muscle, the more food you'll want to eat.

    In order to keep yourself in check, keep weighing and measuring everything, too.