Weapons of Mass Reduction (closed Group)

Weapons of Mass Reduction (Group)
HMMCDOUGALD~as of 10-28-11 my weight is 233.9lbs and by Xmas My goal in 56 days (8 weeks)is to be 217.9lbs....
indianaangel~as of 10/28/11 my weight is 202. By December 23rd my weight WILL be 185 or less!
WStenger78~10/28/11 I weigh 153lbs and my goal by 12/23/11 is 143lbs (10 lbs loss).
momofacacia~Current weight is 178.8 by Christmas, I want to be 168. 10 pounds
nileighttig~28th November 11 my weight is 213 lbs and my Xmas goal in 56 days (8 weeks) is to be 206lbs.
Oberone~current weight is 326.9. By December 23rd my weight should be 305 lbs
Lady_Lucky~167.2, and by Christmas I intend to be 155
slorentzen~Currently at 286, puts me at 270 by Christmas
k_frank~CW: 202 Xmas GW: 187
marissology~Currently 233 and my CHRISTMAS weight goal is 216.

First Challenge: Set a Goal weight that you wish to be by Christmas!
(Please have a weight tracker) ~ Post here what you weigh and what your
Goal weight for Dec 23th is going to be(please keep in mind 1-2lbs a week is
healthy) Give a Christmas present to yourself by loosing!


  • Happy November 1st!!!!

    Mini Challenge................OMG it's almost time for Thanksgiving......And you know what that means to me beside turkey and family, MINI challenge!!!!

    MINI CHALLENGE: Set a goal for yourself to loose(keeping in mind 1-2lbs a week is healthy) before November 23,2011(the day before Turkey day).....3weeks and 2 days(including today and the 23th)....Good Luck!!!!

    Remember we are always there for you!!!

  • Hannah- I will try my best to loose 6lbs before Turkey Day!!!!
  • MarissaR65
    MarissaR65 Posts: 9 Member
    Happy November 1st!!!!

    Mini Challenge................OMG it's almost time for Thanksgiving......And you know what that means to me beside turkey and family, MINI challenge!!!!

    MINI CHALLENGE: Set a goal for yourself to loose(keeping in mind 1-2lbs a week is healthy) before November 23,2011(the day before Turkey day).....3weeks and 2 days(including today and the 23th)....Good Luck!!!!

    Remember we are always there for you!!!


    WOO! I love a challenge. I NEED a challenge. FIVE pounds.
    Totally going to do this. I'm restarting TurboFire today. Plus, the help of my handy dandy treadmill. :) Good luck, everybody!
  • I'm going to try to lose 10 lbs by Turkey Day. I know 1-2 lbs per week is a healthy weight loss, but I'm hoping to get in a good week or two for 3 lbs each week. :)
  • nileighttig
    nileighttig Posts: 147 Member
    What's Turkey Day?
  • nileighttig
    nileighttig Posts: 147 Member
    Ah you American's - we don't have Thanksgiving in England so it took me a while lol

    I'm in! By 23rd November i will lose 3lbs - not a huge target but it will take me to the 14 stone category! Good luck everyone - you can do it:bigsmile:
  • Sounds great! I'll set my mini goal for 4 pounds! YAY!!
  • Shannon_Nicole83
    Shannon_Nicole83 Posts: 181 Member
    Woo hoo!! I'll set my mini goal at 6 pounds.
  • I need to lose 8 lbs by Thanksgiving since I haven't lost in the last week!
  • WendyFitMomCHANGED
    WendyFitMomCHANGED Posts: 311 Member
    I'm going a little easy on my mini goal and will say 4lbs by Nov 23rd (149lbs). I'm having surgery next Tues and cannot work out for 2 weeks after it, so I know my loss will slow down a bit.
  • I gain a pound but I will not let that discourage me! I think I know the cause, it's because when I am at work I am unable to eat my lunch on time and eat my healthy snacks..So, I am starving half to death by the time I get to eat...I think that can make your metabolism go hay wire?! Not sure but that's my guess...Or water weight hahaha.............But I feel really really good....I will weigh in on Monday..............oh Monday be kinder to me................

    I hope you all are doing great this Wednesday morning......
  • MarissaR65
    MarissaR65 Posts: 9 Member
    Oh how weird our bodies are. Yes, when your body thinks it is being starved it goes into freak out mode and holds on to fat stores. According to guru Tony Horton, he tells in his guides for his programs that when you embark on a cleaner eating path your body WILL freak out and attempt to hold on to the fat. However, it will eventually get used to it and realize that you're feeding the body properly and let go of the extra fat.
    I have a really hard time eating every 2-3 hrs due to my job. However, I will tell you that when I manage a mini meal every 2-3 hrs, the weight is more compliant in coming off.
    I am finding night time so difficult. some nights I work until 9PM. THAT Is when those mini meals would come in handy because I get home and my appetite is voracious and causes me to eat things before my brain registers that my body has been fed. OY! It's such a wicked thing.

    I LOVE that you are not letting that pound discourage you. My weight jumped 3.5 pounds over night (even menstrual cycle?) but that has given me greater determination with working out. Now, to get my bad habits under control.

    Thank you for forming this group. This type of communication and accountability is just what I needed.
  • Today was my weigh in and I set my mini goal for 10 lbs by Turkey day. I lost 3.1 lbs since my last weigh in. That means I'm down to 6.9 for the mini goal! :) GO TEAM! :)
  • Shannon_Nicole83
    Shannon_Nicole83 Posts: 181 Member
    Woo hoo! Great job!

    I've lost 1 lb since starting the Turkey Day mini goal, set the goal at 6 lbs so 5 more to go!! Woot woot!!
  • Woohooo for loosing!!!
  • Okay, weighed in today for a loss of 2.5 lbs. That's a total of 5.6 lbs for the mini challenge. My goal was 10 lbs. I'm 50% there!!! I still have 4.4 lbs to lose. That's doable in two weeks. It'll be close :)
  • Shannon_Nicole83
    Shannon_Nicole83 Posts: 181 Member
    ^^ Great job!!

    I had lost 1 lb with 5 lbs to go for Turkey day challenge. Last time I weighed in....I had gained 2 lbs. Weigh in day is Friday so we'll see what happens then. :frown:
  • Hang in there! You can do it! Everyone has a bad day. I've had several this week... It's doable!
  • Shannon_Nicole83
    Shannon_Nicole83 Posts: 181 Member
    Weighed in today! Not only did I re-lose the 3 lbs I gained last week, I also lost a bonus pound! So back on track and down 2 for the Turkey day challenge. My goal was 6 lbs, so I've got 4 more to go! Woo hoo!
  • Great job on the weight loss everyone! Hang in there and keep up the work. I know we can do this! We are awesome individuals!
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