how many miles do you run per week?

all you you have a mile goal per week? how many miles do you average per day? do you follow a program?


  • I run about 20 miles per week, but also bike nearly 100 and also incorporate P90X for strengh training 3 or 4 days a week.
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    25 ish a week is my goal. I love when I hit 100 miles for the month. I run 4 days a week usually.
    I follow a program when I am in training for a certain race.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    I typically run around 20 miles a week. That's an average.

    This week I've done 12 so far and I have a soccer game tonight which is another 3-4 miles.

    My typical running schedule is 4-5 miles 4-5x a week, and one of those running days I do max which is currently 8.5 miles.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I'm averaging between 20-25 miles a week right now over 3 runs. 1 short run... 1 medium run... 1 very long run. I'm also running a giant hill in the medium and long. My half marathon is Saturday. :happy:
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I ran 3 days per week and I get close 26-30 miles per week.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    It's been 18.....................and I don't plan on upping it.
  • BodybyPlants
    BodybyPlants Posts: 76 Member
    In the winter I scale back to let my body re-coup from the race season... So anywhere from 10-25 (then I log a lot of elliptical time)... During the summer my mileage is usually anywhere from 25-50 miles a week depending on the race I am training for. I try to follow a schedule because I find I have less injury when I do... =)
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    No particular number for me... just run until I feel good, then I run some more. It is like a drug to me, and I have to have it. I usually get north of 30 miles a week though.
  • beccalucy
    beccalucy Posts: 250 Member
    Currently I average 25 miles a week but I'm looking to up that as I'm running my first marathon in April
  • alinnert4374
    alinnert4374 Posts: 8 Member
    Right now I'm around 10-12 miles, but I want to run more! I just have a hard time with the distance, I think once I lose more weight it will be easier though.

    Any suggestions for logging longer runs?
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I typically hit about 20 - 30 on average during my training. I'm currently in between races and averaging just over 20 per week. When I'm training for a race, I really like the Hal Higdon programs for racing. They got my through my first 5K and my first half without any kind of overtraining or burnout. Definitely worth looking into if you want a structured plan.
  • losingitforsummer
    losingitforsummer Posts: 20 Member
    Currently I’m running about 20 to 25 miles a week. I’ve recently increased the number of days I run from 3 to 4 days a week. My goal is to run 3 to 5 miles per run (on weekdays), with a long slow run on the weekend of 6 to 10 miles. Another goal for me is to cross training on the days I don’t run. I am not following a plan right now, but when I have a race on my calendar that is when I follow a training program.
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    Not really a "runner" per say, but I've been doing around 10 miles a week the last month or so (running 3 days a week, P90X strength 3 days a week), but as the weather gets bad I'll probably only run when it's above freezing and not snowy/icy.

    Come spring, I'd really love to up my weekly mileage and sign up for a 5K before doing Run For Your Lives (5K adventure race) again.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I've been suffering from plantar fasciitis so I haven't done much for a couple of months. I'm easing back into it with 2 x 3 miles a week, at least one on the dreamill for the cushioning.

    Next month I'm back to 3 sessions a week at around 12 miles a week and building with a 10% increase in total weekly mileage until the London Marathon in April, if my body holds out!
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I run between 30 and 40 miles per week, depending on what I am training for. Right now Im running 5 miles (tempo), 8 miles (intervals), 5 miles (sprints or fartleks) and 12 miles (long run)... which an optional run of 5 miles (for fun). I almost never skip my fun run. :)
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    It varies greatly for me depending on time of year & if I have a race I'm training for. Right now I am lucky to get 10 miles/week in, as I am super busy. Most of the summer I averaged 20-25. Once my marathon training starts in January I'll be going from 20-40+ miles/week.
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member
    Usually about 12 miles. I alternate with spin classes and P90X.
  • KEShikes
    KEShikes Posts: 99 Member
    I've been doing about 25 heading to 30...have been following a program for a 1/2 marathon and increasing the mileage gradually.
  • rvice2
    rvice2 Posts: 132 Member
    Currently 35-40 miles per week becuase I am in the peak of my marathon training. When I'm trainning for a half I usually run 25. When I'm not training I run between 20-25. I like to keep my base miles up so that when I start training I don't have to start all over again. I also lift 3 times per week and spin/cycle for cross training.

    Because I love to do so many other things besides running, I am following a new program after my first full marathon is over (december). I just downloaded Runner's World: Run Less, Run Faster based on the 'First' program. Great for people who want to run anything from a 5k to a full marathon and like to do other things besides run all the time which is what I feel like I do now!!!!
  • gleechick609
    gleechick609 Posts: 544 Member
    I am logging about 9 miles per week because I am still on C25K training. I usually hit around 2.75 miles in 35 minutes (3 times a week) and walk the last .25 for an even 3. Once I graduate (2 weeks away), I plan on running 3 miles twice a week and 5 miles on the weekend. Still a newbie so I would like to ease into the distance. I have 2 races in November and 2 in December!