60+ lbs to go Support Needed

Katzilla82 Posts: 80
edited October 4 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I've been a member here for about 10 months. I've been yoyo dieting since I was 18. Since my recent weightloss journey I started at 290 after the birth of my son November 2010. Most of my weightloss was from portion control. I'm now stuck at 230 but I know I need motivation to get to my goal weight of 160. I'm 5'9 so that would make me look slim. I really want that sexy confidence I had yrs ago. My husband and friends could care less about my journey. They've barely noticed I've dropped a whole lot of weight. So I'm really needing as much support from mfp as possible because I'm struggling on my own. Thanks


  • Karyn1120
    Karyn1120 Posts: 184 Member
    You've done a great job so far! I know it's hard to get motivated -- I'm in the same boat. I've lost 30 pounds and can't seem to find the motivation to keep going.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. The folks on this site are wonderful at supporting and motivating others. I wouldn't have been able to lose the first 30 pounds without them.

  • PrincessMorticia
    PrincessMorticia Posts: 96 Member
    Our weight loss journeys sound very similar :)

    Sorry to hear that you don't have much support at home. That must be discouraging.

    But don't let it get you down! Great job on losing 60lbs so far! :)
  • Great Job on your weightloss! Try eating clean.
  • Hi....I'm in the same boat...I'm 5'3"..weigh 229..too much..I have no support, but I an determined to be here for my grandchildren and for myself :-)
    In my heart, I believe we all can and will make it...please add me as a friend because I need it
  • liveinthemix
    liveinthemix Posts: 360 Member
    Keep your head up and push forward.. one day at a time!! You've come a long way.. We're all here to cheer you on!! :o)
  • great job.. im just starting this today... and i was devastated when i went to the drs yesterday and found out i gained 20 lbs... grrr so its dieting time. I am the same way. I dont get motivated myself. I need to know there are people out there like me that needs that extra encouragement and support. I have always had trouble losing weight no matter what I do. bigness runs in my family and its very hard and frustrating esspecially when I want to buy clothes cant find nothing that looks good on me. Of course I have people out there say that looks good on you but me it looks awful.....
  • nileighttig
    nileighttig Posts: 147 Member
    It's definitely easier with support from all these lovely people on MFP. I'd been gaining and losing the same 4lbs since i started 8 months ago and then i finally realised i need help. Since doing that i've lost 5lbs in the last 3 weeks which is a HUGE amount for me to lose and it's all because of the support and motivation i've received from my friends. You've done amazingly well on your own so i know you can do this! I'm sending you a friend request now x
  • Thank you all. I just get discouraged sometimes ...
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